Board Members present: Marty Stewart, Gary Jones, Jerilyn McIntyre, Darryl Haggerty, JoAnn Wise, Bob Crowe, Scott Rollins, and Debby DeSoer.

Absent: Melissa Johnson, Dave Stambaugh, Jerry Lael, Dick Slyfield, Mark McClain, Bill Rowley, Dick Smith, Matt Manweller, and Graig Schwab.

Regular Memberspresent: Al Moss


MINUTES: The September minutes were approved as submitted and posted (Crowe, McIntyre).


JoAnne reported that she needs an external back-up drive for her computer. It was moved and seconded to empower JoAnne to spend the funds to obtain one (McIntyre, Jones). The cost will be split with the Western Art Association.

A decision on redirecting the funds in the Katrina Relief fund was again tabled till next month’s meeting.

A discussion on the need for local projects to fund prompted a lengthy discussion on charitable donation requests that have been received by various board members, and questions about the Charitable Gifts committee. It was suggested that we need a statement of what our focus in, Nicalee may have a copy of such a statement that she prepared during her presidency. Gary Jones suggested email notification of requests should be circulated to board members before the board meeting to get feedback and speed the process during the meetings.

ADJOURNED: 7:25 am (Crowe, Jones)


MINUTES: The September minutes were approved as submitted and posted (Crowe, McIntyre).


JoAnne reports there are several members who still have outstanding dues to pay. Gary and Marty will contact.

The Treasurer’s Report was approved (Crowe, McIntyre).


Club Administration:

Al will schedule a ClubRunner Training program for an upcoming club assembly.

The Rose Sale will be in May this year and we will see about different ways of getting them here keeping them fresher.

The auction this coming year will be March 8th.

It was decided to keep the monthly morning board meetings at Bar 14.


94 current members

Two new applicants were accepted for potential membership: Dr. Greg Cant, Business Chair, CWU; and Terry Alkire, Business professor, CWU (Jones, Haggerty).


Debby will bring a proposal from the children’s librarian at the public library asking Rotary to sponsor a yearly Fun Run for Literacy fundraiser.

Gary said he has gotten a couple of requests from 4-H and will email them to the board.

JoAnne suggests we sponsor an outbound exchange student.


Bob Knudson has donated a $1000.00 and will be recognized for his donation. The donations from club members are running well ahead of last year at this time.

District Governor’s Visit:

Marty would like the board to meet with Corwin the Sunday before his noon visit on Weds, the 31st.


Al Moss outlined the PR efforts underway. There are 500 guests expected, with 13 online applications and 50 print applications paid so far.

The two biggest challenges foreseen are that there will be 46 exchange students attending rather than the 36 expected; and the huge need for members to volunteer for home hosting.

International Conference:

JoAnne pointed out that Early Bird registration is by December 15th and suggests that the club fund the president-elect to go to LA.

ADJOURNED: 8:20 am (Rollins, Wise)