Inclusion Funding for Education and Care – Form 2

Use this form if an Early Years Initial Assessment has been undertaken in the last 6 months.

If not, the Early Inclusion Funding for Education and Care – Form 1 should be completed.
Please complete details below according the level of funding being applied for:
Name of child: DOB:
Please note, if applying for Exceptional Needs SEND Funding or CARE Funding a Supporting Statement from The Early Years Support Team or an Early Years SEND Advisory Teacher must be attached to this request.
Please tick the relevant box/boxes.
SEND Funding
Stage 2 SEND Funding
(1 hour per session or maximum of up to 5 hours per week 1:1 support) /
Exceptional Needs SEND Funding
(Maximum of up to 15 hours per week full time 1:1 support)
CARE Funding
Number of hours per week applied for:
Name of Setting:
Address (for correspondence):
Telephone Number:
/ Email address:
Contact Name:

Ethnic Origin: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Language spoken in the home: ………………………………………………………………………….

Is the child looked after by the Local Authority? Yes o No o

When did the child begin attending your setting: ……………………………………………………

The term the funding is being applied for: …………………………………………………………….

Number of half day SESSIONS PER WEEK the child will be attending: ……

Hours per session (mornings) ……. (afternoons) ……….

What arrangements will be made to support the child with the funding? (e.g. will the adult

work individually or in a group, when and how etc.) ………………….……………………………..


Parent / Carer Views:
Please complete this section wherever possible

I am aware of the contents of this form and have seen the supporting evidence.

SIGNED………………………………………. Parent / Carer DATE ……………………

Please ensure that this application form is signed by the Pre-school practitioner and the child’s parent / carer and that you have included the following information:

Please tick to confirm enclosed:

Initial Assessment ٱ

Copy of reviewed and new outcomes on the SEND Support Plan ٱ

Any other relevant supporting evidence ٱ

Names and reports of other professionals involved ٱ

Exceptional Needs Funding for Education and Care requests -

Supporting Statement from Early Years Professional attached ٱ

Signed: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Designation: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Please print name: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

On completion please return form to:

Sue Briggs

Business Support Officer

Central Bedfordshire Council

Children’s Services, School Improvement

Watling House, High Street North


Beds LU6 1LF

Request for Early Years Inclusion Funding for Education and Care - Form 2 – March 2017