Meeting Minutes

Thursday, August 13, 2015

6:30 p.m. at the Bradford Academy

In Attendance:

Board Members Present: Thomas E. Unkles, Carole P. Taylor, Daniel A. Perry III, Randy L. Moore, Lisa D. Sharp

Administrative Assistant: Danielle Robinson

Others present: Bob Wing, Nancy Jones, Ed Morrison, Katherine Rose, Harvey Dorr, Alex Nuti-de Biasi, Bev Grimes, Stephen Johnson, Duane Burgess, Jeffrey Taylor, Nila Anaya, Bonna Wieler, Bob Illingsworth, Phil Page, Jeffrey Stiegler, Jennifer Rivers

Ted Unkles called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Public Comment:

Nancy Jones made the Selectboard aware that the tree at Denny Park is not going to make it and the Conservation Commission is going to have it replaced. The tree is under warranty but the Commission will still have to pay a delivery fee.

Nancy Jones explained that the Conservation Commission has a line item in their budget for $400.00 towards Energy expenses and they are looking for projects to help with.

Harvey Dorr expressed his opinion that there needs to be a dotted line placed at the intersection of Fairground Road and Goshen Road East to indicate where the yield is. Phil Page agreed this was a good idea but also explained that there is going to be a stop sign placed at the intersection which will also help with traffic.

Boundary Line Agreement Burgess-Jeff Taylor:

A survey plan was done by Byron Kidder on the Burgess property. Burgess built a cattle fence along the top of the excavated bank but the fence is not on the true property line. In 2002 DuBois & King did survey work for the sidewalk on Fairground Road and did not identify that the land actually belonged to Burgess so Byron Kidder is suggesting that Burgess give the Town of Bradford an easement agreement for the culvert, and that Burgess and the town sign a new boundary line agreement.

Dan Perry made a motion for Gary Moore to sign a boundary line agreement and easement agreement on behalf of the Town once all the final plans are completed.


Tax Rate:

Randy Moore made a motion to approve the tax rates as follows:

0.3703 Town General Fund

0.0212 Sewer Bond

0.0041 Local Contract

0.3437 Highway Fund

0.0446 Street Bond (village only)

0.7393 Total Town Tax Rate

0.7839 Total Village Tax Rate

The School Tax rate that is set by the state:

1.4409 Resident and 1.4620 Non-Resident


Review 2014 Audit Findings:

2 Audit findings page 52 of the audit. The Selectboard will review and respond to the findings at next meeting.

Public Assembly Permits- Fairgrounds:

There was discussion on the current process for obtaining a public assembly permit. The current public assembly ordinance states that for events with 250 or more people the organization must obtain a permit. The Selectboard would like to see this number lowered. There are also other changes the Board would like to see changed regarding the number of campers allowed per acre of land for every participant attending.

The Selectboard would like for the Public Safety Commission to work on changes to the public assembly ordinance that are in compliance with the State of Vermont regulations.

The Selectboard asked Paul Thurston if the Fair Association can make the Selectboard aware of events going on at the Fairgrounds at least three weeks ahead of time.

Enhanced Living Inc.- Pedestrian Path:

ACT 250 has put in their land use permit a condition that states that Enhanced Living Inc. has to install a pedestrian path at the top of Plateau Acres Road to the bottom of the road. The design of the path is supposed to be worked out with ELI and the Town of Bradford. ELI asked that the Town reconsider a seasonal foot path that is to be built and maintained, at no cost to the Town, by Enhanced Living, Inc. ELI is willing to indemnify the Town of liability by signing an agreement with the Town.

The Highway Foreman Phil Page would like to see the dates of the seasonal path to be May 15th- November 15th so it coincides with working within the Town’s right of way.

Residents of Plateau Acres would like to see this request tabled until the Selectboard sees what ACT 250 will do with their request to alter the permit. The entire ELI permit is also being appealed in environmental court.

Dan Perry made a motion to accept Enhanced Living, Inc. request to build maintain and accept total liability for a seasonal pedestrian path along Plateau Acres, contingent upon final approval of the project.


Route 5 Project- Letter from Merchants:

In 2016 the State of Vermont will be repaving Route 5. After AOT met with the Bradford Merchants they requested that they send any concerns to the Selectboard for review. One of the concerns that the Merchants have with the requested plan is parallel parking on the West side of Main Street, they would like for it to remain diagonal.

The Selectboard would like to see the final plans of the project before they write a letter to AOT.

The Highway Foreman, Phil Page made the Selectboard aware that the State did go back through their initial plans and did all of the revisions that the Selectboard requested such as more grinding of Main Street. The way that the parking is now it is not ADA compliant so the Town will be losing two parking spaces as is.

Nancy Jones expressed her concern that nobody in Town is considering the public safety reasons for changing the West side of Main Street to parallel parking such as plowing issues, and pedestrian crossing. Phil Page also brought up that the new paving that is being done behind the gazebo at Denny Park will give more parking spaces for Downtown Bradford.

PACIF Grant- Heat & Smoke Detection Highway Garage:

Carole Taylor made a motion for Ted Unkles to sign the 2015 PACIF Grant for heat and smoke detection at the highway garage in the amount of $2,529.84 with the understanding that only 50% of the costs will be covered by this grant.


The Town received two quotes, one from Alarmco at $5,118.55 and one from Integrity Communications at $2,529.84.

Town Owned Property- Listers:

In 1995 the Town bought 4.5 acres off land on the corner of Goshen Road and Tarbox Road during a tax sale. The piece of land came off of the Bob Holly property. The Listers feel the Town should look into selling it because it’s losing money.

The Town will look into hiring a realtor to sell it.

Sign Permit- Green Mountain Diner:

Green Mountain Diner is receiving free signs from Coca-Cola if they use their logo. The Towns sign ordinance states that there be no logos on signs on Main Street. The whole reason that this was put into the sign ordinance was because people did not want to see corporate signs on Main Street Bradford. After discussion the Selectboard decided it would be best to hold a public hearing and get the publics input before making a final decision.

Lisa Sharp made a motion to grant permission for Green Mountain Diner to put an event banner up for up to three weeks pending the final decision on the permanent sign for the diner.


BTA DVD Donation:

Kat Rose asked permission for the Bradford Teen Association to accept a donation of movies, games, and posters from Robert Gaiser. If the BTA is granted permission to accept then they would like to hold a fundraiser to sell the DVD’s and games. Kat Rose mentioned that Robert Gaiser would like a letter from the Town for acknowledging the donation. Ted Unkles will write a letter of thanks, acknowledging the donation.

Dan Perry made a motion to accept the donation.


Tennis Program:

August 14, 2015 is Bob Illingsworth’s last day of teaching Tennis in Bradford. This was an eight week program that he ran and he would like to continue the program for another six weeks (August 31st-October 16th) if he can get enough community interest. All the girls he is teaching now want to play soccer in the fall. The program would be for 8-12 year olds, after school and $8.00 per student, per session of instruction.

Randy Moore made a motion to extend the Tennis program into October provided that there are kids that wish to attend. The profit made from the Tennis program can be used to do advertising.


Town Clock:

The new Town clock is set to ring from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The old clock used to ring twenty four hours a day. It was suggested by residents in Town that the Selectboard put out a survey to see when residents would like the clock to start ringing and stop ringing.

The Selectboard will work on this recommendation.

All-Access- Fortinet Quote:

Insurance for the Town’s Fortinet device that gives the Bradford Academy Building wifi within the building, along with web filtering is expiring and up for renewal. The amount for a one year renewal is $301.07.

The Selectboard would like more information before accepting the proposal.

BA Use Applications:

Carole Taylor made a motion to approve Stagecoach to use a conference room on September 2, 2015 from 6p.m.-8p.m. and for the Film Slam to use the auditorium on September 18th + 20th 2015.



Carole Taylor made a motion to approve the minutes of July 23, 2015 with the amendment to add the sentence under executive session, that states “because of the premature general public knowledge would place the Town at substantial disadvantage”,



The Selectboard is concerned about the amount of money that is being spent to pick up trash at Elizabeth’s Park. $180 was spent this month and $140 spent last month for trash pickup from our current mowing contract company. The Selectboard has also received feedback from the building maintenance person that he has been picking up trash at Elizabeth’s Park that has been left due to no trash cans available. The Selectboard feels that it may be time to put trash bins back at Elizabeth’s Park and Randy Moore will have a conversation with Parks and Recreation.

Randy Moore made a motion to approve the orders of August 14, 2015.


Other Business:

Randy Moore made a motion authorizing Danielle Robinson to order a total of four recycle cans after he speaks to Parks and Recreation. Two of the recycle cans would be for Elizabeth’s Park, one for the Bradford Academy building, and one for the Bradford Fire Department.


Personnel (Employee Evaluation)-Executive Session:

Lisa Sharp made a motion to go into executive session at 8:37p.m. as allowed by 1 V.S.A. Section 313 (a)(1) to discuss a personnel issue regarding an employee evaluation because of the premature general public knowledge would place the Town at substantial disadvantage. The motion included Jeffrey Stiegler to attend the session.


The Selectboard came out of executive session at 9:21 p.m.

Dan Perry made a motion to accept the evaluation of Jeffrey Stiegler prepared by the Public Safety Commission.


The meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m.

______Thomas E. Unkles, Chair

______Randy L Moore, Vice Chair

______Daniel A. Perry III

______Carole P. Taylor

______Lisa D. Sharp