When you are looking for information make sure that the battles or people match the right years we are working on. Also you might want to type the words Civil War before your topic to help you.

BATTLE of … Antietam, Atlanta Campaign, Chancellorsville, Chickamauga, Fort Donelson, Fort Sumter,
Gettysburg, Manassas (Bull Run), second Manassas (Bull Run), Spotsylvania, The Wilderness, Stones River, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Cold Harbor, Fredericksburg, Richmond, Monitor vs Merrimac… and many more

WEAPONS --The Napoleon, Revolving Turret, Volley Guns, Iron Clads, Trenches, ‘swamp angel’, mortars(on rail), colts, Remintons, Dolgreen cannons, canisters, Spencer guns, Robin guns, Whitworth guns, Ager machine gun, Williams machine gun, Coffee mill gun, Gaitling gun, spar torpedo… and many more

PEOPLE/GENERALS--David Farragut, Braxton Bragg, Ambrose Burnside, Abner Doubleday, P.G.T. Beauregard, Jefferson Davis, Thomas Jonathan Jackson, Judah P. Benjamin, Robert E. Lee, J.E.B. Stuart, Ulysses S. Grant, Joseph Hooker, George McClellan, Phillip Sheridan, William T. Sherman, Abraham Lincoln, George A. Custer, Winfield Scott, Clara Barton, Dorothea Dix, Mary Bickerdyke, Mary Chestnut, Robert Smalls, Belle Boyd… and many more

PRODUCTS(INVENTIONS)--- Levi’s jeans, mason jars, hoop skirts, cotton gin, rotary printing press, clothes pin, rolled toilet paper, can opener, petroleum jelly, camera, ball point pen… and many more

EVENTS --New York Riots July 1863, draft March 1863 , “March to the Sea”, Gettysburg Address, Lincoln’s 1st inauguration speech, Lincoln’s 2nd inauguration speech, Emancipation Proclamation, West Virginia…and many more

OTHER TOPICS----Spies, Anaconda Plan, submarines, fashion, medicine, operations, , Black Soldiers, Andersonville Prison, Women soldiers, Geography of the war, casualties(deaths) of the war, 54th Massachusetts, boy soldiers(cadets), diseases during the Civil War, soldiers food, soldiers uniforms, paychecks of soldiers, Copperheads, blockade, bonnie blue flag (stars and bars), Advantages of the North, Advantages of the South, blockade runners, habeas corpus, Mexicans in the Civil War, air balloons, border states… and many more

CIVIL WAR BASEBALL CARDS- TRIMESTER 3 Project Due Friday 4/28/2017

-get 10 index cards (3 in. x 5 in. blank on both sides if possible, color or white)….- choose 10 people or 10 battles or 10 generals or 10 products or 10 weapons or 10 events or 10 other topics or a mix of any 10. It’s only a total of 10 but you are welcome to do more. ----research your 10 and organize your informationWhat to put:

- for people you need to find/put: their picture (real or hand drawn- 2x2 inches), their full name, their birth date, their death date, where they were born, 3 things they did., importance to Civil War (why they are important)

- for battles you need to find/put: a picture(real or hand drawn- 2x2 inches), the name of the battle plus if it had another name, when the battle took place(date(s), where the battle took place, who was involved in the battle that was important, who won the battle, how many people died in the battle

-for generals you need to find/put: the same as people plus a list of battles they were involved in.

-for products(inventions) you need to find/put: a picture (real of hand drawn-2x2 inches), the name of the product, the date or year it was invented/created, where it was invented, who invented it, a description of what it did, where you could buy it, who might have bought it.

-for weapons you need to find put: a picture (real of hand drawn-2x2 inches), the name of the weapon, the date or year it was invented/created, where it was invented, who invented it, a description of what it did, where you could buy it, who might have used it, how destructive was it.

- for events you need to find/put: a picture (real of hand drawn-2x2 inches), the name of the event, the date(s) of the event, where the event took place, what happened during the event, who was involved in the event, who did the event benefit, how did people react to the event.
