MINUTES of theMEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 6 July 2009at 6.45pm at Silkstone Primary School.


Chairman: Cllr D Liddell

Councillors: R Brocklehurst, J Charlesworth, R Leech and R Stier.

In attendance:6Members of the Public, PC Mark Silcock – South Yorkshire Police, Ms L Simmons – Youth Participation Worker Barnsley MBC and the Parish Clerk


BOMfest 2009

The first question raised during public question time related to BOMfest. Before any discussion took place Cllr Charlesworth declared an interest in the BOMfest event – he was advised by the Chairman to remain in the meeting until such time as the BOMfest organisers arrived at the meeting to address the Parish Council.

RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders to extend Public Question time to half an hour and to allow public participation during the addresses from PC Mark Silcock and Lauren Simmons.

A resident asked the Parish Council if they would support his appeal against the BOMfest event by appearing as a witness. The Council chairman advised that the Parish Council would not get involved in the appeal. The Parish Council are concerned about the comfort and safety of all residents and as such have limited their observations on the BOMfest event to the end time and parking issues.

A resident raised concerns regarding the influx of people into the village at the end of the event. The Chairman advised that the BOMfest organisers should be arriving at the meeting shortly and would be addressing this issue.

A resident asked PC Silcock what Police presence would be at the end of the event and what the Police’s general view of the event is. PC Silcock advised that in light of the forthcoming appeal hearing, he was unable to comment on BOMfest, except to say that police will be present at the end of the event subject to other policing commitments.

2 Bomfest organisers joined the meeting.Cllr Charlesworth, having declared an interest in BOMfest earlier in public question time left the meeting.

Cllr Stier asked a question about a Road Safety issue and Cllr Liddell asked that the Parish Council limit their discussion with the BOMfest organisers to the event finish time and parking issues and the new issue of the High street bus stop being used to transport people to and from the event.

The BOMfest organisers confirmed that a park and ride scheme had been set up from the Dodworth Business Park. They advised that a licence had been granted for a 1am finish on the sale of alcohol and a 2 am event close. The High street bus stop is preferred by Barnsley MBC for safety reasons. Although the BOMfest organisers would have preferred the bus stop at the garage, Barnsley MBC deemed this to be an unsafe pick up/drop off point. The organisers also advised that extra marshals will be visible along the exit route during the key exit times. The organisers advised that there would be a steady stream of people leaving the event from 7pm until its close and so they stated that they did not foresee a huge number of people leaving the event at one time or at the close. The organisers will contact the police one hour before the close to request a police presence if their other commitments allow. Professional security guards have been employed to deal with any anti social behaviour.

A resident asked the BOMfest organisers about the walking route to the event over 5 stiles and stated that she felt this to be an unsuitable means of accessing the site. BOMfest organisers agreed that the route is not ideal but that lighting would be provided to light the path and extra stewards would be placed at the stiles. The issue of animals in the field being scared by the volume of foot traffic was raised but as this does not concern the Parish Council or residents the discussion moved on.

The BOMfest organisers stated that they would be issuing a letter to the residents of Silkstone 2 weeks before the event.

2 villages Festival

A resident requested better advertising of all of the events next year. He stated that the events were well attended but that posters advertising them did not go up until close to the events. The Chairman advised that the programme for the 2 villages’ festival was covered in detail in the Parish Council newsletter which is distributed to every home in the Parish. The resident had not seen this. It was agreed that the Clerk would pass on the residents hand written comments to Mr Senior the organiser of the 2 Villages festival. The residents comments relating to the slippery grass at the bar area of Rockin the Rec event would be forwarded to the football club who arranged the event

The 2 BOMfest organisers left the meeting and 2 Members of the Public left the meeting

Cllr Charlesworth rejoined the meeting.

Scout Hut Management Committee

Mark Slater representing Silkstone Scouts handed the Parish Council a revised lease plan for the new Scout building. He advised that the committee would like to call the building the Silkstone Community Centre to enable it to be opened up to groups other than the Scouts, Guides and Dance group. He advised that the committee are currently applying for a charity number. He stated that the new facilities could double the number of children that use the existing building.

2 Members of the Public left the meeting

A resident reported that the trees at the side of the road on Cone Lane are in need of cutting back – the Clerk will advise Highways.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Bower who is ill and Cllrs Gallamore, Handley and Smith who are on holiday.


RESOLVED to note that Councillor Charlesworth declared a prejudicial interest in BOMfest which was discussed during public question time and left the meeting whilst the BOMfest organisers addressed the Parish Council.

RESOLVED to note Councillor Stier’s declaration of a personal interest in the payment to the handyman.


PC Mark Silcock from South Yorkshire Police addressed the Parish Council. He stated that following discussion with his Inspector, it would be the opinion of the local Police that aDPPO would be of no benefit to the area at the back of the Co-op. He explained that the Police already have powers to seize alcohol from young people under the age of 18. The only difference with a DPPO would be that alcohol could be seized from people over the age of 18 drinking on the recreation ground.

RESOLVED that the Parish Council will not pursue a DPPO for the back of the Co-op and the Recreation Ground since the Police have existing powers to seize alcohol from underage drinkers.

RESOLVED to note the crime figures for the month of June 2009 are Silkstone 7 and Silkstone Common 4.

PC Silcock advised that 3 of the crimes in Silkstone were drive offs from the petrol station. Main crimes at the moment are break-ins to garden sheds and garages and theft from cars.


Lauren Simmons, Youth Participation Worker from Barnsley MBC addressed the Parish Council. She stated that the manufacturers of the MUGA would provide a 25 year guarantee on the structural integrity of the cage and a 5 year guarantee on the paintwork. She confirmed that Barnsley MBC would not take on any responsibility for the maintenance of the MUGA following completion.

The Clerk advised Council that the cost to insure the MUGA would be in the region of £130 per year.

RESOLVED that the Parish Council will take on responsibility for the insurance and maintenance of the MUGA upon completion. It was noted that maintenance would include the removal of rubbish in and around the MUGA.

RESOLVED that the Clerk will pass on the contact details of the Community Hall Fundraising committee to Lauren Simmons. She can then attend their meetings to represent the Young People who are not involved with the Scouts or Guides.

RESOLVED that Lauren Simmons will speak to the Young People to ask them to not camp in the Cone Lane woods. Camp fires have been lit in the wood which creates a hazard.

RESOLVED to revert to Standing Orders

09-048 MINUTES

Silkstone Parish Council - RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1 June 2009 as a true and accurate record.

Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party –RESOLVED to note the draft minutes of SilkstonePlaying Fields Working Party from their meeting on 15 June 2009.

Cllr Stier commented that there had been some minor damage to the pavilion toilets during the Rockin the Rec event which the handyman will repair.

Twinning Committee – RESOLVED to note the draft minutes of the Twinning Committee meeting held on 11 June 2009.

Media Group Meeting – RESOLVED to note the notes from the meeting of the Media Group

Cllr Leech explained to members that since Cllr Bower advised that he is to step down as editor of the newsletter after the March 2010 issue the Media group had been seeking a new editor. Diane Brown the Parish Councils internal auditor and resident of Silkstone has kindly volunteered to take on the role.

RESOLVED to contact Vision ICT to ask them to cancel the .gov.uk e-mail addresses for Councillors and the Clerk as soon as possible following a number of councillors receiving a lot of SPAM e-mails.

RESOLVED that Cllr Brocklehurst will visit Silkstone Primary School and Silkstone Common Junior and Infant School. He will discuss with them the proposal to have a Road Safety poster competition for the children which will be included in the November 09 issue of the newsletter.



RESOLVEDthat Silkstone Parish Council will register no comment on the following planning applications:

2009/0711 / Erection of a single storey front and rear extension to dwelling at 6 Whinmoor View, Silkstone / No comment
2009/0782 / Erection of a single storey rear extension to dwelling at 82 Towngate, Silkstone / No comment


RESOLVED that the Planning Working Party of Silkstone Parish Council will become the Planning Committee of Silkstone Parish Council. As such all agendas and minutes will be made public.

FURTHER RESOLVED that a meeting of the Planning Committee will be held in August (on a date and time to be agreed with members of the committee) should the need arise.



RESOLVED that the Clerk will liaise with Cllr Mrs Gallamore and contact everyone involved in the production of the Parish Plan; to arrange a convenient date for an action plan review meeting.


RESOLVED that Cllr D Liddell will attend the whole of the joint training conference in Scarborough. The Clerk will complete the booking form.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk and Cllr Stier will attend the SLCC regional training conference at Cedar Court Hotel, Wakefield in September.


  1. Quality Council checklist

RESOLVED to note the requirements of the checklist for Quality Status

  1. Annual Report 2008/2009

RESOLVED to note the Annual Report document. The document consists of a list of councillors contact details, the chairman’s annual report and the end of year accounts information all of which have previously been approved by the Parish Council.

  1. Statement of Intent for Training

RESOLVED to approve the statement of intent for training.

  1. Quality Council Working Party

RESOLVED to approve the terms of reference document for the new Quality Status working party as revised at this meeting. A copy of the revised terms of reference is attached to these minutes.

FURTHER RESOLVED that Cllr Leech will be chairman of the Quality Status Working Party and will be joined by Cllr Charlesworth and Handley, in their absence any other Councillor may replace them at a meeting of the working party.


RESOLVED that this item should be discussed in private at the end of the meeting when members of the public will be excluded.

During the private session it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should receive a 2 point increase in her salary following the successful completion of CiLCA.


The Parish Council considered a proposal from the Church to take on the running of the Mission Rooms on a permanent basis at their meeting in November 2008. At that time the Parish Council considered that the running costs of the hall made the proposal non viable. The Church have now made another proposal and suggest that the Parish Council take on the Hall for a one year period as a trial.

RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council will take on the running costs of the Mission Rooms at Silkstone Common for a one year trial period commencing on 1 April 2010 pending further discussion and agreement of terms with Silkstone Church.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk will request the Church to provide an Architects report on the building. Following receipt of this report a meeting will be arranged between Cllr Handley and the Clerk and representatives of the Parochial Church Council. The Clerk will report back to the Parish Council at their September meeting when a way forward will be agreed.



RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule in the sum of £7,128.38



RESOLVED that the Northern Gas Networks grant application form should be used to apply for funding towards the Silkstone War Memorial.

FURTHER RESOLVED to note that the Clerk has forwarded a copy of the forms to the two primary schools in the Parish. It was agreed that the form should also be sent to CARE, Hadrians Dry Stone Walling and the Roggins Local History Group.


RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact signs Xtra to obtain a costing for a sign and report back to the September 09 Council meeting.


RESOLVED that this item should be discussed in private at the end of the meeting when members of the public will be excluded.

During the confidential session Cllr Liddell explained to members the concerns of the elderly residents of Manor Park bungalows and it was RESOLVED to note the concerns and that Barnsley MBC and Berneslai Homes are involved to try and resolve the situation.


RESOLVED to defer this item to the September 09 Council meeting.

RESOLVED to note that a group of youths have been causing a nuisance and throwing stones at houses from the recreation ground in the middle of the night. This has been reported to the Police.


  • Cricket Club Alcohol Licence

The Parish Council have now agreed not to pursue a Designated Public Place Order (see minute number09-046) and so it is

RESOLVED that the Parish Council will support the cricket club in their application for a blanket alcohol licence for their cricket matches and events. The Parish Council as owners of the sports pavilion and recreation ground will request that the cricket clubcomply with the following conditions:

1. The Parish Councilto be informed of the responsible nominated person named on the licence.

2. No alcohol to be sold at junior cricket matches

3. All rubbish must be removed from the Pavilion and cricket field

4. The cricket club to advise the Parish Council of where the alcohol will be stored and to agree to pay forthe cost of running any refrigeration unit

5. The cricket club to advisewho will be in control of selling the alcohol and any arrangements for setting up a bar area.

Provided that the Cricket Club agree to these terms the Parish Council has no objection to the cricket club applying for a blanket alcohol licence.

  • Rockin the Rec

RESOLVED that the Clerk will organise a post event feedback meeting with the organisers of Rockin the Rec. Cllrs Liddell and Stier and the Clerk will attend.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the organisers of Rockin the Rec will be asked to report back regularly to the Silkstone Playing Fields Working Party with details of their Health & Safety arrangements, licence application, insurance arrangements etc. The finish time of next years’ Rockin the Rec should be agreed with the Parish Council.

  • Pavilion & Recreation Ground

RESOLVED that the Health & Safety Inspector at Barnsley MBC be asked to carry out a Health & Safety Inspection of the Pavilion.

RESOLVED that ‘Events on Silkstone Recreation Ground’ be included as an agenda item on the September agenda with a view to producinga set of guidelines for the hire of the Recreation Ground for large events.