HELD AT 9.30AM ON 17 MARCH 2016


Chair: / Ms Jane McLennan
Attendance: / See Appendix 1
Secretary / Dr Jessica Lee-Ack
1.1 / Attendance and welcome
Attendance and apologies were noted.
1.2 / Order of Business
All items were starred for discussion.
1.3 / Minutes of Meeting 18 February 2016
The Committee approved the minutes of meeting 1/2016 held on 18 February 2016.
2.1 / Rolling Action Sheet and Actions Arising
2.2 / Vocational Education Committee Workplan
The Committee endorsed the Workplan for 2016.
The Committee requested that an outline of the “Top 30 industry Partners Project” be circulated to members.
The Committee agreed that Associate Professor ZoshPawlaczek would develop a dashboard of Vocational Education programs in the Top 200 Programs Project and circulate the dashboard to members.
3.1 / Vocational Education Funding Review
The Committee discussed the key findings and implications of the Vocational Education Funding Review and noted the following:
  • A new funding model will be implemented for 2017 and the State Government will be consulting on the new funding model in June/July;
  • The introduction of compacts is likely; and
  • The State Government is focused on a smaller volume of funded programs with higher quality outcomes and is considering a range of measures including adjusting subsidy rates that are proportionate to the cost of delivery (based on NSW model), introducing fixed fees for Certificate 1-4 programs, reducing the list of funded programs particularly in light of criteria such as benefit to community and employability.
As the State Government develops their policy, the Strategy and Governance Portfolio will prepare appropriate briefings for key stakeholders – for example Vocational Education Committee, VCEetc– on the implications and work with stakeholders to develop formal responses to policy proposals.
4.1 / Report from Chair
The Committee noted that:
  • RMIT’s applications under the TAFE Rescue Fund are still pending;
  • 3 out of 5 applications to the VET Development Centre were successful including a projects focused on digital competence, video-blended learning and an induction program for sessional teachers;
  • A “Pre-Training Review Project” is currently being developed looking at the student experience from initial inquiry through to enrolment;
  • Demonstrations of Language, Learning and Numeracy tests are currently underway; and
  • The new “Skills and Jobs Centre” will be housed in Building 70 and is developing links and processes with “Info Corner” to ensure appropriate referrals are made – the Centre will be launched on 4 April 2016 by the Minister.

4.2 / Report from Vocational Education Executive
The Committee noted that the Vocational Education Executive is working on a range of initiatives including:
  • Strategies for international growth in India, China and Vietnam;
  • Workforce planning;
  • Marketing, profile and price setting; and
  • Supporting and initiating innovative approaches to VE delivery.
The Committee noted that it would be helpful to have a central register or repository of information regarding the development of international partnership arrangements for Vocational Education and agreed that the Chair and Deputy Chair would discuss this further following the meeting and report back to the Committee at the April meeting.
4.3 / Report from Education Committee
The Committee noted that Education Committee had been considering a range of matters including a report on audit amendments to grades and improvements to Special Consideration, including simplified forms and communications. The Committee with Education Committee’s assessment that the Selection and Admission Advisory Group should include greater representation of higher education and vocational education staff.
4.4 / Report from VET Funding Agreement Working Group
The Committee noted that at its recent meeting the VET Funding Agreement Working Group agreed to introduce training for senior administrators to interpret error reports and address errors identified.
The Committee noted the Performance Reviews Fact Sheet providing institutions with guidance on how to prepare for site visits. The representatives from the Compliance, Regulation and Reporting Group advised that they are currently scoping the work that will be involved in supporting the site visits and will share this with key stakeholders.
4.5 / Report from Vocational Education Quality Working Group
The Committee noted that the Working Group was reviewing RMIT’s sub-contracting instructions, refining the Vocational Education Recognition of Prior Learning Feedback kit and developing a repository of essential information similar to “VET Essentials”.
4.6 / Report from Associate Degree Network
The Committee was advised that the Associate Degree Network met recently to discuss its workplan for 2016, including focusing on pursuing new opportunities in 2016.
5.1 / No items
6.1 / ASQA Annual Declaration of Compliance
The Committee noted that responsibility for ongoing improvement work was transferred from the Compliance, Regulation and Reporting Group to the Colleges in December 2015. The Committee noted that improvements had been made and discussed the possibility of introducing a process whereby the PVCs provide written confirmation of compliance.
The Committee confirmed RMIT’s compliance and consistency with the Standards for RTOs 2015, including and non-compliance and identification of corrective and preventative improvements.
The Committee noted that the Compliance, Regulation and Reporting Group will support the preparation of the annual declaration of compliance on behalf of the CEO and submit the online form via ASQAnet ahead of 31 March 2016.
The representatives from the Compliance, Regulation and Reporting Group advised that the internal review framework was still in development however the new approach will involve risk based reviews.
6.2 / Scope of Registration – January-February 2016
The Committee noted the changes to the Scope of Registration January-February 2016.
6.3 / Use of VETASSESS Test for Admission of local applicants to the Diploma of Nursing C5313 at RMIT
The Committee endorsed the use of the VETASSESS test as a ranking tool for students who have not completed Year 12 or higher for the Diploma of Nursing.
The Committee noted the need for alternative ways to rank students who have not completed Year 12 or higher and noted that VETASSESS is a good predictor of success. VETASSESS is currently being used as a ranking tool for selection rather than as an admission test per se. Students undertaking the VETASSESS test will also need to undertake an approved language, literacy and numeracy test.
7.1 / No items.
8.1 / Next meeting – Thursday 21April 2016

Appendix 1 - Attendance

Ex Officio: / Represented by:
Executive Director, Vocational Education; / Mr Keith Cowlishaw / Present
Deputy Director Vocational Education; / Ms Jane McLennan / Present
Dean Learning and Teaching, or nominee / Associate Professor ZoshPawlaczek / Present
Deputy Pro Vice Chancellors Learning and Teaching from the College of Business, College of Design and Social Context and the College of Science, Engineering and Health, or nominees; / Ms Julie MacPherson (BUS) / Apology / Ms Natalia Rosu
Ms Jane McGlashen (DSC) / Apology
Ms Sherridan Maxwell (SEH) / Present
A Head of School with responsibility of Vocational Education from each College of Business, Design and Social Context and Science, Engineering and Health; / Mr Graham Airey (BUS) / Present
Mr Michael Goss (DSC) / Apology
Ms Cheryl Underwood (SEH) / Present
Academic Registrar, or nominee; / Dr Kai Jensen / Present
One Vocational Education student nominated by the Student Union Council; / Mr Alex Borsato
Alternate: Mr Carl Melkonian / Present
One elected Vocational Education staff member (employed 0.5 and above and elected from Vocational Education Teachers employed 0.5 and above of the University); / Ms Nancy Everingham / Present
Executive Director, Business Analytics and Planning, or nominee; / VACANT
Head of Global Quality, Regulation and Compliance Group; / Ms Michelle Hoodbhoy / Present
One nominee of the Academic Board; / Dr EjanulHaque / Apology
Chair of Academic Board or nominee; and / Ms Ruth Barlett / Present
Deputy Chair of Academic Board or nominee. / Ms Clare Renner / Present
Assistant Director, Quality and Regulation / Dr Samantha Young / Present
In attendance:
  • Dr Jessica Lee-Ack, Senior Governance Officer
  • Mr Glenn Blair, Assist Director, Vocational Educational Operations