Date: 2/11/2016 For: Full Board Meeting Recorder: KP

Present: Board Members - Barb Brown, Renee Campbell, Eryn Collins, Bob Courtois, Bill Forreider, Pete Handley, Janice Lampert, Bill Marshall, Ryan Meisner, Lisha Ramsdell, Paul Slough, Celeste Szymanski, Mary Tomaski, Susan Walters

Staff – Dana Bensinger, Kristen Payton

Excused: Barb Brown, Paul Hartmann, Don Sklarczyk

Non excused: Guest:

A.  CALL TO ORDER / Renee called to order at 8:31am
B.  CONSENT AGENDA / 1.  January minutes
2.  Grant Report: $500 from Community Fund to Otsego Christian School
Amendments – add OCCF minute to bottom of agenda / Motion by 1. Bill M
2.  Bill F
A.  Finance Report / Bill M. reviewed the 2015 financials (balance sheet, budget). He explained we will be changing to accrual accounting for Friends. He gave an overview of strategic actions taken including consistent fund types, annual fee minimum, fund minimums, Cornerstone growth via Friends, Community fund growth via Extreevaganza. Admin fees have increased in dollars and percentage in revenue mix. Presented a goal of 80% revenue from fees, 20% from Cornerstone. / Motion by Bob, accepted.
B.  Executive Director Report / Dana facilitated activity on contributing individual skills and expertise as ambassadors. She reported every board member has given financially and has been the most engaged. She explained our improvement in technology at the office and that she & Kristen will be attending a retreat for staff development.
Dana reviewed Goal 3 objectives. She explained Community Grant Program process and reviewed last year’s success. She reviewed the five funding priorities for the grant cycle and the online grant application.
Dana reviewed the Nonprofit Leader Series: 40 organizations and 90 individuals have participated over the last three years. The next one is Feb 25 and OCCF will pay for any board member who wants to attend. She outlined what is next for Goal 3: convening economic development orgs in May.
C.  Community Philanthropy
Overview / Dana presented a video showcasing two very different foundations and broke everyone into groups to discuss.
III.  ADJOURNMENT / OCCF Minute: Renee, Eryn, Lisha, Mary, Bill F, Bob, Pete, Sue, Celeste, Dana, Janice, Kristen shared
Renee adjourned at 10:13am
Next meeting March 10, 2016 at 8:30am at UC / Accepted.

OCCF Secretary Date