E1 ‘minor works’ submission received via email

Currently the system is flawed in the way it works. Where by there is a essence of engagement with no practical ( building ) outcome. The complexity of pool fencing is such that my company really struggle to get it right on site and it’s getting more complex with sloping blocks and existing vegetation. One of the biggest issues is the NCZ which is in the pool standard AS 1926.1 where by there is no allowance for a tree or other vegetation to be within 900 of the barrier. This causes us no end of issues with DA consents and the council expecting an upgrade of the pool barrier. At one project we required that all the trees be cut down as they were in the NCZ. We advised the client to seek council clarification on the trees and the council gave them a compliance certificate for the pool barrier. To which we accepted and issued the OC.

Most accredited certifiers A3 and up will not touch these inspections for obvious reasons and we can agree that a NEW E1 will not have a huge depth of experience in the system and longevity in the industry. I believe that it is mandatory that any Certifier undertake the boards CPD training on an annual basis and support this suggestion.

If the government is looking to fix the current situation with pool barriers then they need to allow IF the E1 pool certifier is competent then he should be able to undertake these repairs on the spot and providing the certificate . However this may create a case of a “ E1 looking for work and picking up more defects and knocking back a reasonable fence “ to get more more work. But the negative in my view will not outway the positive and the person needs to be given a clear option of being able to “ allow the E1 to do the works or elect to go to the market and seek a additional quotation “

However as an ex builder there are requirements under the DPT fair trading which govern licensing works and most contracts under 1K don’t require a contract for between the owner and the person doing the works.

If we want to live in a simple world and want to get the best outcome and make the system work then do this;

“A E 1 pool certifier can undertake minor pool barrier rectifications works so long as he is suitably licensed under the Dept of Fire trading to do these works and enters into a contract for works over $1000 dollars “ OR then the person can elect to “ go to the market and seek an alternative quotation and the time is extended from the date to ensure that the person has suitable time to allow a quotation to happen “

My view on reduced fees is such that they should stand, it’s a lucrative business and if you do 200 pool inspections each year and also pick up the compliance work then $1500 is not much to capture this market. It will also weed out the un professional ones in it for the short term. I also cannot understand why the Accreditation for a A3 – A1 who can inspect pool barriers is not then reduced if the pool guys have a reduction based on this.

In country areas council will always pick up the slack as they have staff who are accredited under the current schemes and are not subject to holding public and professional liability on an ongoing basis.

Three cents.

Kind regards

Grant Harrington


Accredited Building Surveyor
Grade 1 Unrestricted BPB 0170

editor’s note: additional comments below provided in a subsequent email >

There really needs to be some “ trigger “ which will allow some of these items to be resolved by council intervention. FYI another project has been hanging around because council had put a condition on the consent where by the pool fence was required to be upgraded – however this has meant that 4 huge palm trees need to be cut down in order for this to happen. The palm trees are within the NCZ on the inside of the pool barrier.

I will not issue a final OC until the matter has been resolved and only council can make this call. I have told the lady to cut them down as I have no option as the AS1926 does not allow anything within the NCZ.

Council cannot just “ tick the box “ without any thought of the issue with trees and existing vegetation.

Thanks – but clarity of trees and a practice note would be good from the BPB as it’s the biggest issue with signing off pool barriers.

Or the practice note could include a reference to a referral to councils officer for the call on the existing trees which were never there at the time of the original pool barrier construction.

Part of the practice note could include the following;

“ If the tree is within 900 NCZ and does not have branches on the trunk then it is permissible to allow the tree to be within this NCZ”


Kind regards

Grant Harrington