Section 1. Safe and effective operation of Russian NPPs
Subsection 1.4. RW and SNF management. NPP power units decommissioning
Topical areas: RW management. NPP power units decommissioning
Room 17 (ModuleBuilding , 3rd floor)
9.00–9.15 / Session opening.Stakhiv M.R., Arustamov A.E.
9.15–9.35 / Main tasks focused on implementation of the Federal Law #190
“On RW Management” in State Corporation “Rosatom”
Abramov A.A., Rakitskaya T.G., SC “Rosatom”
9.35–9.55 / The corporate level of the industry-wide informational system for nuclear- and radiation-hazardous facilities decommissioning
Morozov M.A., CJSC “Neolant”
9.55–10.15 / Enhancement of informational support to RW management as part of implementation of the Federal Law #190
Tikhonovsky V.L., CJSC “Neolant”
10.15–10.35 / Methodological bases for nuclear power unit decommissioning costs estimation
Beroyev T.Yu., Zhigina A.Ya., Zimin V.K., JSC VNIIAES
10.35–10.55 / Kalinin NPP experience with reduction of generated SRW
Nikolaenko Yu.P., Kalinin NPP
10.55–11.15 / Application of a plasmic shaft technology for NPP RW reprocessing
Gorbunov V.A., Kobelev A.P., Polkanov M.A., SUE MosSPA “Radon”
11.15–11.30 / Coffeebreak
11.30–11.50 / RW Management system in Sweden
Inessa Chirman, Christer Ekblad, SSM (Sweden)
11.50–12.10 / Development and implementation at Beloyarsk NPP of a remote-controlled tool for RW extraction from plant process pools and SNF pools
Yarmolenko O.A., JSC RDIPE; Ufaev N.N., JSC VNIIAES; Ronzhin V.L., Beloyarsk NPP; Volkov L.P., SPE “Alpha-Diagnostics”
12.10–12.30 / Establishment of a system for RW characterization at NPPs within the Rosenergoatom RW information system
Tikhonovsky V.S., CJSC “Neolant”
12.30–12.50 / About status of preparatory activities to decommissioning NV NPP Units 1 & 2
Shevchenko B.N., Novovoronezh NPP
13.00–14.00 / Lunch
14.00–14.20 / Spent ion-exchange resin conditioning with subsequent placement into containers of NZK-1,5P (I) type
Peregudov N.N., Technology Affiliate of JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom”
14.20–14.50 / Packages and the practice of safe transportation of low-level RW
Gelbutovsky A.B., CJSC “ECOMET-S”, St.Petersburg
14.50–15.10 / Novovoronezh NPP experience with LRW conditioning as part of implementation of the Federal Law #190 “On RW Management”
Nalivayko Ye.M., Novovoronezh NPP
15.10–15.30 / About status of preparatory activities to decommissioning Beloyarsk NPP Units 1 & 2
Roslyakov V.F., Beloyarsk NPP
15.30–15.50 / Requirements as to handle containers of NZK type at all stages of their life cycle
Sorokin V.T., JSC “Engineering Works 345”
15.50–16.10 / Preparation to decommissioning of Leningrad NPP power units
Kuznetsov A.N., Kotykov R.N., Leningrad NPP
16.10–16.30 / Elaboration of the AMB-100 reactor graphite stack dismantling process using a 3D simulation model
Chuiko D.V., OJSC “Neolant”
16.30–16.45 / Coffeebreak
16.45–17.05 / Prospects of application of primary circuit zinc treatment in course of RBMK power unit preparation to decommissioning
Grigorovich S.M., Yevropin S.V., Petrov A.A., Yurmanov V.A., JSC RDIPE
17.05–17.25 / Experience related to transfer of a SRW reprocessing site from Kursk NPP to the Technology Affiliate
Yerzylev S.A., Technology Affiliate of JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom”
17.25–18.30 / Discussion of the presentations
Session summing up
Topical area: SNF management
3rd floor, center (Building 2)
9.00–9.10 / SessionopeningLobkovYu.M.,; KaryakinYu.Ye.
9.10–9.30 / Development and implementation of departmental “Programme of SNF infrastructure establishment and management for 2011–2020 and for a period till 2030”
Gusakov-Stanyukovich I.V., SC “Rosatom”
9.30–10.00 / Safety status of SNF management at NPPs of JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom”
Filippova Yu.Yu. (Ms), Shestakov Yu.M., JSC VNIIAES
10.00–10.20 / Calculation and experimental evaluation of nuclear fuel burnup level as a nuclear safety related parameter for SNF storage and transportation. Outcome from development and pilot operation of relevant installations
Somov I.Ye., Nikolaev S.A., FSUE “SSC RF IPPE”
10.20–11.00 / About outcomes from commissioning of the SNF container storage facility at Leningrad NPP and dispatching SNF to FSUE “GKhK”
Simonov V.N., Ananyev A.N., Leningrad NPP
11.00–11.15 / Coffeebreak
11.15–11.40 / About enhancement of RBMK SFA cutting process as per results of commissioning SFA cutting equipment at Leningrad NPP and introduction at Kursk and Smolensk NPP sites
Nekhozhin M.A., Smirnov V.P, SPA “Sosny”,LLC (Moscow)
11.40–12.00 / Justification of TUK-109 transport container safety for repeated railway transportation
Suvalko V.Yu., JSC “KBSM”
12.00–12.20 / Software set for end-to-end calculations of thermal processes for RBMK SNF transfer to dry container storage conditions
Karyakin Yu.Ye., St.PetersburgStatePolytechnicUniversity; Simonov V.N., Leningrad NPP
12.20–12.40 / Implementation of a dehydration technology as applicable to MBK container with RBMK-1000 SNF at Leningrad NPP
Malikov T.B., FSUE “NITI n.a. A.P.Alexandrov”
12.40–13.00 / Development of a system for nuclear material accounting and control for the “SNF dry storage and handling system complex at Leningrad NPP using MBK”
Zavialov L.A., Leningrad NPP
13.00–14.00 / Lunch
14.00–14.20 / Implementation of a pilot project of RBMK-1000 closed fuel cycle organization. Dispatching of fuel rod bundles from ill-conditioned RBMK SFAs from Leningrad NPP Unit 2 to FSUE PA “Mayak” for reprocessing
Cheremiskin I.V., Leningrad NPP
14.20–14.40 / Methodology of and device for operational control of RBMK-1000 SFA leaktightness
Masterkov A.V., FSUE “SSC RF IPPE”
14.40–15.20 / Technology for preparation to transportation of leaky and faulty VVER SFAs from NPP sites
Spitsyn S.A., “SPE Machproject”, LLC;
Yanenko Yu.Ye., Technology Affiliate of JSC “Concern Rosenergoatom”
15.20–15.40 / New engineering solutions for creation of a transport container for storage and transportation of VVER-1000 SNF with more stringent characteristics
Suvalko V.Yu., JSC “KBSM”
15.40–16.00 / Implementation of innovative solutions in creation of new transport container sets for transportation of RBMK and VVER-1000/1200 SNF
Dolbischev S.F.; Kladov P.V., FSUE RFNC VNIIEF (Sarov)
16.00–16.20 / Coffeebreak
16.20–16.40 / Development and manufacturing of a transport container set for VVER-440 SNF transportation
Yershov A.Yu., Zubkov A.A., JSC “EngineeringCenter for Nuclear Containers”
16.40–17.00 / Steel compounds production by means of electron beam welding for manufacturing of components for SNF storage
Pobol’ I.L., Physics Engineering Institute (Minsk, Belarus)
17.00–17.20 / Passive residual heat removal (PRHR) system for SNF pool
Sviridenko I.I., SEC NNEGC “Energoatom” (Sevastopol, Ukraine)
17.20–17.40 / Information system to support production cycle of SNF handling in SNF storage pools located in bldg.235 of FSUE SA “Mayak”
Morozov M.A., CJSC “Neolant”
17.40–18.30 / Discussion of the presentations
Session summing up