Town of Kinderhook

Town Board Meeting

February 9, 2009

The Town Board meetings were held at the Town Hall, 4 Church Street, Niverville, New York.


The Audit meeting was held at 6:30PM. The purpose for the meeting is to audit the claims for the month of December 2008 and January 2009.

Present: Supervisor McGivney

Councilman Bujanow

Councilwoman Johnson

Councilman Kipp

Town Clerk Kim Pinkowski

Excused: Councilwoman Kramarchyk


6:55 PM- Franchise Agreement

Supervisor McGivney opened the public hearing. Town Clerk Kim Pinkowski read the notice as it appeared in the Register Star. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider the reaffirmation by the Board concerning the renewal of the Cable Television Franchise Agreement by and between the Town of Kinderhook and Berkshire Cable Corporation.

The following comments were made by the public:

Frank Moses- said that he was in favor of the agreement that they had support from good local people to deal with and wanted to keep these people in.

The Supervisor declared the Public hearing closed.


1. Supervisor McGivney called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM.

2. All present pledge allegiance to the flag.

3. Roll Call of Council

Present: Supervisor McGivney

Councilwoman Johnson

Councilman Bujanow

Councilman Kipp

Town Clerk Kim Pinkowski

Excused: Councilwoman Kramarchyk

Others Present:

Highway Superintendent John Ruchel

10(ten) other interested People

4. A motion was made by Councilman Bujanow and seconded by Councilwoman Johnson to accept the agenda. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

5. A motion was made by Councilwoman Johnson and seconded by Councilman Bujanow to accept the minutes submitted of January 12, 2009. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

6. A motion was made by Councilwoman Johnson and seconded by Supervisor McGivney to authorize the Budget Transfer itemized on #12-2009. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. (See attached)

7. Councilwoman Johnson made a motion to authorize to pay all audited vendors claims. Motion seconded by Supervisor McGivney.

Adopted: Supervisor McGivney-Yes

Councilwoman Johnson-Yes

Councilman Kipp- Yes

Councilman Bujanow-Yes

8. A motion was made by Supervisor McGivney and seconded by Councilman Bujanow to accept all correspondence and direct it to the appropriate departments or committees. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Presentations: none

9. A motion was made by Supervisor McGivney and seconded by Councilwoman Johnson to accept all correspondence and direct it and file with the appropriate departments or committees. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Supervisor’s Report

Highway Superintendent John Ruchel explained the FEMA meeting he had attended. He said they had a meeting to set up another meeting. He said the next three Tuesdays they will meet. He said there was a broad range of people that attended the meeting. He said they will know more on Tuesday. He spoke of the debris and that it will be a struggle. He said that they have done some of the developments but that there was a lot of work yet to do, some on County and State roads within the Town. He spoke of the brooming work that will need to be done in the spring for the cleanup of the sand of the roads. He said that the CHIPS money was cut. Supervisor McGivney said that money has already been spent that they cannot spend anymore until they know that it will be covered.

Councilman Kipp spoke of the meeting regarding the possible purchase of land for the location of the Valatie Rescue Squad. The land is located behind Empire Homes on Route 9. He said the parties involved are laying out a game plan and will come up with something and work it out.


Karen Vecellio- spoke on behalf of the Kinderhook Memorial Library. She submitted copies of the libraries newsletter to the Board. She spoke of the newsletter and said that there is now increased hours.

She spoke on behalf of Columbia County League of Women and New Yorkers for Verified Voting. She submitted copies of paperwork regarding the voting machines to the Board. She read a statement regarding the (HAVA) Help America Vote Act and the replacement of mechanical lever machines. She said they do not meet current voter requirements.

Supervisor McGivney spoke at length on the subject. Decided was to skip to New Business D on the agenda.

D.  Resolution to Continue Lever Machines

A motion was made by Councilwoman Johnson and seconded by Councilman Bujanow to adopt the Resolution to continue using lever machines as amended (see attached resolution ). All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Frank Moses- said that Supervisor McGivney was the first one to make any sense. He said there is nothing wrong with the mechanical machines. He said that computers have too many glitches.

Bob Cramer- spoke of the joint meeting with the Comprehensive Plan and 9/9H Corridor Committees and said that they are going to work as a combined unit. He asked about striping Maple Lane South because it would be useful to slow people down. There was discussion on the draft contract sent by DOT.

A motion was made by Councilman Bujanow and seconded by Supervisor McGivney to authorize Supervisor McGivney to sign the DOT grant application upon approval from council and consent from the heads of the combined Comprehensive Plan/ 9/9H Corridor Study Committees. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

Barbara Romburger- asked if there was any information on the speed reduction on McCagg Road.


A. Franchise Agreement

A motion was made by Supervisor McGivney and seconded by Councilwoman Johnson to authorize the Supervisor to enter into the agreement with the understanding that there be a discussion with Fairpoint regarding good public access as well as good service (see attached). All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

B. Consider Appointments

A motion was made by Supervisor McGivney and seconded by Councilwoman Johnson to appoint Jake Samascott and Derick LaTorre as alternate Planning Board members with a term to expire 12/31/09 and to appoint Ron Samascott a member of the combined Comprehensive Plan/ 9/9H Corridor Committee. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

C. Teamsters Contract-Executive Session

D. Increase Fees for Town Engineer

A motion was made by Councilwoman Johnson and seconded by Councilman Kipp to increase the fees for Town Engineer Pat Prendergast as outlined in his letter dated 1/5/09 (see attached). All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

E. Ice Storm Clean Up- No Budget, Payment w/o FEMA-discussed earlier

F. Blood Drive-consider postponing

A motion was made by Councilwoman Johnson and seconded by Supervisor McGivney to postpone the Blood Drive to a date to be determined at a later time. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.


A.  Library Lovers Month

A motion was made by Councilwoman Johnson and seconded by Councilman Bujanow to adopt February as Library Lovers Month in the Town of Kinderhook (see attached proclamation). All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.

B.  Trails-deferred

C.  Contracts-VRS, Fire Companies and Villages-Executive Session

D.  Resolution to Continue Lever Machines-done earlier





A motion was made by Councilwoman Johnson and seconded by Councilman Bujanow to discuss contracts and litigation. All in favor. Motion passed unanimously. Executive Session began at 8:03PM


Supervisor McGivney

Councilwoman Johnson

Councilman Kipp

Councilman Bujanow

Town Clerk Pinkowski

Excused: Councilwoman Kramarchyk

A motion was made by Councilwoman Johnson and seconded by Supervisor McGivney to come out of executive session. All in favor. Motion passed unanimously.

Time 8:50PM

Councilman Kipp gave a trails committee update. He submitted an outline to the Board. (see attached)

A motion was made by Councilwoman Johnson and seconded by Supervisor McGivney to appropriate up to $8,800.00 for engineering and survey work for the Town of Kinderhook trails based on actual proposals. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.


Councilman Bujanow made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Councilwoman Johnson seconded the motion. All in favor. So carried.

Time 9:13PM

Respectfully Submitted

Kimberly A. Pinkowski, RMC

Town Clerk
