Birchcrest Tiger Tales


Tiger Tales

www.bellevuepublicschools.org Dec. 20, 2013

Ron Oltman - Principal & John Campbell- Lead teacher

The mission of the Birchcrest School/Home/Community network is to help each student become a responsible, productive learner and citizen. We strive to achieve this goal in a safe, child-centered environment.


Birchcrest Tiger Tales


December 21-January 5 NO SCHOOL

January 6 School Resumes

January 7 Student Council Meeting

January 10 F.R.E.D. calendars due

January 10 Student Council Spirit Day – Pajama Pants Day

January 14 Skate City 6:00-8:00 p.m.

January 20 NO SCHOOL

January 27 PTA 4:00

January 31 Snack Shack Treat Day

Tiger Gram Winners

Tiger Gram winners for week of December 2nd are as follows: Caiden Stark, Kaire Bartholomew, Charley Leon, Jaiden Kurcz Bowen, Mauray Dixon, Kellen VanderWielen, Brynn Wulff, Nehamiah Atalig-Richardson, Skyler Paraiso, Berryl Ndzishangong, Elizabeth Lammers, Autumn Young, La’Naya Latimer, Minjae Song, Ben West, Jack Mettin, and Jacob Larson. The Book Winner was La’Naya Latimer.

Tiger Gram winners for the week of December 9th are as follows: Carlito Gaytan, Jayden Farr, Jesse Gage, Kelsey Sutton, Daymian Cook, Abby Williamson, Katherine Yunevich, Christinalin Atalig, Claire Sellnow, Jaden Frieze, Olivia Yost, Savanah Thomas, Trey Green, Dayon Olson, Marissa Hoover, Anne Harbeck, and Dailynn Sackett. The book winner was Dailynn Sackett.

Great Music Concerts

Thank you to the 3-6 students and Mrs. Amstutz for their outstanding music concert!

Thank you to the 6th grade band students and Mr. Schuttler for their wonderful concert! Music is definitely alive and well at Birchcrest! A special thanks to all of the family members that attended the performances.

Spirit Treats:

Grades K, 3 & 6 please bring Little Debbie snacks or some type cake or cookie treat by Jan 31st. Treat day is the 31st. Thanks from the PTA!

Thank you

I really want to thank everyone for a great first semester at Birchcrest. Remember our most precious gift is our children! The best gift we can all give them is a quality education ! Thanks from Mr. Oltman!


Continue to read during the Holidays for December minutes. The F.R.E.D. sheet will be due January 10th

Thank you: Miss Galus & Mrs. Siegle, they have done a great job as our kindergarten para professionals. Miss Galus is going to student-teach and Mrs. Siegle and her family are relocating with the military. Thanks!!

Message from Mr. Campbell:

It has been a great first semester for me here at Birchcrest. I have really enjoyed getting to know the students and staff. The students have been working extremely hard this past semester, and are learning quite a bit. Their teachers have also been putting in a lot of time to ensure they are getting a quality education. I’m very excited for the 2nd semester and all the amazing things that will come with it. Have a safe and wonderful break. Thanks – Mr. Campbell

Diaper Drive

A huge thank you to everyone for their contributions to the Channel 94.1 Diaper Drive! As a school, we were able to donate more than 5,800 diapers. Also, a big thank you to Ms. Baldwin for her time and effort to organize this event.

Salvation Army – Red Kettle Drive

We’d like to thank the following Tiger Club members for their participation in the Red Kettle Drive sponsored by the Salvation Army. The students were: Angel Garcia, Kilee Molczyk, Paige Wirth, Marley Ysusi, Ava Jones, and Gabe Zamani. They braved the cold weather and received over a $100 in donations. Way to go guys!!!

Congrats to Mrs. Hall

Congratulations to Mrs. Hall for completing the iPad Academy. She was chosen over quite a few applicants and will have an iPad for every student in her classroom to use for educational purposes beginning in January. We are excited for her and her students. Great job Mrs. Hall!!!

Welcome! Our new kindergarten para professionals Heather Anton will be working with Mrs. Weaver and Lacy Reineke will be working with Mrs. Monico.

Kids Time: Alexandra Burlingame & Virginia Reinhard will be working in our kids time program.

All of our new staff our highly qualified.

A message from Student Council:

The month of January is our food drive. Please send any nonperishable donations with your child to school during the month. All donations are due back by January 29th, 2014. Thank you in advance for your generous contributions. They are greatly appreciated by the Bellevue Food Panty.


Kelsie McBlain & Mellany Escalante

Their creative captions were in the Omaha World Hearld on December 9th

Boys Town Skills of the Month:

Use Quality Components for trying moments:

*Pleasant voice tone

*Eye contact

*Relaxed posture

*Facial expression

*Physical proximity

Accepting “NO” for an Answer:

-Look at the person.

-Say ‘Okay’.

-Stay calm.

-If you disagree, ask later.

Working with Other

-Identify the task to be


-Assign tasks to each other.

-Discuss ideas in a calm quite voice and let everyone share their ideas.

-Work on tasks to be completed.

The mission of the Birchcrest School/Home/Community network is to help each student become a responsible, productive learner and citizen. We strive to achieve this goal in a safe, child-centered environment.