Making Your Marriage A Second Heaven Series

20 Ways of Making Your Marriage Life Strong and Healthy

Enjoy life with your wife whom you love all the days … of your life God has given you. Eccl. 9:9

  1. Bonding Time: spend quality time together, set date and time, go out,
  2. Breathing Room: allow each other some space and ways of doing things
  3. Commitment: marrying till death do us apart
  4. Code words of Communicating: Ex: going to bed or the ‘palace’
  5. Communicate Freely: Level 1. (TMC talks), Level 2. (Heart to Heart)
  6. Dedication: make your spouse needs your complete focus
  7. Effort: being emotionally naked with each other (trust, love, frank), 100/100% and not 50/50% effort of each other
  8. Enjoy each other: figure out what makes him or her happy
  9. Laughter: laugh at yourselves over issues
  10. Learn to Apologize: say honey I’ m sorry, please forgive me
  11. List things you expect of your spouse and tell or remind him/her
  12. Partnership: marriage is a partnership contribute your expertise
  13. Put things in Perspective: Give honest answers.Go for win-win situation
  14. Resolve Conflict as soon as possible and Practice Forgiveness: do not let sun go down on your anger
  15. Prayer: Pray together. Pray for each other
  16. Prioritize: make your spouse your number one priority.
  17. Pursue Peace in your marriage at all cost at all times (Rom 12:18)
  18. Team Work and Ownership: our problems: job, schooling, children, money, extended family
  19. Self Sacrifice: sharing tasks and helping each other to succeed
  20. Say I love you to each other very often

Positive Communication +Love+ Forgiveness +Prayer + Sexual Intimacy = Healthy, Happy, Vibrant and Strong Marriage.

Labor on to enjoy your marriage. Stay blessed in Him all the time.

Rev. John Ofori

COP USA, Atlanta District

October 14, 2012