Chapter 9: Development

Introduction and Case Study (p. 290-292)

1.  Study the picture on p. 291 and its caption on p. 290. What meaningful conclusions can be drawn from them?

2.  Describe the problems faced by women in rural Bangladesh.

Key Issue #1: Why Does Development Vary Among Countries? (p. 293-301)

3.  What is the HDI? Complete the chart on how the UN computes HDI:

Type / Factor(s)

4.  What is the highest possible HDI? What areas of the world have the highest HDIs? Where are the lowest?

5.  Why does the U.S. have lower scores for education and life expectancy?

6.  What is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)? How is GDP per capita computed?

7.  How does GDP per capita differ between MDCs and LDCs?

8.  What has happened to the GDP per capita in MDCs & LDCs since 1980? Why has the gap between MDCs & LDCs widened?

9.  Why is GDP per capita potentially misleading when analyzing a country?

10.  Describe AND give examples of each of the following job categories:

Category / Description / Examples
Primary sector
Secondary sector
Tertiary sector
Quaternary sector
Quinary sector

11.  What types of jobs are most common in MDCs? What types of jobs are most common in LDCs?

12.  Why do workers in MDCs have higher productivity than in LDCs?

13.  Does a country need resources to become developed? Explain your answer.

14.  How can autos, telephones & computers help measure development level? Where are these goods typically found in LDCs?

15.  How does education differ in LDCs from MDCs?

16.  How is health care and diet different in MDCs than in LDCs?

17.  How is the U.S. different from other MDCs in terms of health care?

18.  Complete the chart by writing “High” or “Low” in each box as appropriate:

Demographic Factor / MDC / LDC
Life Expectancy
Infant Mortality Rate
Natural Increase Rate
Crude Birth Rate

Key Issue #2: Where Are More and Less Developed Countries Distributed? (p. 301-309)

19.  What is the north-south split? Along what line of latitude is it generally found?

20.  Complete the chart using Key Issue #2:

MDC Region / HDI / Examples of Countries / Resources, Economic Products, & Activities
LDC Region / HDI / Examples of Countries / Resources, Economic Products, & Activities

21.  How is Anglo-America culturally homogenous? Why is this an advantage?

22.  How does Western Europe display cultural unity yet also great diversity?

23.  What countries form Western Europe’s core? Which form Western Europe’s periphery?

24.  How has the EU changed Western Europe?

25.  What has happened to Eastern Europe’s development since 1990?

26.  How did Communist planners direct the development in the Soviet Union?

27.  What were the three (3) emphasized economic policies in the Soviet Union?

28.  Why did communism fail in Eastern Europe?

29.  How has a new “Central Europe” emerged? What countries does this include?

30.  Why has development declined in the former Soviet republics?

31.  Why is Japan’s development remarkable? How has Japan become a great industrial power?

32.  Why do you think Australia is developing strong economic ties to Japan and other Asian countries?

33.  How did Europe influence Latin America?

34.  Why is Latin America different than other LDCs?

35.  What is Latin America’s biggest challenge to development?

36.  How has China changed with Communism (since 1949)?

37.  How has China helped lower prices and wages around the world?

38.  What are China’s development challenges?

39.  What are the challenges to the Middle East’s development?

40.  What environmental factors make development in Southeast Asia challenging?

41.  Why have Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines developed rapidly?

42.  How did the “Green Revolution” benefit South Asia?

43.  How is South Asia’s agricultural productivity tied to the monsoons?

44.  What assets does Sub-Saharan Africa have? What are the major challenges of Sub-Saharan Africa?

Key Issue #3: Where Does Level of Development Vary by Gender? (p. 309-314)

45.  What is the difference between Gender-related Development Index (GDI) & Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)?

46.  Why is the GDI measure of education higher in Mexico than in Iran?

47.  Describe the difference in average income between men and women in MDCs and LDCs.

48.  Where are the lowest gender discrepancies for education? Where are the highest?

49.  How does the demographic measure of GDI (life expectancy) differ from other measures?

50.  What are the economic indicators for GEM? Describe them.

51.  What are the two (2) political indicators for GEM? Describe them.

52.  What does it mean if the GDI is higher than GEM?

Key Issue #4: Why Do Less Developed Countries Face Obstacles to Development? (p. 314-323)

53.  In what ways have LDCs improved their development level? In what ways has the gap between MDCs and LDCs widened?

54.  What are the 2 obstacles to development for LDCs? What 2 options might LDCs choose to promote development?

55.  Describe the Self-Sufficiency Model. What three (3) barriers are commonly used to limit imports?

56.  Summarize India’s use of the self-sufficiency approach to development.

57.  Describe AND explain the two (2) major problems with the self-sufficiency model.

58.  Describe the international trade approach to development.

59.  Complete the chart on Rostow’s Model for development through international trade:

Stage / Name / Characteristics
1 / The Traditional Society / Not yet developing; based on agriculture; wealth allocated to religion & military

60.  Who are the “4 Dragons” or “4 Little Tigers?” How did they model their development after Japan?

61.  How have many of the countries on the Arabian Peninsula developed through international trade? What countries have benefited from this resource? Why does their success conflict with their religious values?

62.  Describe the problems of the international trade approach.

63.  How has international trade proven more successful than self-sufficiency?

64.  What is the World Trade Organization (WTO)?

65.  What is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? Where is it the highest?

66.  Describe the various organizations that provide loans to LDCs for development.

67.  What are development loans used to build?

68.  Describe the challenges for LDCs in using loans to finance development.

69.  What is a structural adjustment program? What does it require of LDCs?

70.  What is fair trade? What fair trade items are found in North America and Europe?

71.  How do small businesses and cooperatives benefit farmers in LDCs?

72.  How are fair trade organizations able to reduce costs and increase quality?

73.  In what ways do fair trade organizations protect workers and provide benefits?