Project Logix: compiled working rule list as of 2005/05/06

Regular text shows rules suggested in initial post. Italicized text shows adjustments made later or agreed upon via email.

There are five types of cards in Logix:
1) OBJECT: These are used to accumulate score. They are of various values and colors.
2) OPERATION: These alter how Object cards are scored. They might say "red cards are worth x2" or "blue cards are worth zero". They might even say something like "green cards count as double quantity" (for when a condition requires a certain number of cards, not the total of their face values).
3) GOAL: A card that states the condition for victory. They usually consist of an equality/inequality and either a point value or a card quantity, such as "at least 20 points" or "exactly 5 cards"
Here's where it gets fun
4) LOGIC: These cards alter how OPERATION and GOAL cards work. Normally, new Operation/Goal cards override older ones, but with a logic card, you can append to existing setups. Logic cards include AND, OR, XOR, and a special NOT modifier that can only be played when one of the other three is already in the system.
5) CONDITION: Sets up a control structure for conditional Goals and Operations. Includes IF/THEN and ELSE. Conditions are set up on top of Operation structures which consist of Operation and Logic cards. Condition cards may be nested, too.


Deck is shuffled and 6 cards are dealt to each player. After a player puts down cards, he draws cards to return hand to original size.

Card quantities: There are 96 cards in total in the deck.

24 object cards:

{RED,YEL,GRN,BLU} of values {0,1,2,3,4,5}
28 operation cards:

{R,Y,G,B} of types {value x1/2, value x2, value x0, value x-1, qty x2, qty x0, qty wild}
18 goal cards:

{==, <=, >=} with operands {value/10, value/20, value/30, qty 4, qty 8, qty 12}
12 logic cards:

{AND, OR, XOR, NOT} x3
14 condition cards:

8 IF/THENs and 6 ELSEs

A turn has many elements, which do not have to be played in any order. The player is not forced to do anything, but can potentially do everything on the list. During one turn, if applicable, you can:
-play an Object card
-play an Operation card
-play a Goal card
-play a Logic card, given that either is used to append to an existing condition/operation structure, or replace an existing Logic card.
-play a IF/THEN card, given that it is being appended to an existing condition/operation structure.
-play an ELSE card, given that it is being appended to an existing IF/THEN structure, in conjunction with a condition or operation to provide for the ELSE.

Alternative Rules:

A player may perform any action described above as many times as desired so long as the move is legal.
Whenever a player introduces a new Operation or Goal, it may be appended to an existing Operation/Goal card using a Logic card, or overwrite an existing card of the same type, or stand alone as a new independent Op/Goal. If no Operation/Goal exists, the card becomes the Op/Goal.
A IF/THEN B is read as IF (A) is evaluated as true THEN (B) holds. Otherwise, if (A) is false, then (B) is ignored. (A) may be a combination of Operations and Goals joined with Logic cards. (B) may be a combination of Operation, Goals, and nested Condition cards.
ELSE is used just like in programming. IF (A) THEN (B) ELSE (C) means that if (A) is true, then (B) is obeyed, but (C) is ignored, while if (A) is false, (B) is ignored, and (C) is obeyed. Else cards may take the same cards as the Then side of an IF/THEN card.
When deciding how to work a Condition structure, the player chooses whether or not they agree to be bound by the conditions in (A) and evaluates accordingly. Depending on the setup of the cards, they may or may not be bound by further rules. If further rules are implied by a THEN or ELSE, then those rules are 'relevant'. Otherwise they are 'irrelevant' any may not be used.
Conditions for victory:
The only universal rule for victory is that there may not be zero Goals to fulfill (as determined by nonexistence or irrelevance), the player must fulfill all 'relevant' Goals, and there must be only one player that can do so, given that the construct is evaluated the same way for each player.

Alternative Rules: There must be at least one Goal card in a construct for it to be applicable for winning. The Goal card does not need to be fulfilled, only present.

*Extended Rules: When a construct is won, it is taken out of play by the player that wins it. Constructs are worth 1 point apiece. (subject to change)
Example of relevance:
[Operation: Red cards are worth x2] IF/THEN [Goal: Achieve at least 20 points] ELSE [Operation: Green cards are worth x1/2]
If you want red cards to be worth double, then you must also fulfill the Goal of getting at least 20 points, but you may not count green cards as being worth half. If you don't want red cards to count as double, then you don't have to achieve 20 points, but you must count green cards as half.