Notes on ChristChurch, Hillier Cemetery Society,

founded Monday, June 20th, 1922

May 4th, 1922

Meeting of the Hillier Women’s Institute in the Town Hall, Hillier in the afternoon. It was moved by Miss Young and seconded by Mrs. Sherwin that $25 be given to the Cemetery Fund. The motion was carried. Transfer of $25 from the Hillier Women’s Institute Cash book to the Bank for the Cemetery Fund. (Amount recorded in the W.I. Financial Statement for the year ended May 31st, 1922)

From the Picton Gazette:

June 15th, 1922

Special Notices

Notice – The members of ChristChurch, Hillier, and any others interested, are requested to meet at the church on Monday, June 20th at 1pm for the purpose of clearing up the cemetery and discussing further plans for taking care of same.

September 28th, 1922

Hillier Women’s Institute

The regular meeting was held in the Town Hall on Thursday, September 7th. After the opening exercises, the following business was transacted: The cheque for $25 was to be handed over at once to the HillierCemetery Society…


The work at the HillierCemetery is progressing favourably. The committee is to be congratulated on securing such a good man for the work. The donations received amount to about $100. Contributions towards this work will be thankfully received by Mrs. Lyle Leavens, Hillier, R.R. No. 1.

December 7th, 1922


A meeting of the officers of the Hillier Cemetery Society will be held on Friday night at Mr. Lyle Leavens.

December 14th, 1922

Hillier Cemetery (Front Page)

The Hillier Cemetery Society is pleased to report as follows: The work of the graveyard is discontinued for the season. The work has been done by voluntary and hired help. The committee report $134.10 paid out in wages, the balance in the bank. It will cost considerably to put the yard in proper condition – the fence, gateway, etc and to keep it so. All parties having friends interred in Hillier Cemetery are equally interested and it will be necessary that they assist us to make the cemetery what it should be, an ideal worthy of the living and a beautiful resting place for the dead. In the future, anyone wishing a plot dug must apply to the property committee; either Mr. Wilson or Mr. Leavens. The rate for digging a grave is six dollars.

Sometime in March, a meeting of the community will be held in the Town Hall, when suggestions will be received and plans made for the work undertaken in the spring.

We intend starting a fund, the donations to be deposited in the bank in one account, and only the interest used for perpetual care. Already held in trust by the wardens of the EnglishChurch until such a fund is started, there is $50 from the Jones estate. (This family lived years ago on the George Morrow farm on PleasantBay and then moved to New YorkState. Robison Young*, a brother of the late John Young of Hillier, was a brother-in-law of this family and visited Hillier [crease in newspaper] when the mother of the family was brought back for burial.) There is also $30 from the Lant. Nethery estate. Mrs. Amanda Sayer of Vancouver sent a donation for the general fund and says she will send a cheque for $100 for the permanent fund. Receipts will be given for all donations to this fund.

[* Editor’s note – Robison Young was the husband of Hannah Minerva Jones, who died November 14th, 1864 aged 23 years, six days. She is buried in plot 46, row 3, stone 2. Robison was the son of Nancy Robison and Thomas Young who married in 1810, the grandson of Hugh Robinson and Rebecca Dougall who settled in HillierTownship in about 1806/7 and the grandson of Robert Young and Jean McGregor. Robison’s brother John married Letitia Jane Whitten in 1862, a cousin of Sir John A. Macdonald.]

Donations to the General Fund

Previously acknowledged$178.64

Mrs. Sayer, Vancouver 10.00

George Jones, Vancouver 10.00

Mrs. Sherwin, Hillier 5.00

Mrs. Sherwin, Hillier 2.00

Gill Hardy, Hillier 4.00

Chas Tripp, Consecon 3.00

Mrs. Nancy Howe, State of Washington 5.00

Mrs. George Flindall, Belleville 2.00


January 11th, 1923

Hillier Cemetery – Donations Received

Previously acknowledged$178.64

Mrs. Sayer, Vancouver 10.00

George Jones 10.00

Tom Holmes, Hillier 2.00

Mrs. Sherwin 5.00

G. Hardy 4.00

C. Tripp, Consecon 3.00

Mrs. Nancy Howe, Washington 5.00

Mrs. George Flindall, Belleville 2.00

Mr. H.F. Lea, Pleasant Bay 5.00

Ernest Terry, Hillier 2.00

Mrs. Halliday (Ruth Woof), Elgin 2.00


January 5th, 1923

Miss D. Young, Secretary.

March 22nd, 1923

Hillier Village

The Hillier Cemetery Society will hold a meeting in the Town Hall, Friday night, April the sixth, to which all interested are invited. They will give reports, plan for the new work and receive suggestions. Please remember the date.

March 29th, 1923


On Friday night, April sixth, the Hillier Cemetery Society will hold an open meeting for all who are interested. Half past seven in HillierTown Hall.

April 5th, 1923


Remember the meeting of the Cemetery Society in the Hall on Friday of this week, open to all interested.

May 24th, 1923

Hillier Village

June the 6th has been chosen as Decoration Day for HillierCemetery. All interested friends kindly bear this in mind.

June 21st, 1923

Hillier Cemetery Society

Decoration Day was held June 6th and a good many were in attendance at the cemetery with flowers for the graves of their friends and relatives. Some from a distance sent flowers by express for their relatives to place for them. Flowers were seen on graves belonging to relatives in distant lands. Among such was the grave of the little child of the Rev. Mr. Rollins and Mrs. Rollins of California, kindly remembered by Mrs. Josiah Wilson. We trust that another year a larger attendance of the Annual Meeting may be had. Among other donations received that day was one especially appreciated by Mr. Fred Wight of the LakeShore; a splendid load of gravel. Mr. Robert Tripp is progressing nicely with the work of leveling the yard and we are encouraged and feel very grateful for the support given us in our undertaking.

Donations have been received a second time from some parties:

Acknowledged January 5th$228.64

H.B. Wilson, Colborne (2nd donation) 3.00

William Atkins, Wellington 2.00

Ernest Leavens, Oshawa 5.00

B. Wilson, Bloomfield 5.00

Mr. Christopher Wright, Hillier 5.00

Mr. Panting, Hillier (2nd donation) 5.00

D. Friar, Oshawa 5.00

William McQuinn, Hillier 2.00

Thomas Alexander, Consecon 5.00

Mr. W. Carley, Melville 3.00

S. Foshay, Picton 4.00

Mrs. James Morton, Melville 1.50

W.H. Anderson, Melville 1.50

Fred Wilson, Vancouver 2.00

Issac Tripp, Hillier 1.50

Charles Young, Hillier 10.00


Mrs. L. Leavens, Treasurer – Miss Young, Secretary.

August 16th, 1923

Hillier Cemetery Society

The following donations have been most gratefully received by the Society since the list published in June of this year:

Amount previously acknowledged$289.14

Mrs. Blanche Anderson, Rossmore 5.00

Charlie Babbit, Rossmore 5.00

Mrs. Annie Kirk, Trenton (2nd donation) 5.00

Mrs. J.H. Montgomery, Selkirk, Manitoba 2.00

Bank interest .95

John Bell, Wellington 5.00

Mrs. Eber Weeks, Consecon (2nd donation) 2.00

Mrs. Ridley Anderson, Mountain View 5.00

Mrs. Jennie Howell, Oshawa 2.00

Mr. Ed. Osborne, Dauphin, Manitoba 10.00

Wesley Smith, Hillier 1.00

Mrs. W. Ayers, Capreol 1.00

Mrs. Cobb, Ottawa 2.50

Albert McKinnon, Wellington 5.00


Mrs. Leavens, Treasurer – Miss Young, Secretary.

March 6th, 1924

Hillier Cemetery Society Thankful for Donations

The community has not heard from this Society lately, but it still ‘carries on’. It is hoped to soon publish a detailed statement of expenditures up to date. The following donations rec’d since the last list published dated August, 1923, are gratefully acknowledged:

Previously acknowledged$340.59

Bank interest, July 31st, 1923 1.51

William Turvey, Hillier 2.50

James Turvey, Hillier 2.50

Mrs. VanVlack, Waupoos 4.00

Nellie Carter, North Carolina 5.00

Mrs. George Buchanan, Pincher Creek 10.00

Douglas Hendry, Chicago 10.00

Mrs. L. Leavens, Hillier 5.00

W.H. Anderson, Rochester 5.00

Mrs. W.J. Locklin, Smithfield 2.00

Richard Jones, Hillier 5.00

Chas. Tripp, Hillier 2.00

Mrs. James Howatson, Mountain View 1.00

Ernest Leavens, Oshawa 2.00

Albert Davern, Toronto 5.00

Mrs. Stephen Noxon, Christian Street 5.00

Ben Hubbs, Wellington 5.00

Edgar Irvin, Brighton 5.00

Stephen Nease, Calgary 9.00


Hillier, March 3rd, 1924

Mrs. Leavens, Treasurer – Miss Young, Secretary

June 5th, 1924

Will Hold Decoration Day at Hillier Cemetery (Front Page)

Decoration Day at HillierCemetery will be the second Friday in June. A good attendance is looked for as the annual business meeting will be held that day and a complete statement of work, funds, etc. will be given. Since the last published list, the following donations have been received:

Acknowledged March 3rd$427.10

Mrs. Joseph Stapleton, Wellington 1.00

Herbert Panting, Hillier 4.00

Harold Hubbs, Toronto 10.00

Mrs. H.B. Wilson, Colborne 5.00

Mrs. Jennie Howell, Oshawa 1.00

C.L. Jones, Hillier 2.50

Tom Holmes, Hillier 2.00


Hillier, June 2nd, 1924

Mrs. Leavens, Treasurer – Miss Young, Secretary

June 12th, 1924

Hillier Village

Decoration Day is tomorrow at HillierCemetery. Business Meeting at 2 o’clock.

June 19th, 1924


A number from this vicinity attended the decoration of the HillierCemetery on Friday last. Among those from a distance were Mr. & Mrs. George Hubbs, Wellington; Mrs. Weeks of Consecon, Mr. & Mrs. H.B. Wilson, Colborne, Mrs J. Flindall of Belleville and Mrs. A. Kirk of Trenton.

Mr. & Mrs. H.B. Wilson, Colborne, motored down for Decoration Day on Friday at Hillier cemetery and had dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Percy Wilson. Mr. Wilson’s mother returned with them for a few days visit.

July 17th, 1924

Hillier Cemetery Has Decoration Day

Decoration Day this year came on the 13th of June and a fair number were in attendance. The annual meeting was conducted by President Mr. E. Terry and the necessary business transacted. It was decided that plot holders would be allowed to have flowers and plants on the grave spaces, providing they care for them, or have them cared for. A fine load of gravel was donated for the driveway by McGregor Young. The following statement completes the list including June 13th, 1924:

Amount previously acknowledged:$454.60

Interest on money 6.87

Donation, R. Rowe 5.00

Donation, Mrs. J. Morton 1.00

Donation, W.H. Anderson 1.00


Amount received from grave digging 62.00

Total amount received from all sources$530.47

Treasurer, Mrs. Leavens – Secretary, Miss Young

[Editor’s note – There is no microfilm for the Picton Gazette for 1925]

Thursday, December 17th, 1925

Annual Report Inspector of Cemeteries

To the Warden and Members of the County Council, County of Prince Edward,


I beg to offer you the following report of my work as Inspector of Cemeteries for the County of Prince Edward during the year just closing. The cleaning up and restoring the cemeteries must needs be of slow progress inasmuch as practically all the properties have been sadly neglected for a number of years, and truly, I firmly believe that we all should get behind this movement and do all in our power to assist financially with the end in view of making each cemetery worthy of the living and a beautiful resting place for the dead.

During the past year I have received many letters of appreciation, especially from those living at a distance and I can assure you that these have prompted me to carry on with a firm determination to in time bring this work up to the ideal already set forth.

I may say further, that taking up this work without any funds other than my own, you will, I think understand that it has necessarily handicapped me and I must admit owing to this and the continued wet season I have not yet accomplished as much as I desired to do.

I have inspected all the cemeteries in the western end of the county, but regret that the eastern end has been to date neglected. I expect with your kind consideration to finish these during next year and trust that all interested will bear with me in my labours.

My official report is as follows:

(1)April 30th, inspected ChadseyCemetery, Hillier. This property was a wilderness and absolutely disgraceful. I received donations of $108.00 for this work with disbursements of $62.80, leaving a balance on hand for next year of $45.20. The cemetery is now in good condition.

(2)July 15th, inspected GroveCemetery, Ameliasburg. This property was badly neglected and was owned by W. H. C. Roblin. I have organized the Grove Cemetery Company with the following Board who have cleaned up the property and put same on a business basis: Norris Gibson, President; A. B. File, Secretary-Treasurer; Directors: F. C. File, Leonard Wood, Milton Crosby, W. H. C. Roblin, Jacob Ferguson.

(3)July 16th, inspected AlburyCemetery. This property is well cared for and quite properly conducted, although I intend to suggest a few changes during the coming year.

(4)September 24th, inspected Burr’s Cemetery. This cemetery is properly organized and in a fine condition. I congratulate those good people who have the work in hand.

(5)September 23rd, inspected HillierCemetery. Some two years since I had the honour of assisting in the organization of this Cemetery Company. The Wardens of Christ Church, Hillier, form the Board of Management, with Miss Debbie Young as Secretary and Mrs. Lyle Leavens as Treasurer. The property has been much improved, is beautiful and the Management report great progress.

(6)September 28th, inspected BloomfieldCemetery, formerly the Friends at East Bloomfield. Formed the Bloomfield Cemetery Company. The property was taken over by the new Board. While work has not yet started, donations are being received and the following Board has been appointed: B. R. Leavens, President; Hubert McDonald, Vice-President; Howard Arkett, Secretary-Treasurer; Directors: Clayton Burr, C. H. Saylor, Alva Bowerman and J. P. Williams. The work in this cemetery will be commenced early next spring.

(7)October 30th, inspected ConseconCemetery. This property while located in an ideal spot is neglected and I expect in the near future to endeavour to form the Consecon Cemetery Company.

(8)November 2nd, inspected StinsonBlockCemetery, Hillier. This small cemetery dates back to 1840. It is not now used for burial purposes, however; I am of the opinion that the Township of Hillier will assist in cleaning it up.

(9)Pleasant BayCemetery, Hillier. This cemetery is disgraceful. I sent out about the 1st of October some 75 appeals for aid in cleaning this up but to date I regret I have only received the sum of $5.00. I am sure next year I will meet with better success.

(10)Mountain ViewCemetery, inspected November 4th. This cemetery is I believe managed by the Women’s Institute, in any event, its general appearance and condition is a great credit to that community.

(11)November 4th, inspected SalemCemetery, Ameliasburg. This is much neglected and another year I trust that I can give this my attention.

(12)StinsonCemetery and BowermanCemetery, Hallowell. These are situated just west of Bloomfield and will form part of next year’s programme.

(13)The HicksiteCemetery, West Bloomfield, is in fair condition and in an interview with Mr. Joseph Brown of that place, I was told that the management have a considerable sum for a trust fund in connection with this cemetery. The Board is, however; desirous of putting this property under new management which I hope to do soon.

(14)The UniversalistsCemetery, at Bloomfield, is in fair condition and well fenced. I observed that some little work should be done during next year.

(15)I noticed a small cemetery, much neglected, situated at the old school ground at Bloomfield. In my opinion this cemetery should be closed for the reason that in the immediate vicinity of Bloomfield there are five cemeteries which will serve that community for many years, hence I do not think it advisable to place any additional work and expense on the county.

During my term in office just closed, I have travelled something over 400 miles on inspection, written some 300 letters together with my work of organization.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Harry A. Jolley,

Inspector of Cemeteries

January 14th, 1926

Hillier Cemetery Society Report

Some little time has elapsed since a report was given of the standing (financial) of our Society. We are glad to submit the following list of donations, received since the annual meeting in June:

Amount forward $537.22

Bank Interest2.12

Mrs. L. King, Wellington5.00

Tom Smith, Hillier2.00

Ernest Leavens, Oshawa2.00

Mrs. N. Carter, New York4.00

Will Ayers, Capreol2.00

W. McQuinn, Hillier1.00

W. Turvey, Hillier2.00

Melvin Cronk, Wellington2.00

Mrs. Cobb, Ottawa3.00

Miss E. Terry, Hillier2.00

Stephen Nease, Calgary5.00

Mrs. Baird, Rochester1.00

Mrs. Allan Haight, Wellington1.00

Total $671.34

Hillier, January 1926

Mrs. Leavens, Treasurer

Miss Young, Secretary

June 3rd, 1926


June 11th, next Friday, will be Decoration Day at HillierCemetery, also the annual meeting of the Society.

June 17th, 1926


Several from this locality visited HillierCemetery on Friday last, it being the annual ‘Decoration Day’.

September 16th, 1926


Mr. Burton, Wellington, is building a new chimney for Mr. Ernest Carley.

October 28th, 1926

Report Donations to Hillier Cemetery

The following list of donations to the cemetery fund includes only those received on or before Decoration Day in June of this year.

Amount carried forward$671.34

Bank Interest (January) 2.23

Gilliam Hardy, Hillier 3.00

Herbert Panting, Hillier 5.00

Joseph Morgan, Montana 5.00

Mrs. J. B. Wilson 1.00

Edgar Irwin, Brighton 5.00

Charlie May 3.00

Oliver Preston 2.00

Interest on P. C. 8.35

Fred Morton, Hillier 1.00

Mrs. Kirk, Trenton 2.00

Mrs. C. L. Jones, Hillier 1.00

Mrs. Nicholson, Hillier 2.00

Mrs. George Flindall 1.00

Frank Flindall 1.00

E. E. Terry 1.00

Mrs. R. Owens 5.00

W. H. Anderson, Melville 1.00

W. McQuinn, Hillier 1.00

Mrs. M. Palmer, Wellington 1.00

W. Johnson, Consecon 5.00

J. Stapleton, Wellington 1.00

G. Hubbs, Wellington 2.00


The perpetual care fund is now $340, $100 having been received this year for the Leavens plot. The Committee decided to place markers on all those plots and anyone wishing to know more about the charge for same may enquire of the Treasurer.

Mrs. Leavens, Treasurer.

Miss Young, Secretary.

May 19th, 1927

Hillier (Intended for last week)

The second Friday in June draws near, which is Decoration Day at HillierCemetery. Let us plan to attend this annual meeting and bring some flowers to place in loving memory on the graves of our loved ones. We are proud of our cemetery – beautiful, quiet and peaceful – where our beloved dead are resting in hallowed sleep.