
Honors 11 – Unit #12-13 - Vocabulary Exam - Level G

Word Bank:

  1. abstruse
  2. canard
  3. captious
  4. cognizant
  5. contrite
  6. decorous
  7. discomfit
  8. efficacy
  9. engender
  10. espouse
  11. ethereal
  12. hapless
  13. importune
  14. incongruous
  15. interpolate
  16. laconic
  17. languish
  18. machinations
  19. mendacious
  20. mesmerize
  21. opprobrium
  22. perfunctory
  23. preempt
  24. putative
  25. requite
  26. tantamount


Honors 11 – Unit #12-13 – Review Sentences- Level G

  1. Some teachers are able to present the most ______subjects in terms that are clear to all students.
  1. Only a thoroughly naïve and gullible person would actually believe every preposterous ______that circulates in this school.
  1. At the risk of appearing a trifle ______, I would like to raise a few small objections to the wording of this proposal.
  1. The longer I study this country’s history, the more ______I become of my rich heritage of freedom.
  1. I didn’t really believe that he was sorry for what he had done until I saw he ______expression on his face.
  1. The child’s conduct during the ceremony may not have been appropriately ______, but it wasn’t horrendous either.
  1. Last night, Central high’s Shooting Stars captured the basketball championship by ______the South high Slammers, 61 to 44.
  1. The only surefire way to establish the ______of a new drug in treating a disease is to test it “in the field.”
  1. There is little evidence that supports the idea that poverty tends to ______poor language skills.
  1. It’s easy enough to back a popular program, but it takes real courage to ______a cause that most people oppose.
  1. The cherubic faces and ______voices of the choristers almost moved me to tears.
  1. The ______creature had somehow gotten its foot caught in the grate and could not extricate it without help.
  1. Suddenly I was surrounded by a mob of street urchins loudly ______me for a handout.
  1. What could be more ______than the 6-foot, 7-inch center on the basketball team dolled up in baby clothes for the class play!
  1. As his irrepressible flow of reminiscences continued without a letup, I tried in vain to ______a few observations of my own.
  1. When asked what terms he would offer the Confederate army, General Grant made the ______reply, “Unconditional surrender!”
  1. I thought our state legislators would consider the proposal at the earliest opportunity, but they let it ______in committee for months.
  1. The ______of the unscrupulous wheeler-dealers involved in that unsavory scandal boggle the imagination.
  1. To say that he is ______does not even begin to convey just how alienated he is from any regard for the truth.
  1. For more than five minutes she stared at the telegram containing the bad news, as if she were ______.
  1. Some historians question whether Benedict Arnold really deserves all the ______he has been accorded as America’s arch-traitor.
  1. They claim to have made a thorough search of the premises, but I suspect that their efforts were no more than ______.
  1. He stated his point of view on the issue clearly in order to ______anyone’s plans to contradict him.
  1. No one knows for sure who really wrote the scene, but Shakespeare is generally regarded as its ______author.
  1. “Don’t you think it’s a little foolish to pursue the young lady when your warm feelings for her are clearly not ______?” I asked.
  1. When you get more experience on the job, you will learn that a ‘request” from your employer is ______to an order.


Recompensed them for their hospitality ______

Tried to interject a different opinion ______

Entreated the governor for a pardon ______

Cautioned me against the dishonest salesperson ______

Disconcerted the conservative audience ______

Wilt under the hot sun ______

Listened to a terse summary ______

No more than a cursory note of apology ______

Equal to betraying a friend ______

Esoteric concepts developed by experts ______

Conscious of our mutual responsibilities ______

Disliked for his nit-picking tendencies ______

Foiled the schemes of the villain ______

Begets mistrust on the whole family ______

Brought shame on the whole family ______

The jarring reunion of longtime rivals ______