Response to recommendations from Healthwatch enter and view report following visit to the accident and emergency department on 5 December 2014
- Introduction
Healthwatch Cheshire West and Healthwatch Cheshire East undertook an enter and view visit to the accident and emergency department on 5 December 2014 between 5pm and 10pm.
- Summary of findings
At the time of their visit, they found the department to be well organised and calm. They felt the staff were bery pleasant and helfpul. However, concerns were highlighted in relation to a lackof cleanliness in the toilet and baby hange areas and empty hand gel dispensers. There was also an observation made that a review of the seating arrangements in the minors area of the department would be beneficial.
- Response to concerns/recommendations
The report has been shared with Dawn Carney, Sister in the emergency department, and Miriam Hickman, Estates and Facilities Manager. The following actions have been taken:
- The cleaning hours allocated to the department have been increased and the cleaning of the toilet and baby change areas are now cleaned 6 times a day instead of the 3 times a day that was in place at the time of the visit.
- A contingency cleaning arrangement has been put into place so that additional hours can be provided in the department when there is increased activity.
- The domestic supervisors have increased their regular monitoring visits to the department.
- The cleaning audit has shown an improvement and the results for February, March, April and May were all above the Trust target.
- The hand gel dispensers are monitored throughout the day and replenished accordingly.
- Quarterly meetings between the domestic supervisors and nursing management in the accident and emergency department have commenced.
- Discussion is taking place with the supplies department to obtain information regarding suitable seating for elderly/vulnerable/disabled patients or visitors.
- Next Steps
These actions will be shared with the representatives from Healthwatch Cheshire West and Healthwatch Cheshire East. A further enter and view visit is scheduled for 24 July 2015.
Jayne Hartley
Deputy Director of Nursing & Quality