Shipwrecked Worksheet

Step 1: Read the Scenario

Take a good look around, because these are the people with whom you have just been shipwrecked on a distant uncharted island.

As far as you know, you are the only survivors of global catastrophe and it is up to you to develop a new society. This society should meet your needs, as you define them, and it should avoid the mistakes of "the old ones", those who died in the recent tragedy.

This is a beautiful island. It is tropical (average temperature 80°F), it has many sources of food (fruit trees, fish, land for agriculture), and it has a steady wind from the West of about 15 m.p.h.. Remember, this is not a vacation, you have work to do. . so get to it !

Step 2: Assign Roles

Role 1: Interrogator: Lesley

Role 2: Recorder: Lisnaldy

Role 3: Artist: Nicole

Role 4: Mediator: Gianna

Step 3: Name Your Island Society

Name of the Island Society: Barbie Island

Step 4: Needs and Wants (Lesley)

Needs Wants

Water / Entertainment
Food / Bed
Clothing / A Mansion
Soap / A chef
ToothBrush / Workers
A Shelter Place / Unlimited Food
Communication / Wifi
Grooming tools / A phone
Hair Supplies
A Tv

Are there some basic needs that you believe should be guaranteed for all? If so, what are they?

The basic needs that should be guaranteed are food for example. Because we live on an agricultural land,there will be constant fruits and vegetables around and rivers to provide us with water. Because we are the only ones living on the island, I am sure that we will have clean waters to drink from.

Do you think that individuals should secure their needs by themselves?

I think Individuals should secure that they have their own food and water that their body needs. When in survival mode, I don’t think there is really time to be worrying as much about other people and I feel like everyone is grown up to provide for themselves.

Step 5: Resources (Nicole)


What work must be done?

Maintain the quality of farms, crops, and livestock. Construction workers, Create tools for catching food.

List the kinds of jobs required to sustain the lifestyle you desire.

●  Planter/Farmer

●  Someone who picks the crops and other sources of food

●  Someone who carries water from the lake/river to our spot

●  Someone who watches out for any danger, such as animals of any such

●  Building

●  Crafting

●  Creating

Who should do these jobs?

Everyone on the island will take a part of every job listed. But as said below, there will be one person ensuring and responsible of the job getting done.

Does each person just have one job or many?

It is more efficient if everyone was to have one job, that way things can run smoothly. Of course, we will help each other, but things would also get done much faster if one person was in charge of each thing going on.


What natural resources will be used to produce goods?

Soil, water, sunlight, compost from fruits and vegetables to help our crops and plants grow.


What kind of capital (tools, machines, etc.) will be used to produce goods?

The types of capital that would be used to produce these goods would be water wells in order to have clean water to drink. Solar panels in order to receive energy and in order to have some of our tools work properly. In order to grow fruits and vegetables we would need to create risch soil and fertilizer to help the crops to grow.

How will this capital be attained?

This capital will be attained by properly working these tools and everyone doing their specific job in order to keep everything up to date and healthy for everyone else on the island.

Step 6: Economic Systems (Gianna)

Which Type of Economic System will you establish: Traditional, Command, or Market (Circle one)

Market Economy

WHAT goods and services are to be produced?

Goods and service to be produced / Does it fulfill a Need or Want?
Vegetables / need
clothes / Want
shelter / need
tools / need
toiletries / want
Entertainment / want
Schools ( education ) / need

HOW should the goods and services be produced?

The goods and services should be produced by having people grow the needs and have people work at factories or the comfort of their own homes to produce wants such as clothes .

FOR WHOM should the goods and services be produced?

Goods and services should be produced for the people who are going to live on the island to survive or just to have .

Step 7:

13. Will the land be privately owned? If so, who gets it and how?

The island will not be privately owned, it will be equally owned by my group members and I and the natives. Anyone who wants to join our island and is not stirring up trouble will be welcomed to join the island, as long as they contribute to our people.

14. Should the land be owned by everyone together?

The island should be owned by everyone together so that no one has more power over anyone and so that it is fair.

15. Should you divide it up and distribute it?

The island shouldn’t be divided or distributed because if that happened then the people of the island wouldn’t be united.Not just that, but not dividing the land prevents conflicts about land.

16. If so, should it be divided equally? What constitutes equal?

The land will not be divided within the people, all land is for everyone to promote unity within the island.

17. Should you consider the needs of the environment? How?

The environment of the island should be considered in order to protect it and preserve it. The needs of the environment will be considered by recycling, using solar power, and making sure that the island is kept clean and no one is littering.

Step 8. Solve Your Problem Card (Lis)

State the issue: Native People- You have just found out that in a remote area of the island (a place with fantastic groves of mango and banana) there exists a tribe of people native to this island. It is also rumored that the ground underneath this tribe is rich in coal deposits. You could use coal as a fuel for your new machines; what should you do?

Will you ask the tribe to join your culture and share the resources? Will you leave them alone? Will you remain separate but establish peaceful relations? Will you ask them to move? Give them another part of the island? How will you deal with these 'new' people and their resources?


With this issue, I would ask the tribe to join my culture and share the resources. I would ask the tribe to join us because the more the merrier. Having more people would be beneficial because then would be multiple different types of being that could contribute different aspects to the island. Since I would propose that the people join our community and unite the island, I would ask that they share our resources and I would tell them that we would share what we have if them. If they didn’t want to be a part of our community, I would propose that we just live peacefully side by side and help one another if there ever was a time of need and to trade with each other.


1.Describe the social contract the boy’s on the island agree to in the beginning.

Social Contract, written by philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In it, Rousseau states that each individual works for their own best interests while the sovereign, or a collective group of people, work for the common good. Ralph therefore believes it is necessary for each boy on the island to fulfill their responsibilities in order for structure to be present on the island. The contract also states that assemblies should be held in which the people's vote is based not on their own personal wants or interests but rather on what will benefit their society in the best way possible.

2. What are the costs and benefits of the contract?
Ralph originally hopes that the boys will do three things: build shelter, create and tend to a fire, and have water brought from the stream and left in coconut shells to drink from. Each of these things are basic human needs necessary for survival. The benefits would basically be survival. It would also influence society to create rules in order to live a better life, like we have laws in today’s world.

3. Describe the hierarchy on the island at the first meeting. Describe the hierarchy on the island at the end.

Ralph creates a set of rules for their living situation, yet the boys aren’t really agreeing. So, the one with a high hierarchy is Ralph. He is set to be the oldest, obviously. But it changes around the end of the story where people are beginning to vote for jack during the choir meeting.

4. What factors caused it to change?

Factors that caused this to change was conflict within the people amongst other problems. Someone wanted to be more in charge than the other without getting opinions from other people.