Common Social, Civic, and Global Responsibility Assessment

Estrella Mountain Community College


For this assignment, you will identify a social, civic, or global issue to research, discuss, analyze, and evaluate by answering six questions. EMCC defines a social, civic, or global issue as “An issue, event, or trend with social, civic, or global ramifications for a people, society, government, economy, or environment that can be analyzed from two or more viewpoints.”

Below are some examples of social, civic, and global issues. You may choose from this list or focus on another social, civic, or global issue.

Social / Civic / Global
What should be the role of marriage in society? / Who should have a right to vote? / What should be the predominant energy source used by the world’s economy?
What is driving income inequality in America? / Who should be protected by civil rights laws? / What is the best way to fight global poverty?
Who is responsible for helping lower income households thrive? / What is the impact of "three strikes" laws? / What action, if any, should the world take on global climate change?
What should be done about the obesity epidemic across the country? / Is money equivalent to free speech? / Should the government intervene if another country is harming its own people?
What is the best way to increase the number of college graduates in the United States? / What is the best way to increase youth voter turnout for elections? / What trade policy should exist between developed and developing nations?

When researching the issue, you should find two or three sources, such as reputable online resources, library databases, encyclopedias. Make sure to include sources from multiple viewpoints. On a separate document, answer the questionsbelow. Each answer to the question should be one or two paragraphs.

State the social, civic, or global issue that you decided to research.

What sources did you use to find the information on the issue? Include two or three sources.

Questions (see rubric for grading details):

  1. What are the key characteristics of the issue? Who is impacted by the issue?
  2. What are the consequences of the issue? Make sure to focus on all people impacted.
  3. There are multiple perspectives on what is the best thing to do on this issue. Discuss the multiple perspectives, and evaluate the merits of the viewpoints on this issue as you see them. Which perspective has the most evidence or reason to support it, and why?
  4. From your perspective, what could an individualthat wishes to make a positive impact on this issue do?
  5. From your perspective, what could social groups, governments, nations, or international organizations do to make a positive impact on this issue?