Lion John Gray – Curriculum Vitae
Candidate for 1st Vice District Governor 2015-16
My name is John Gray, a youthful 65 year old! I am standing for the post of 1st Vice District Governor having served as 2ndVice District Governor in DG Ian Haffner’s team.
I was very proud to be elected 2nd Vice District Governor at last year’s Convention, having served previously as Region Chair, Zone Chair and in several posts for Kettering & District Lions Club. These included Fundraising and Membership Chairs, Vice President and President, not to mention spending many hours in our “Lenny the Lion” mascot suit at Europa Forum!I have gained considerable experience which helps in my roles in the DG’s team and asChair of Long Range Planning anda member of Finance & Admin. Committees. I have also attended Advanced Lions Leadership Institute and MD Training this year.
I have a strong affinity with the Midlands having been born and educated in Birmingham before attending London University. I then worked as a teacher before becoming an Area Officer in the Berkshire Youth & Community Service. This encompassed many skills used in Lions today such as team management, preparing budgets and serving the entire community. This experience has honed my organisational skills, positivity and enthusiasm for working for one of the world’s greatest service organisations.
During this year I have enjoyed visiting other Zones and Clubs, making new friends along the way. Above all I am passionate about the work that each Lion contributes. Some bring freshness and new ideas while many have a wealth of knowledge and experience from long service. What we all have in common is the belief that we can, and do, make a difference.
I am truly grateful for the encouragement of my wife Lion Barbara, our son Robin and you, my fellow Lions. I now ask for your valued support by voting for me to serve you as 1st Vice District Governor in 2015-16.