2-24-2009 minutes

ATTENDENCE: Lori Klopfenstein, Jim & Deenie Morris, Curt & Angie Williams, Laurie Temple, Diane Coleman, Tony & Susan Smith, Rod Ott, Phil & Donna Bokar, Kathy Yontz, Jennifer Kirchhofer, Margie Morrison, Amanda Price, Nina Fetter, Anna Milicia, Brad Saunders, John & Dianna Hampton and guest, Jean Baughman.

CALL TO ORDER: President Deenie Morris called the meeting to order at 7:30pm after 6:30 class.

SECRETARY: Tony made a motion to accept the minutes as printed. Phil seconded the motion. Passed.

TREASURER: Diane C. made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as printed. Jennifer seconded the motion. Passed.

COMMITTEE: A report from Ellen: the paperwork has been submitted for the June show; the puppy match will be held on June 29th; we will be having the CGC again. The trophy information for the November show needs to be in to Donna by the June meeting.

Jim said that the fence will be put up when they can get in the ground this spring.

CORRESPONDENCE: AKC approved our application for the June 28th show; Dayton Dog Training Club is presenting a Sandra Ladwig’s Problem Solving Workshop on May 8-9-10; Hodges Badge Catalog; Pat Hasting’s “Puppy Puzzle Plus” Seminar on June 29th;AKC would like us to participate in the selection of recipients for the Achievement Awards. Nominations have to be in by May 8th; Bonham’s “The Dog Sale” flyer; Bonnie Threfall sent a “Thank You” for the November judging assignment; AKC Re: CGC program flyer; Hospice of Cincinnati brochure; Lee Arnold sent his resume. He is running for the AKC Board and asking for our support; AKC Government Relations Department describing their services.

DELEGATE’S REPORT: Rod gave the delegate’s report. He passed around the background information on the candidates running for the AKC Board.

APPLICATIONS: Jean Baughman (Bulldogs) had her first reading.

OLD BUSINESS: Phil asked about the dog vests. Tony said that he hasn’t heard anything from the department. Phil said that Auglaize County (St Mary’s) would accept the vests.

NEW BUSINESS: Deenie said that the meeting in June would fall after the show. Jim made a motion to change the June meeting from the last Tuesday of the month (after the show) to the Tuesday before the show which would be June 23. Diane Coleman seconded the motion. Passed.

Phil said that there will be another lure coursing event held at Botkins on March 22.

Margie brought up an “FYI”…when a dam is registered to multiple owners only 1 signature is required to register the puppies. AKC is allowing it, but is now looking into it. They are making an exception now. Rod will bring it up at the delegates’ meeting.

BRAGS; Jim & Deenie and Kathy & Ron’s Rottie, Katrina, finished her Championship with her last major in Indianapolis and also went Best of Winners.

Kathy & Jim’s Rottie, Bruno, took a 1st place in his class all four days in Indianapolis, went Best Puppy in Breed ; was pulled in the Working Group and took a 1st placement in his class in Sweeps his first weekend out in the 6-9 puppy class.

Lori’s Bulldog, RLK Gental Ben of KO, took a 4-point major in Cleveland for his second major.

Mandy Price’s Toy Fox Terrier, New Champion DynAsty Valcopy What Happens In Vegas, finished in four weekends from the Bred By class. Owned, shown and bred by Mandy.

Margie’s brag…Pet Land Closed!

HOSTESS for the March 31st meeting is Jennifer.

ADJOURN: Jim made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lori seconded the motion. Passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Yontz, secretary LKC