Iowa Council for Early ACCESS

September 14, 2017 Meeting Minutes

I.Call to Order

Patrick Judkins called the Iowa Council for Early ACCESS to order at 10:10 a.m. on September 14, 2017 at the Grimes State Office Building, Des Moines IA and zoom.

Council Members Present:

Patrick Judkins, Shari Huecksteadt, Annette Hyde, Amanda Kleese, Mary Butler, Emma Bouza, Laurie Jeans, Jeff Anderson, Brittney Magsamen, Rae Miller (for Thomas Scholz), Marcus Johnson-Miller, Kimberly Villotti, Casey Abler, Kori Hans, Martha Draayer, Kevin Koester


Ryan Allen, Kristie Davis, Stephanie Peters, Julie Allison, Paula Connolly, Debra Mazat, Haley Tryon, and Kristie Vasey.

Staff Present:

Diane McDonald-Goetzmann (Child Health Specialty Clinics), Melissa Schnurr (Iowa Department of Education), Teri Mash (Department of Human Services), and Cindy Weigel (Iowa Department of Education)

II.Approval of Minutes

Marcus Johnson-Miller motioned to approve the January minutes as written.Kimberly Villotti seconded the motion. Approved unanimously.

III.Family Story

Patrick Judkins shared his family's story. He and wife had twins at 31 weeks. Stayed in NICU for 8 weeks. Children were born in Illinois. Referred to Early ACCESS by a coworker. He feels that Early ACCESS was a great resource and support to his family. Early ACCESS helped his children meet milestones and really helped to prepare his children for preschool. Early ACCESS helped the family with routines and shared tips, which Patrick said were very helpful.

IV.System Overview: Glass half full

Cindy Weigel and Melissa Schnurr presented on behalf of the Early ACCESS state work team. For the past 5 years, Iowa has been working at implementing Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI). Cindy shared an overview of the three improvement strategies for Early ACCESS and the challenges with implementing system change.

Melissa shared the Iowa Distance Mentoring Model (DMM) and scale up of FGRBI.Melissa shared the Iowa DMM website: that members could see videos of Iowa providers implementing FGRBI.Melissa shared the Early Intervention Foundations Modules Link:

If you want to view the Modules you can either create a username and password or you can access Modules through the generic username and password below: Username: , password: EarlyACCESS.

V.ICEA Bylaws: Purpose and Focus on Activities

Thomas Mayes, Department of Education Attorney, walked us through the bylaws. He informed the Council about the conflict between the Rules and the bylaws regarding term limits. The Council may choose to recommend to the Lead Agency to open Rules to add term limits. Would also need to add into the Rules the bylaw about attendance. Proposal to add parent training and information center (ASK Resource) as a member to Rules.

Add to every agenda: How to access the meeting electronically.

Electronic meetings: If more than quorum is electronic, “sketchy” (Thomas); electronic should be the exception rather than the rule; best to have quorum in person.

Noted that the elections section says that there should be 2 weeks between nominations and voting at the meeting, but the chair can call special elections to fill vacant positions on executive committee.

Asked Thomas to confirm that the 2nd sentence in the Public Policy committee definition is accurate (pg. 6).

Executive committee is not a federal requirement so we aren’t required to have an exec committee; we have one because it is in Rules. Thomas recommended we keep the same format to our bylaws.Need to determine/label what is federal and state in the bylaws.

VI.Committee and Signatory Agency Reports

Parent - no members

Public Policy - Kevin Koester chair; additional members: Martha Draayer and Thomas Scholz. Report out: have a few things to bring forward such as child find/referrals and looking at data in a meeting to advise and assist; bylaws say we need to respond to state/fed policy - going to research a few leg issues to assist policy communications to do real time response.

Governor’s Report - Laurie Jeans and Casey Abler co-chair. Report out: will be reaching out for input. Cindy stated will get Kevin’s recommendations he provided last year.

Membership/Nominations - Marcus Johnson-Miller chair; additional members: Emma Bouza and Shari Huecksteadt. Report out: will work to fill executive slots and track attendance and identify when new members are needed.

Bylaws - Jeff Anderson chair; additional members: Kimberly Villotti, Thomas Mayes, Patrick Judkins members. Report out: looking at membership, term limits because there are some conflicts between Rules and our By-laws

VII.Vote on Slate

The chair of the nominations committee presented the following slate for executive council:

Vice Chair - Brittney Magsamen

Parent Rep - Emma Bouza

At-large - Jeff Anderson

Motion to approve slate as presented by Kimberly Villotti. Approved unanimously.

  1. Council Topics Connected to Bylaws: Activity

State team members shared thewebsite which is the online referral system and houses as well as information about Early ACCESS and the resources section to request printed EA materials:

Council members went into groups and discussed questions about marketing Early ACCESS and what they could do to help market/share information about Early ACCESS. Group ideas were recorded and shared out with the large council.


Kimberly Villotti motioned to adjourn the meeting. Jeff Anderson seconded. All favored. The meeting ended at 2:59pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Melissa Schnurr, Meghan Miller, Diane McDonald-Goetzmann 9/17/2017.