Name ______Period ______

Injury Scenario Research Project (10.3.9B)

Choose any 2 of the scenarios listed on the back of the paper and describe appropriate treatment techniques for each. You may use your book, notes and/or the Internet to find your answers. You may choose from the following options to describe or show your treatment:

·  Create a comic strip (be sure to clearly explain within the strip or below it what is happening in each box)

·  Write a script for a role-play activity

·  Make an informational poster/flyer

·  Write song lyrics


______/ 20 points Each scenario includes ALL the correct steps for treatment and care. Remember to include check, call and care procedures.

______/ 10 points Assignment is completed in appropriate format(s)

______/ 10 points Neatness

______/ 5 points Correct grammar and punctuation

______/ 45 points TOTAL POINTS

DUE DATE ______

Injury Scenario Research Project (10.3.9B)

1.  A wrestler is thrown to the mat and suffers an open fracture of both the ulna and the radius in the forearm. There is significant bleeding from the wound. The athlete begins to complain of light-headedness, his skin is pale and feels cool and clammy, and his pulse becomes rapid and weak.
2. A softball player receives a throw from her teammate but wasn't watching the play and the ball hits the player in the mouth and knocks out the tooth.
3. During a hike in the woods one of your friends is bitten by a snake on the upper arm (just above the elbow).
4. You are babysitting your 3-year old nephew when you notice the child having trouble breathing is complaining of a burning sensation in his neck and is vomiting. Next to the child is a bottle of detergent with the lid opened.
5. You are outside playing football at lunch when you notice one of your friends (who is diabetic) looking very pale, starts to shake and sweat and is looking very confused and vague. They also start to become very drowsy and disorientated.

6. A mud wrestler gets thrown into the mud but when they get up they realize they can only see out of one eye as the other contains a foreign object causing temporary closure of that eye.

7. A marathon runner collapses during the race and exhibits signs of profuse sweating, pale skin, elevated temperature, dizziness and rapid pulse.

8. A soccer player dribbling the ball gets tackled by the opponent illegally and causes a significant cut to their knee. The athlete is bleeding profusely from the wound.