Cedarcroft Board of Directors

Annual Meeting


Place of Meeting: Selma Burke Meeting Room

7:00 pm Thursday November 20, 2014

Meeting called to order by Kellen VanAble at 7:00 pm

Attendance: Kellen VanAble, Ben Stacy, Lisa Grimes, Marie Bradshaw, Deborah Kutschenko, Pat Sherman, Patt Russell, Cora Hager, Rosemarie Simpson, David Woodhead, Chuck Anastas, Debbie Anastas, Jill Brewer, Ken Krueger

Officer appointments - Kellen Vanabel will continue on as President, Ben Stacy will continue as Vice- president. Marie Bradshaw and Lisa Grimes will continue with Secretary and Treasurer.

Committee Members – Pat Sherman and Debbie Anastas were approved as members, no decision has been made as to what area they will assume. Others to be added are Debbie Kuchuncko, but she was not in attendance to approve. Will approve at next Board Meeting.

Treasurers Report – Lisa Grimes reviewed the Treasurers report and stated that Expenses are down and about 90% of Assessment Fees have been collected. She will continue to work on getting the final fees collected. Updated email address, phone numbers and current addresses, need to be sent to Lisa Grimes so she can update in our system. To many letters being returned and phone numbers changed.

Budget Report – Budget report has been tabled until it can be reviewed through the State Statue to see what the correct process is for distribution. Kellen will check into this.

Neighbor Community Watch – The Neighborhood Watch Committee is up and running. Things are continually improving and less problems showing up in the neighborhood. Need to continue with the COMMUNICATION! Area’s still of concern:

1)  Speed Bumps – Kellen is working on this

2)  Keeping up on the cleanness of the homes and yards

3)  Parking in yards

4)  Identifying the rules

5)  Enforcing the rules

6)  Getting the community to work together

Architectural Committee – This needs to get back on track and work with the homeowners on renovations. Ben Stacey has agreed to work on this.

Open Forum - The following open item discussions were addressed by the Home Owners;

1)  Concrete Benches, would like to have concrete benches in common areas.

2)  Additional lighting in common areas

3)  Need to get documents in Website. New Website will be established, as well as a new Facebook page.

Open Forum – (Cont.)

4)  Need to get notification of any homes that are not well maintained. Debbie Kutschenko knows of one, she will get the address Lisa Grimes so a letter can be sent out.

5)  Would like the Assessment notices to go out earlier. Checking on this in the By-Laws. Will try and get them out early February.

6)  Lights by the main entrance sign not working. Will address and get this fixed.

7)  There are branches covering the main common area light. These need to get cut down. Kellen will take care of this.

8)  Send a Board Member Listing out to everyone. This will be sent with the 2015 Assessment Invoice.

9)  How many cars are allowed per home? Kellen will check with the town to see if there is any limitation.

10) Can anything be done with all the cars parking on the street? There are so many that the Emergency Vehicles’ have a hard time getting through.

11) Rose Simpson stated that there needs to be more signs in the neighborhood for NO PARKING. It was mentioned that the City is responsible for the signs. They want to put signs, that state parking only on one side of the road not both. Ben Stacy stated that he did not think that was possible. Kellen would reach out to the town to get an answer from them.

12) Ben Stacy stated that the other neighborhoods are coming into the community with their dogs. Allowing them to poop and they are not cleaning it up. We need to contact the town to see if there is something they can put in for them to pick up the poop.

13) Can we put up a sign that states “For Cedarcroft Homeowners Only” in the common areas.

14) Need to find out what the does and don’t within the community as far as signs.

15) Establish different committees such as Social Media and Event Planning.

All of the above open items will be checked into and addressed at the next meeting.

Open Items:

1)  Budget Report

2)  Board Members

3)  Time and Place of Next Meeting


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm

Next Meeting has not been schedule yet, will send out notification in October 2015.