October 13, 2014

Mayor Carney / Absent:
Councilman Weekes
Councilman Kramer
Councilwoman Hawver
Councilman Hawver
Mayor Pro Tem Williams
Others in Attendance: Clerk/Treasurer Elvira Birrueta, Admin. Ranger and Attorney Sara Watkins.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Honors & Recognition
Approve Agenda / The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Carney. Mayor Carney welcomed everyone.
All Council members and staff were present. Mayor Carney led the Council/Audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilman Hawver moved to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda / Councilman Williams moved to approve the Consent agenda. Seconded by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
a)  Approve Study Minutes of 9/8/2014.
b)  Approve minutes of 9/8/2014 Regular Council Meeting.
c)  Approve those Claim Checks dated through September 24, 2014 Second Payment check# 17340 through 17356 & 3 ACH Payment Dep. Of Revenue, AWB, Arco Fleet. 3 Manual check #5362, 5363 & 5364. Claim checks dated September 8, 2014 check # 17364 through 17395 Total amount of $240,658.91
d)  Approve those Payroll Checks dated through September 30, 2014 in the amount of $31,192.68 Check # 17346, 17357 through 17363. 3 EFT’s Aflac, DRS IRS.
Planning Commission/ / Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting October 6, 2014. On October 6, 2014 before Commissioners Planner Hordan brought forth an upcoming Conditional Use application for the Naches Valley School District to build a K-4 School in a General Business zone property near US Highway 12 and the eastern portion of the Town limits. The October 6 meeting served more of an informational meeting for Planning Commission for the upcoming Open Public Hearing November 3, 2014.
Gang Commission/ / No report
Sheriff’s Report/John Duran
Public Hearing
Unfinished Business
New Business
Resolutions & Ordinance
Executive Session
Other Business
Meeting Continue or adjourn at 7:26 p.m.
Rick Carney, Mayor / Deputy Durand provided the Yakima County Sheriff’s monthly report including bar graphs and contract time patrolling the Town. The report showed 17 calls in the month of September, 2014.
a)  The regular Council meeting was closed at 7:05 p.m. A Public Hearing was opened to receive comments on the proposed Ad Valorem Tax Levy revenues for the 2015 Budget. After no testimony was received the Public Hearing closed at 7:07 p.m. Regular Council meeting reopened at 7:07 p.m.
a)  Railroad Avenue Extension: Progress estimate No. 1 for work performed by Scout Lake Construction, Inc. through September 30, 2014. The amount due the contractor of $168,261.73 is net, as per contract documents. Payment will be issued once reimbursement has been received.
b)  (DWSRF) Loan projects: Reservoir and Water Valve replacement. Staff is working on closeout of the projects and submitting a scope of work change to the Department of Commerce. The Town intends replace the reservoir outdated control system components. To improve the water system reliability, an updated radio control system is proposed using the remaining loan monies.
c)  Washington State Auditors: Federal single audit for 2013; Accountability for 2012 & 2013; and. Financial Audit for 2011, 2012 and 2013: The exit conference was October 6, 2014. The Town received a clean audit. The Washington State auditors highly recommended for the Town to update certain funds to meet the BARS manual cash basis of accounting and reporting.
d)  Yakima Waste Systems, Inc. Contract Service Extension: The Town attorney, provided a revised agreement with requested language changes
e)  Union Labor negotiations.
f)  Bonlow Drive Extension Phase I: Construction has started. The Naches Valley School District is responsible for all the expenses.
g)  2015 Budget Process schedule
h)  Northwest Administrators, Inc. payroll audit from July 2008 through June 2014. The reporting to the Trust is in agreement with the requirements of the applicable labor agreement(s).
a)  Mayor Pro Tem: Councilwoman Hawver moved to nominate Councilmember Williams as Mayor Pro Tem. Seconded by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
b)  Closing and establishing certain funds: A recommendation by the Washington State Auditor’s Office to change establish certain funds and close other funds to conform with BARS. The Town will have to close and open two funds to continue to be in compliance with the State Auditor’s fund codes and state policy regarding funds.
c)  Department of Commerce Public Works Trust Fund: Loan repayment date amendment to loan agreement/contract No. PW-01-691-043 and loan agreement/ contract No. PW-99-791-023. Council discussed.
d)  Yakima County Law Enforcement Assistance Agreement contract for 2015. Council discussed.
e)  Department of Ecology Application Grant Loan: Councilman Williams move to approve for Staff to submit an application for a Vactor – Sweeper truck to the Department of Ecology. Seconded by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
f)  2015 Preliminary Budget discussion.
a)  Proposed Resolution No. 2014-11: A resolution of the Town of Naches, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to sign the amended public works trust fund loan agreement/contract PW-01-691-043 changing the billing cycle. Councilman Hawver moved to approve resolution No. 2014-11. Seconded by Councilman Weekes. Motion carried unanimously.
b)  Proposed Resolution No. 2014-12: A resolution of the Town of Naches, Washington authorizing the Mayor to sign the amended public works trust fund loan agreement/contract PW-99-791-023 changing the billing cycle. Councilman Hawver moved to approve resolution No. 2014-12. Seconded by Councilman Weekes. Motion carried unanimously.
c)  Proposed Resolution No. 2014-13: A resolution of the Town of Naches, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to sign the law enforcement agreement for fiscal year 2015 between Yakima County Sheriff’s office and the Town of Naches. Councilman Hawver moved to approve resolution No. 2014-13. Seconded by Councilman Kramer. Motion carried unanimously.
d)  Proposed Resolution No. 2014-14: A resolution of the Town of Naches, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreement for extension of garbage collection contract with Yakima Waste Systems, Inc. and amending the contract. Councilman Hawver moved to approve resolution No. 2014-14. Seconded by Councilman Kramer. Motion carried unanimously.
e)  Proposed Ordinance No. 693: An Ordinance of the Town of Naches, Washington, closing and establishing certain funds for budgeting and accounting purposes, and amending Ordinance No. 545. Councilman Hawver moved to approve ordinance No. 693. Seconded by Councilman Weekes. Motion carried unanimously.
f)  Proposed Ordinance No. 694: An Ordinance fixing the estimated amount of Ad Valorem taxes to be levied to meet the financial requirements of the Town of Naches, Washington, for the year 2015. Councilman Kramer moved to approve ordinance No. 694. Seconded by Councilman Weekes. Motion carried unanimously.
g)  Proposed Ordinance No. 695: An Ordinance of the Town of Naches, Washington, amending chapter 8.12.230 A through C of the Naches Municipal Code pertaining to garbage service rates. Councilman Hawver moved to approve ordinance No. 695. Seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
With no other business to discuss before Council, Councilman Williams moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
Elvira Birrueta, Clerk