PDCA Unified Dairy Cattle Score Card Quiz
26. Which one of the five major categories gives consideration to traits that contribute to high milk yield and long productive life?
a. Feet and legs
b. Frame
c. Dairy Character
d. Body Capacity
e. Mammary System
27. On the heifer PDCA unified dairy score card, feet and legs accounts for:
a. 20
b. 30
c. 40
d. 50
e. 60
28. On the heifer PDCA unified dairy score card, frame accounts for:
a. 20
b. 30
c. 40
d. 50
e. 60
29. In the mammary system category, which is given the highest priority?
a. Udder depth
b. Balance and symmetry
c. Front udder attachment
d. Teat placement
e. Rear udder attachment
30. What is the phrase that describes the act of animals having been tampered with to conceal faults in conformation and that misrepresents the animal’s soundness?
a. Unethical practice
b. Bad management
c. Sharp practice
d. Malpractice
e. None of the above
31. Which of the following is not a disqualification?
a. Total blindness
b. Permanent lameness
c. Blind quarter
d. Free martin heifers
e. Winged shoulders
32. In the frame category, which is to be given the highest priority?
a. Breed character
b. Front end
c. Rump
d. Top line
e. Structure
33. For which breed is red not an acceptable color?
a. Brown Swiss
b. Holstein
c. Ayrshire
d. Milking Shorthorn
e. None of the above
34. Which is the largest of dairy breeds in mature size?
a. Guernsey
b. Jersey
c. Ayrshire
d. Holstein
e. Brown Swiss
35. In the dairy character category, which is given the highest priority?
a. Wither
b. Thighs
c. Neck
d. Skin
e. Ribs
36. Which is not an appropriate phrase for dairy character?
a. Openness and sweep to the rib
b. Spring to the rib
c. Long and lean in the neck
d. Sharp at the point of withers
e. Flat and lean in the thigh
37. Which of the following is not part of the topline?
a. Chine
b. Loin
c. Crops
d. Rump
e. None of the above
38. Which is the smallest of dairy breeds in mature size?
a. Jersey
b. Guernsey
c. Ayrshire
d. Holstein
e. Milking Shorthorn
39. In the body capacity category, which is given the highest priority?
a. Front end
b. Heart
c. Chest
d. Spring of rib
e. Barrel
40. In the feet and legs category, which is given the highest priority?
a. Foot angle
b. Rear leg rear view
c. Rear leg side view
d. Hocks
e. Pasterns
41. When viewing the rump structure of a cow from the side, which of the following is true?
a. Should be long
b. Pins should be slightly lower than the hips
c. Thurls should be centrally located
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
42. Which of the following is not a significant part of the heifer scorecard?
a. Mammary system
b. Frame
c. Dairy character
d. Feet and legs
e. Body capacity
43. When considering the body capacity of a heifer, which is not a part of that category?
a. Depth of barrel
b. Depth of heart
c. Length from fore to rear rib
d. Width of chest
e. None of the above
44. Udder capacity is important to producing large volumes of milk. Which of the following will affect udder capacity?
a. Udder depth
b. Rear udder height
c. Rear udder width
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
45. When viewing the feet and legs on a cow, which of the following is not ideal?
a. A moderate set at the hock
b. Straight as viewed from the side
c. Strong pastern
d. Deep heel
e. A steep foot angle
46. What percentage does dairy character account for on the PDCA unified score card?
a. 10b. 15c. 20d. 30e. 40
47. What percentage does mammary system account for on the PDCA unified score card?
a. 10b. 15c. 20d. 30e. 40
48. What percentage does body capacity account for on the PDCA unified score card?
a. 10b. 15c. 20d. 30e. 40
49. What percentage does frame account for on the PDCA unified score card?
a. 10b. 15c. 20d. 30e. 40
50. What percentage does feet and legs account for on the PDCA unified score card?
a. 10b. 15c. 20d. 30e. 40