Short Story Organizer- Grade 10

House / Harrison Bergeron / The Tell Tale Heart
Focus Concepts / -Irony
-Reading Strategies Intro / -Irony and Symbolism
-Questioning and Visualization / -Point of View
-Visualization and Questioning
Point of View(objective, omniscient, limited omniscient, first person, second person) / Limited omniscient – in the head of George only
Setting (Physical setting such as time, place, and emotional setting such as mood. Can include antecedent action such as flashbacks or conversation) / Physical- 2081 AD
Somewhere in USA, in Harrison’s old home (2)
Emotional- domesticated, mundane, hopeless, dreary, exciting, rebellious, unsettling (2)
(protagonist and antagonist)
(stock or foil?)
  1. Round/Flat
  2. Static/Dynamic
(give evidence to back it up) / Protagonist- Harrison Bergeron
Flat/Stock-strong, intelligent, rebellious, superman
Static- does not change
Antagonist- society/government/H-G
Conflict (character vs character, character vs self, character vs environment, character vs society, character vs fate)
Inner conflict or external conflict or both? / Character vs society – the family vs Diana Glampers
Theme Statement
(Universal statement about the idea. Must be in a sentence or two)
Steps to determining theme:
  1. List the topics
  2. What is the author saying about the topics?
Topic + change (+/-) = result
Eg. Ambition+ too much= destruction
Statement- “Too much ambition can lead to destruction” /
  • The result of controlling equality can be negative.
  • When trying to create perfect equality, society may sacrifice happiness and beauty.
  • Shackles can be hidden with distraction.
  • In an attempt or reach utopia, we may destroy what makes us individual.
  • TV can be used as a tool for control and propaganda.

(expository happy, expository sad, surprise or twist, unresolved/indeterminate
/cliffhanger) / Unresolved- society has not changed. This is the best answer because the main conflict is character vs. society. Because society does not change, the ending is unresolved.
Sad- their son dies and nothing has changed. The society is still oppressive.
Other Terms
(irony, symbols, foreshadowing) / Irony- the irony is that in an attempt to create a utopian society, They have created an oppressive, controlling society that is mundane and dull.

Short Story Organizer- Grade 10

Forgiveness in Families / The Doll’s House / The Metaphor
Focus Concepts / -characterization / -Characterization
-point of view / -Characteriztion
-Visualization and Questioning
Point of View(objective, omniscient, limited omniscient, first person, second person) / Omniscient- told from the views of many characters / First person- from Charlotte’s point of view
Setting (Physical setting such as time, place, and emotional setting such as mood. Can include antecedent action such as flashbacks or conversation) / Physical- Rural New Zealand, 1920’s
Emotional setting- wonder, conflicted, / -modern day- 80”s?
-somewhere in Canada due to the reference to “Peggy’s Cove”
Emotional- happy, excited, reflective
(protagonist and antagonist)
(stock or foil?)
  1. Round/Flat
  2. Static/Dynamic
(give evidence to back it up) / -The Kelzey girls are the protagonists (they experience the conflict)
Flat and static
Antagonist- The Burnell girls and society as a whole / Foils- Charlotte’s mom and Miss Hancock
Protagonist- Charlotte, she is round- lots of parts to her personality
anddynamic- she changes in the story when she turns 15 and when she loses Mrs. Hancock.
Antogonist- Charlotte’s mother- round and static
-restrictive socialite whose house is close to “godliness”
Conflict (character vs character, character vs self, character vs environment, character vs society, character vs fate)
Inner conflict or external conflict or both? / Characters vs society
-the children are acting out the class discrimination they see in the adults. The Kelvey’s are the lowest and they are treated poorly due to their economic / Character vs self- Charlotte’s inner conflict about how to treat Mrs. Hancock plus her own personal changes in adolscence
Character vs. society– Charlotte wants to accept Mrs Hancock but her teen society does not allow it.
Theme Statement
(Universal statement about the idea. Must be in a sentence or two)
Steps to determining theme:
  1. List the topics
  2. What is the author saying about the topics?
Topic + change (+/-) = result
Eg. Ambition+ too much= destruction
Statement- “Too much ambition can lead to destruction” / Discrimination, human dynamics, cruelty in children,
Social hierarchy for those with money, power, innocence in children
-The desire to have money and prestige can cause discrimination.
-Having prestige and money can lead to power but it can also lead to class discrimination.
-The young and innocent have the power to eliminate class boundaries.
-People put others down to make themselves feel more powerful.
-Discrimination boundaries can be overcome by innocence yet shattered by arrogance. / Growing up
Relationship with mother and teacher
Love for learning
Expressing kindness despite pressure
Difference in personalities such as cold and efficient vs passionate and accepting
-Express pleasure despite other people’s opinions.
-Passion for a subject can lead to inspiration
-Growing up can be a difficult experience
-Judging someone on their looks may restrict understanding
(expository happy, expository sad, surprise or twist, unresolved/indeterminate
/cliffhanger) / Unresolved- nothing has changed for the Kelvey girls / Sad- Charlotte has lost her favourite teacher and only now realizes her mistakes in not acknowledging the impact the teacher had on her life.
Other Terms
(irony, symbols, foreshadowing)