Name: ______Date: ______

Part One: Multiple Choice (value: 8 points)

Choose the best answer for each question and circle the correct answer.

1.  What were the dates of WW1 and WW2?

a.  1911-1915, 1937-1944 b. 1914-1918, 1939-1945 c. 1915-1920, 1940-1944

2.  What countries were the Central Powers in World War 1?

a.  Canada, Great Britain b. Germany, Austria-Hungary c. France, Great Britain

3.  The Prime Minister of Canada during WW1was:

a.  Robert Borden b. John A. Macdonald c. Mackenzie King

4.  What proportion of Canadian soldiers was killed during World War 1?

a.  1/10 b. 5/10 c. 8/10

5.  Which First World War battle was considered Canada’s first major engagement?

a.  Vimy Ridge b. Dieppe c. Ypres

6.  What two countries allied with Germany in World War 2?

a.  Japan and Italy b. Japan and Austria c. Italy and Canada

7.  What was the name of the form filled out by enlisting recruits in Canada signing up for the war effort?

a.  Conscription b. armistice c. attestation

8.  Which countries were created after World War 1?

a.  Austria and Spain b. Austria and Poland c. Hungary and Italy

Part Two: Fill in the Blank (value: 5 points)

Write the correct word in the blank. Choose from the following words:

Nationalism U-boats conscription Victory bonds no man’s land

1.  The land between the trenches was called ______

2.  Another name for German submarines: ______

3.  A sense of pride and loyalty in one’s country : ______

4.  Debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war, often a focus of propaganda posters. ______

5.  The compulsory enlistment of people in the military: ______

Part Three: Short Answer (value: 15 points)

1.  How was traditional warfare and total warfare different? Identify at least two characteristics of each in the chart. (4 pts)

Traditional warfare / Total warfare

2.  Choose one of the controversies of WW1 (War Measures Act, White Man’s War or Conscription Crisis) and in 3-5 sentences, describe what it was. (3 points)



3.  World War 1 is called “the war of the trenches”. What does that mean? Explain, giving details. (3 points)



4.  How did the Treaty of Versailles become a cause of World War 2? (3 points)


5.  Choose one of the following propaganda posters and answer the questions. (3 points)

a.What is the purpose of this poster?

b.What sentiments and emotions are evoked by this poster OR what techniques are used to get the message across?

c.Do you think it would have been effective during the war? Why or why not?