Journey to the Center of the Earth

Page number / Partner A / Partner B
588 / Read aloud. / ___ Listen to Partner A read pg 588.
___ Tell your partner what the setting of the story is.
___ Ask you partner, “What causes the raft to be lifted out of the water and thrown a distance?”
590-591 / ___ Listen to Partner B read pgs. 590-591.
___ Tell your partner how you think the adventurers are feeling at this point. Tell your partner how you would feel if you were in this situation.
___ Ask your partner, “What do you think was Jules Verne’s purpose for writing this story?”
___ Discuss how the illustrations help you understand the text. / Read aloud.
593 / Read aloud. / ___ Listen to Partner A read pg. 593
___ Discuss what causes the monsters to come close to the raft, then turn away?
___ Summarize the main events on this page.
594-595 / ___ Listen to Partner B read pgs. 594-595.
___ Tell your partner what “extinct” means. What context clues did you use to help you figure out the meaning?
___ Discuss what information in the story seems to be based on scientific information. / Read aloud.
596-597 / Read aloud. / ___ Listen to Partner A read pgs 596-597.
___ Summarize the end of the story.
___ In the last sentence, the narrator wonders whether the ichthyosaurus will come back to destroy them. What do you predict will happen? Give your reasons.
530 / ___ Discuss the “Open for Discussion” section and the reader response questions 1-4 with your partner. Choose one to record your groups’ answer on the back of this sheet. / ___ Discuss the “Open for Discussion” section and the reader response questions 1-4 with your partner. Choose one to record your groups’ answer on the back of this sheet.
What to do when you finish…
___ Reread for fluency with your partner. Remember to read with expression, intonation, and an appropriate speed. Pay attention to punctuation and to phrasing, or grouping, of words.
___ Write down any questions you have about the story so far on the back of this sheet.
___ Read the companion story,Crust, Mantle, Core, on pages 600-603.


Created by: Amber Moore