The purposeof this guideis to formallyestablish employee responsibilitiesregarding the use of City issued
equipment.This policy isintended to supplement city-wide policies regardinguse of e-mail, computers,and Internet access already in effect.
The City of Philadelphiaand the Department of Human Services(DHS) are committed to providing the best possible resources forits employees to accomplish the agency’s mission.Goods purchased by the cityfor this purposeare definedas cityproperty which represents a broad range ofitems (i.e. office furniture and equipment, vehicles,office supplies, etc.).
The Department requires its employees to be readilyaccessible and equips them with appropriate electronic equipment to accomplish their job duties.Electronic equipmentassigned toemployees provides an effectiveand efficientmeans forassuring enhance job performance.
“Electronic equipment” refers, but is not limited, to the following items:
-Cellular telephones.
-Laptop and notebook computers.
Loss:Any act or failure to act whereby an employee misplaces DHS issued equipment oris unable to locateor account for it.
Abuse:Any act or failure to act whereby an employee causesor allows DHS issued equipment to be damagedor become inoperable.
Misuse:The use of DHS issued equipment for personal or non-work related reasons bythe employeeor by any other person.Allowing access to DHS issuedequipment toany other personmay provide access to confidential information contained onany program on the equipmentand also constitutes a breach ofconfidentiality.
City-issued electronic equipment mustbe used conscientiously and is for business purposes only.Employees are expected tobe responsible for city equipmentissued to them and maintain itin proper working conditionat all times.
Employees are responsiblefor ensuringand maintaining the confidentiality ofany information containedin any program on the equipment. Employeesare solely responsible for the safekeeping and appropriate use ofthe electronic equipment issued to them.
-Electronic equipment issued to employees must bekept in a secure locationwhen not in use.
-Outside of the office, electronic equipment must be keptin the personal possessionof employees and is for the sole useof those to whomit was issued.
Employees must report the theft or suspected theftof electronicequipment to the Logisticsand Special Projects Administrative Specialist,their immediate supervisor, andthe Police as soon as possible but not more than one business day later. Employees are responsible for obtaining a copy of the Police Reportand providing itto the Departmentstaff that issued the equipment inorder for a replacement to beauthorized.
If electronicequipment isbroken orlost, employeesmust report it to the Logisticsand Special Projects
Administrative Specialist and their immediatesupervisor as soon as possible but not more than one business day later. If employees subsequentlyfind the lostequipment, they must notify the Logistics and Special ProjectsAdministrative Specialistand their immediate supervisoras soon aspossible butnot more thanone business day later.
The misuse,abuse, or loss of electronicequipmentmay result in the loss of privilegesfor further issuance, employee disciplinary action, and reimbursementtothe City for charges notassociated with City businessor costs related to the repairorreplacementof broken or lost electronic equipment.Each instance will be dealt with consistently and progressively on an occurrence by occurrence basis.
Employees who separate from the Department or transfer toanother City Department are responsible forreturning any City-issued electronic equipment to the Deputy IT Directoron or before the last day they are required to report
to work.Failure to do somay result inemployee discipline or legal action by the City to recover the equipmentor its cost.
Call the Policy and Planning Help Line at 215-683-4108 if you have any questions regarding this policy.
PhiladelphiaDepartment ofHumanServices
Policyand Planning SupportCenter