Thomas Tallis Year 7 Art Arrival Test Part 1 (1 lesson)

The purpose of this test is to find out what Art Level you are working at. You will be tested on your pencil skills and on your written response to the questions. Some of your answers will be factual and some will be your opinions about the piece of art.

This is a piece of art by the artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser. The title of the piece of art is ‘Tout Oreille’ which is French and means ‘All Ear’ in English. It was created in 1997. Friedensreich Hundertwasser was born in Vienna, Austria in 1928. He was an artist and architect who liked to use bright colours, uneven and irregular shapes and a wide range of materials in his work. In this piece he used mixed media, which included: watercolour, egg tempera, oil and acrylic paints and sheets of gold and silver. Hundertwasser believed that humans should live in houses that had no straight lines, odd shaped windows and doors, patterns on the outside walls and even trees on the roofs.

Task A (40 minutes)

Fold your A4 paper in half then copy the piece of art using pencil. Get all the main shapes in first then add the details, shading and texture.

Task B (20 minutes)

Answer the following questions about the piece of art:

1.  How old was Friedensreich Hundertwasser when he made this piece of art?

2.  What is the French title for this piece of art?

3.  What does mixed media mean?

4.  What effect can an artist get by adding gold and silver to a piece of art?

5.  Explain why you think the artist used yellow and purple together.

6.  Describe what is going on in the piece of art and why it is called ‘All Ear’.

7.  Give 3 reasons why the house in the piece of art could be a Hundertwasser house.

8.  Give your personal opinions of the piece of art. Do you like it / dislike it? Why?