July 13th, 2015 @ 7:00 pm

A regular monthly meeting of the Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jason Armbrewster, followed by the Pledge to the Flag. The following Trustees were present: Scott Boring, Shelly D’alba, Joan Stevens, David Boyle.

Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer, Andrew Maguire; DPW Employee, Tom Mikolajczyk; Zoning Officer, Rick Pastecki.



1)  Forest Ave. and Water St. Reconstruction Project Update : Steve Mountain, Mountain Engineer President, states the sanitary sewer is done, will be pressure testing in a few days. Storm sewers will start July 14th. The water services will go in after County Health Department approval. A meeting is scheduled in two weeks with American Paving. Want to provide settlement time on Forest Ave. Compaction testing is not an issue. Visone Construction is behind schedule. Will get justification from them for being behind. Get the written correspondence down. One change order coming, extending the sewer laterals beyond the clean out. Around $1000 each, waiting for updated paperwork. Submitted a claim for extra depth of water main. More time and effort. Full time inspection helps as they document everything. In their bid it called for a 5 foot depth of water main, they have to adjust elevations based on the contract. They will deny the claim. Mayor Armbrewster states South Pearl Street paid the contracts extra depth plane, the Village will stand their ground on this. The Village, as owner, should have a mediator to sort through all of this and have all the information to make the decision. Trustee Boyle saw some equipment breakdowns and employees looking like they did not know how to use so of the equipment. Mr. Mountain state the new operator was released and Visone needs to put more into this. Mark made notes on his in-field report. Trustee D’alba saw Visone working on Saturday. Mayor Armbrewster states Visone hit a water main, Supervisor Laney was helping with fittings, and the owner is prepared that they may need to pay for the break. Parking at M&T could be an issue as some cars have received M&T parking violation notices as it is not what was agreed upon when asked to use their lot. The Village is purchasing a sewer camera, received two bids and the Board sees the benefits to having one. Mr. Mountain states there are grant opportunities; EFC has a grant in September, and CFA strategic planning efforts has two different grants. One is due at the end of this month. The DEC has a water quality improvement grant that is 85% of the cost. Very competitive, the DEC is driving the money to larger areas. The Village could use STAMP to leverage dollars. The EFC, allocated 200,000,000 over 3 years for water and sewer projects. 20-30 mill this year. 25% grant for waste water, 65% for water. The Village has had success with those agencies in the past. DPW Employee Mikolajczyk asked if any of those grants would work for the sewer camera that will purchased for Water and Forest. Mr. Mountain states it needs to be a major project; it could be worked into it, but not directly. Identify these things early and go after them instead of spending local money. Mayor Armbrewster asked what happened to the generator grant that was approved. Mr. Mountain states they are still issuing the funds around but have not received the letter to state we will be receiving the funds. If money is there, it will be awarded. Trustee D’alba states it sounds like they may be ranking the approved funds. Mr. Mountain states allocating to big storm areas for life and safety issues is their top priority, not so much for generators; it is likely they are prioritizing.

a)  Work Change Order # 2:

A Motion was made by Trustee Stevens to approve work change order # 2, contingent on the number being changed to work change order #1, as there has not been a change order since, second by Trustee Boring. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba, Stevens. Carried

b)  Pay Application # 1

A Motion was made by Trustee Stevens to approve pay application # 1, second by Trustee Boring. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba, Stevens. Carried


1.  Resolution # 11-2015: Establishing a Capital Type Reserve for Landscaping and Parks. Clerk Treasurer Maguire presented a resolution to establish a Capital Type Reserve for Landscaping and Parks. Mr. Maguire states that the reserve and the process have been reviewed and recommended by the Village Attorney for legality. Would like to close out the old Main and Drake Reserve and transfer the funds into a same tax base, similar capital type reserve, which does not require a permissive referendum according to our Attorney, as the Main and Drake project has been completed with no debt outstanding and the funds can be transferred only to another reserve. The ultimate goal is to use the funds for a DPW lawn mower for the parks to save on gas and labor.

A Motion was made by Trustee D’alba to approve Resolution # 11-2015: Establishing a Type Capital Reserve for Landscaping and Parks, second by Trustee Stevens. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba, Stevens. Carried.

A Motion was made by Trustee D’alba to expend the funds from the completed Main and Drake project Capital Type Reserve into the Capital Type Reserve for Landscaping and Parks, second by Trustee Stevens. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba, Stevens. Carried.

2.  Zoning Board of Appeals Application Change: Clerk-Treasurer Maguire stated this new application was provided by ZBA chairperson Judy Boyle. It was reviewed by County Planning Director Felipe Oltramari and Village Attorney Whiting. Mayor Armbrewster asked if ZEO Pastecki had looked it over. Mr. Pastecki states yes, he received a copy and has reviewed. The use variance report was from Reid. Mayor Armbrewster states the Board will review the documents for homework and will make recommendations at next meeting on how it should be altered.

3.  Fire Chief/President Report: Written Report Submitted: Mayor Armbrewster states that Clerk-Treasurer Maguire provided some different options and cost for a new engine fire truck for review as discussion will be coming up on them. Years back, the Fire Department needed a rescue truck that was not Town and Village owned. The pickup truck style is always at the fire hall and then goes to the fire call, as there are restrictions on what younger members can drive. It is still useable but dated. Need to protect the citizens, starting to show its age of twenty years. The Board will likely need to start looking at options for replacement.

4.  Zoning/Code Reports. Written Formal Reports Submitted. ZEO Pastecki reports three recent complaints about absentee landlords. Most of them wait until Rick calls and then they have the lawns mowed or issues resolved. Concerns at 29 Cary include a fire on the porch. More code than zoning, but it does not look safe. 26 Forest maybe sold, held off on that issue for the short term. After this weekend, Rick will track down the proper people. Once the Board passes the weed and Debris local law, it should help expedite the process and call for more strict penalties for repeat violators. 63 S. Pearl, the pink house, they were working on its issue tonight. 26 Forest is not compliant, but someone should be buying it soon. Mayor Armbrewster states that Crazy Cheap cars has a gas tank and tires by the library, apparently a new law about removing anything within 30 ft of a public library, the tank is legal and inspected, but Village Attorney Whiting will look into its placement and if it needs to be removed but it was approved by DEC. A new tank means the DEC has to re-approve. Wants to make it known that Ognibene donated that land to the Library. Oakfield Town Clerk forwarded the land transaction to Mr. Whiting. Mayor Armbrewster would also like it known that residents, Board and Committee members should not direct the Village Clerk to do the work for an issue like that. It should have been directed to the Mayor or Zoning Officer immediately and then forwarded on to the Attorney. The Mayor asked the zoning review committee chairman, trustee Boyle, how the progress was coming. Chairman Boyle states the Committee is just about ready to present the final recommendations, waiting to hear back from Village Attorney Whiting on some issues. Set a public hearing for September and hear what the public has to say. Zoning Officer Pastecki would like to review the recommendations prior to that as well.

Code Enforcement Officer Gerould is back from his biking trip, some permits issued for construction and pools, collecting fees and having fences put up. ZEO Pastecki states that he sites laws in his correspondences so people have it in writing. Everything for zoning applications put everything in writing. Send the letter to the applicant, Deputy Clerk Bartholomew makes a copy, the Village Planning Board and County Planning Board then knows as well. Gives our people involved in zoning direction on what was already done and what applicant knows thus far. DPW Employee Mikolajczyk asked if certain height on the pools require fences. ZEO Pastecki states yes, the law is cited with the requirements when correspondence happens but the laws are always changing.

5.  Historical Society Report: A formal written report submitted. Mayor Armbrewster states he is happy to see this newsletter and update.

6.  Camden Report. A written report was submitted. Mayor Armbrewster states the grit chamber came from AD Calls, they sent out a new operator. Tend not to clean that monthly. Waiting on quote from Kester to see if they can be competitive in terms of pricing. SPEDES permit is approved for the next 5 years at the waste water plant.

7.  Approval of June 8th & June 29th, 2015 Minutes.

A Motion was made by Trustee Stevens to approve June 8th and June 29th, 2015 minutes, second by Trustee Boring. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba, Stevens. Carried.

8.  Approval of July’s Abstract/ P.O’s.

A Motion was made by Trustee D’alba approve July’s abstract and purchase orders, second by Trustee Boring. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba, Stevens. Carried.

9.  June Investment Report: The Village Board reviewed the June Investment Report and found no issues.

10.  May Financial Report. The Village Board Reviewed the May Financial Report and found no issues.

11.  D.P.W. Report. A Written Formal Report Submitted. DPW Employee Mikolajczyk reported in place of DPW Supervisor Laney being on vacation. Mr. Mikolajczyk reports that Pow-R-Mole demonstrated the sewer camera equipment for the forest and Water project. A second quote was submitted from Hawthorne Camera Sales in Florida. Not a big price difference, but if there is a problem, Pow-R-Mole is in Lancaster, New York, and will give a loaner camera, the other company is in Florida which may cause issues. Mr. Mikolajczyk is questioning the justification of the purchase and will the DPW really use it. After the construction project it may be a while until it is used again. Trustee Stevens asked if can be used for shared services as other municipalities may not have the camera system. Mr. Mikolajczyk states that some municipalities will call for shared services and others will not based on issues in the past. Mayor Armbrewster states The I&I study was not fully completed because of time constraints on the rented camera system; this may have allow us to look into other places, like Bonduelle, and see their flows and improve the system. A project list would be welcomed as a report instead of regular activities of the DPW. Mr. Mikolajczyk agrees, the current report submitted is all day to day activities. It is tough to plan based on what is needed at the current time. Little things get thrown into the works and can cause issues with the schedule. Trustee D’alba states the Village Board has to know a plan in place for getting more done than the day to day jobs. Mayor Armbrewster states there are question out there and the Village Board needs to have answers. Trustee Boring asked how the DPW can be more visible that they are busy with odds and ends projects that can hurt their schedule. Mayor Armbrewster states that the resident at 5 Park Avenue called frustrated with his lawn repair from snow removal. Problem is the resident talked to the DPW Supervisor, he then had the DPW guys repair it, but did not mow it due to rocks. The resident claims Dave looks at it three times a day as he drives by and knew the resident wanted it fixed properly. Trustee Boring states that work orders are very important, once they are singed as complete, it is instant accountability. Mayor Armbrewster states Dave was told to fix it, but then DPW Employee Carlsen was the one sent to fix it. When they tell the Village Office it is done and sign for it, then they are accountable. The DPW guys re-did it. Mr. Mikolajczyk states that work order was left on the door at the DPW Shop because the guy was not happy and they knew that. Mayor Armbrewster states he directed the DPW to correct the issue, they went above and beyond and did properly, the resident is now happy. Clerk-Treasurer Maguire states the Village Office does keep track of all work orders. Deputy Clerk Bartholomew has been tracking them on word since she started working for the Village and keeps it fully up to date with responses and all dates included. Mayor Armbrewster states this should not have happened this way. When the Village Administrator left, the work orders should be coming from the DPW phones, not the Village Office. The work orders need to be centralized at the DPW shop and coming from the DPW to the DPW, this is work the Office is doing for the DPW. As a Village Board they need to make the supervisor accountable for this and come up with a procedure for this change to happen. Trustee Boring will work with the DPW on a work order procedure. Mr. Mikolajczyk states he is confused on what the main goal is for the work orders and new procedure. Trustee Boring gives the example; if brush did not get picked up on Monday, here is a work order that shows we had to complete a different task during that time. Mr. Mikolajczyk states their daily logs would show that already. Mayor Armbrewster states the DPW could report what work orders were not completed yet. Trustee Boyle states they could be computerized. Supervisor Laney can go on his computer, print the report, and it is tracked on a computer. Trustee D’alba agrees, there needs to be a good flow, a procedure needs to be put in place. Trustee Boyle would be happy to help with that process and review the work orders before the meeting. Mayor Armbrewster states there will be a lot of work orders in the Town’s water system, not just the Village. The Town can even track the orders. Trustee D’alba would like to see planned projects; the daily weekly stuff needs to be removed off the report. Planned projects should have a time frame as well. Mayor Armbrewster states that two things should be put on the report; sidewalk replacement and stone and oiled streets. Maintenance of streets, surface items that need to be worked. Trustee D’alba would like to see a work order report for August 10th’s meeting. Mayor Armbrewster states he has asked for dead trees to be removed, surprised certain people have not called about them. There are other things we can do in place of the trees. Trustee D’alba states the DPW should get a target date on the competition of projects and maintain a schedule. Mayor Armbrewster states that the Town’s hydrants all need to be maintained. DPW Employee Mikolajczyk states that is a lengthy project, but there are roughly 200 hydrants.