Concession Money Handling Procedures

Thank you for helping with concessions sales. This is a big money maker for all of the teams and many other organizations at the school. We will run over 80 concession events this school year. So we need some help with some of the money handling issues to make sure cash is accounted for properly and controls are in place. Here are some steps to follow as you run the concession areas.

Before you start

  1. Starting cash will either be on top of the drink cooler or with the Athletic Director, Patti Sheedy. She typically will have it with the ticket money.
  2. Verify the cash in the bag. Review the INCOMING cash onwhite concession worksheet.
  3. PLEASE add the phone number and name of a point of contact who worked the concession stand in the event there are any questions.
  4. It is a best practice to always handle cash with at least one other person present to verify amounts.
  5. LARGE BILLS: Please do not allow a patron to clean out the cash with large bills ($50 or $100). Request that they get change from the ticket booth is needed.

End of the event

  1. Always do final counts with at least 2 concession workers.
  2. If you have more than $10.00 of quarters, please roll them using the paper rolls provided.
  3. Complete the coin and paper cash count on the ENDING MONIES section of the concession worksheet.
  4. Put the completed concession worksheet in the ZIPPERED money bag (not the SafeLok2 sealable clear plastic money bag.)
  5. Transfer the currency count on the outside of the SafeLok2 sealable clear plastic money bag. Simply write the coin total on the outside of the bag as well.
  6. Place the currency and coins in the SafeLok2and seal the bag and place in the money bag.
  7. Give the bag to the Athletic Director or AD representative to place in the school safe.
  8. Finally, text a message with the event, date, and “Grand Total All Monies” count from the concession worksheet to Stewart Barnes at 540-797-1338 (example: Wresting 12/3 $234.56).

Thanks again. Helping with these few steps, makes the money handling safer and more effective for everyone. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or e-mail.

Stewart Barnes

PHABA, Treasurer
