4th Grade Math

Wicomico County Public Schools

Student Learning Objective

SLO Component / Description
Academic Goal / Summarize the long-term academic goal for students.
Students will improve addition and subtraction skills in 4th grade Math.
Data Review and Baseline Evidence / Identify specific data sources used in the data analysis process. Be prepared to submit baseline data for each student during the approval process.
Knowing that addition and subtraction are important skills, which is usually a weakness for fourth graders when regrouping and exchanging is involved, I developed a pre-assessment to administer to the students to determine their prior knowledge. This standard is also a major cluster in Common Core.
Data has been uploaded below.
Student Population / Describe and explain why you are targeting these specific students for this SLO.
a) Number of students targeted: 35
b) Total number of students assigned to you: 41
c) Percentage of students targeted: 85%
d) Describe the performance level of students targeted Students need a strong understanding of addition and subtraction in order to be successful in Math. On the pretest 2% of the students received below a 70%.
This group of students were chosen because they were assigned to my classroom before instruction on these topic began. The students that were not chosen joined our classroom after instruction began on
# of Targeted Students / Total # of Students / Percentage Targeted
35 / `41` / 85.37%
Learning Content / Describe the content focus for this SLO. Cite a reference to the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum, Maryland curriculum, international, national, state, local, or industry standards.
a)CCSC Standard 4.NBT.B.4. Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
b)Students must be able to successfully add and subtract whole numbers with regrouping.
Instructional Interval / Describe the length of the instructional period for this SLO.
2014-2015 school year
Evidence of Achievement or Growth / Describe the evidence that will be used to determine student progress or growth throughout as well as at the end of the instructional interval. For example, name the assessment(s) that will be used.
Students will be given a teacher created pretest and a county document post test to determine if they can successfully add and subtract whole numbers.
Achievement or Growth Target / Describe the expectations for student growth for the students included in this SLO. For example, what score will be required on the assessment(s) to show growth?
Students should score 70% on the posttest to show growth.
Target Attainment / Define the attainment targets for student growth for the students included in this SLO. That is, use your knowledge of the baseline data and your professional judgment to identify the percentage of students that must meet the SLO growth target to reach Full Attainment.The percentage for Insufficient Attainment should equal the baseline percentage.The percentage for Partial Attainment should be a range between Full and Insufficient Attainment.
Full Attainment / Partial Attainment / Insufficient Attainment
50% or more of students will show growth or meet the achievement target / Between 50% and 20% of students will show growth or meet the achievement target / 20% or less of students will show growth or meet the achievement target
Strategies / Describe the key instructional strategies to be used to support students in reaching the growth target for this SLO.
Students will be able to investigate and explore using manipulatives, small group practice, whole group instruction, and computer activities.
Professional Development / Describe professional development that would support your instruction for this SLO. If none, write “n/a.”
Professional development on Math strategies. Also common planning with all Math teachers to create materials and lesson ideas.

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Annotated SLO Form