(Houghton Conquest Lower School and Early Years Centre Newsletter (Week beginning Monday 20th May 2013)

Newsletter 32: Value of the Month: Honesty

Exciting News for the School

In September we will be opening a new class! Due to the increasing numbers of children joining the school we will now separate Year 1 and Year 2 into two distinct classes. This is a fantastic development for us and we have had 2 days of interviews this week to recruit new members of staff. We will inform you of our new appointments after half term. Meanwhile we are busy buying new furniture and ICT equipment to install in the mobile classroom. It is going to be completely refurbished ready for the new term. The children will now benefit from much smaller classes and we hope to continue this through the school as we progress and develop.

Dining Hall

You may have heard the children talking about the new dining hall seating units we are trying out at lunchtime. All the children will get a chance to sit on them this week and we will be ordering them for the start of the new school year.

Kwik Cricket Festival

On Wednesday 10 children from Hawks Class represented the school at the Kwik Cricket Festival held at Ampthill Cricket Club. The children played against 4 schools; they won 2 of the games and lost the other 2. Unfortunately the team didn’t manage to progress to the finals this time, but they did all enjoy themselves and represented the school in a positive manner.

Well done to all the children that took part and thank you to Mrs Randall and Ms Roberts who accompanied the children to the Festival.

Early Years

We have had a busy time this week choosing the toys that interest us and developing our play ideas with friends. The children have really enjoyed leading their play.

The Swans Group had fun having to count out pennies today to buy a real lollipop! When the children were being collected at home time I heard a boy say to his mum that "he got it in his learning." P.E. has been a favourite transition activity again this week. We are very impressed in how neat the piles of clothes are and so well folded. The transition display has been expanded so please have a look at the children's work and in the diary.

An NVQ Assessor visited us today and said how wonderful the children's work was that is displayed and how busy and settled they all are in session. Well done children for all your efforts.

All children have a letter in their trays for days and times for next September's sessions. Please return them by Friday 7th June.

Fathers Day - please could you send a photograph in of daddy so we can include them in a display. Thank you. Invitations will be sent out soon, so remember to put the date on your calendar for Thursday 13th June, 2-3 pm. We look forward to seeing you.

Values Award - Honesty - Abbygail Fisk for telling an adult that she had knocked some milk over and had to wipe it up.

Thank you.

Teresa Davies - Senior Early Years Practitioner

Art Adventures

Art Adventurers is running a 5 week workshop which is themed around ‘Circus and Carnivals’. The children will have the opportunity to design and create a carousel using a range of materials. This project will be worked on throughout the 5 week period. Other craft activities will also be available linking to the theme. This workshop starts on 13th June and runs to 11th July and cost £25. If you are interested in a place then contact the school the usual way or feel free to e-mail Karen, on or visit the website to check on dates www.artadventurers.com ‘


Don’t forget it’s our disco this Friday, 24th May.

- 5.15 to 6pm: EYC and Robins

- 6.15 to 7pm: Owls and Hawks

£2 entry, please bring with you the completed form sent home in book bags on Thursday – thank you.

Our next meeting is on the 8th July at 7.30pm at the Royal Oak – all welcome.


Kitchen Manager

Below are the prices for school dinners for the next half-term.

£2.10 per day

£10.50 per week

£79.80 for the half term

£16.80 Roast Weds for the half term

£14.70 Fun Fri for the half term

Year 4 only: £75.60 for half term, £16.80 for Roast Weds and £12.60 for Fun Fridays

Please ensure that you place the money in a sealed enveloped with your child’s name on and which days they require lunch.

Caterlink operate a strict no money no lunch policy so please remember to bring dinner money in on the first morning back – thank you.

Mrs Wilson – Kitchen Manager

School Uniform

The summer holiday is upon us again. May I remind everyone that if you intend to order school uniforms for September to do so by mid-June, so we can have delivery before the end of the summer term. Schools put in orders at this time of year so the suppliers will be very busy. Unfortunately, unlike last year, I will not be able to deliver your order during the summer. Please do not forget to allow for children’s growth when ordering. We cannot exchange once printed and no refunds will be given.

Administration Team

Website address: https://www.houghtonconquest.beds.sch.uk/

Dates (new or changed dates in bold)

·  24th May – PTA Disco 5.15-6pm EYC and Robins. 6.15-7pm Owls and Hawks. £2 per ticket.

·  27th May – 31st May: Half term holiday

·  3rd June: EYC Parents Only : Cathy Hagan in for SALT sessions/Screenings (1.15pm – 3.15pm)

·  4th June: Hawks Class swimming lesson

·  6th June: EYC Parents Only : Cathy Hagan in for SALT sessions/Screenings (9.30am – 12noon)

·  6th June: Year 3 pupils Values Activity Day with other values school children in Bedfordshire

·  11th June: Hawks Class swimming lesson

·  13th June: Fathers Day Tea Party 2-3pm for Early Years Centre

·  18th June: Hawks Class swimming lesson

·  19th June: Head of Year 5 from Marston Vale Middle in school to talk to Year 4 children

·  24th June: Class Photos to be taken

·  25th June: “Dance” Performance for Year 4 parents (2.45pm) – revised date

·  25th June: Hawks Class swimming lesson

·  28th June: PTA CHUMS dress down day (£1 for charity)

·  2nd July: Hawks Class swimming lesson

·  8th July: PTA Meeting at the Royal Oak, Houghton Conquest at 7.30pm

·  9th July: Hawks Class swimming lesson

·  11th July: 9.15am – 2.15pm Year 4 Induction Day at Marston Vale Middle – further details to follow

·  12th July: 9.15am – 2.15pm Year 4 Induction Day at Marston Vale Middle – further details to follow

·  13th July: Houghton Conquestival: A relaxed, fun and music-filled event for all the family (PTA)

·  15th July: Piano Tea Time Concert (4.30pm)

·  17th July: Sports Day (9.30am)

·  18th July: Alternative Sports Day

·  19th July Leavers Presentation Afternoon at Early Years Centre 2-3pm

·  22nd July: 2pm: Year 4 Leavers’ Assembly (Year 4 parents invited to join us)

·  Wednesday 24th July: Last day of summer term

·  Thursday 5th September 2013: School year begins

·  23rd September – PTA AGM 7.30pm, Committee Room, Village Hall, Houghton Conquest

Celebration Assembly Awards for week ending Friday, 17th May 2013

Robins: Alfie Sutton for showing fantastic enthusiasm in a maths activity.

Owls: Patrick Huxford for excellent story writing.

Owls: Jamie Carter for superb effort with reading comprehension.

Owls: Millie Edwards for taking the lead with numeracy problem solving

Hawks: James Brooks for trying really hard in all his assessments.

Teaching Assistant Rewards:

Callum Day: for fantastic counting while playing skittles.

Alex Edwards: for asking if he could help a child who was struggling with a numeracy problem.

Erin Huxford: for lovely work in ICT (family tree).

Myah Hill: for excellent guided reading even though she had a very sore throat

Midday Supervisory Assistant Award:

Mackenzie Morris: for helping a younger child on her table at lunchtime.

Values Award:

Grace Fuller: for noticing behaviour.

Reading Rewards:

Robins: Callum Day, Lewis Baker and Noah Arnold

Owls: Ben Robinson

Hawks: Shane Holmes, Zsuzsi Csabai and James Brooks

Have a wonderful half term holiday.

Miss C McCarthy

“Our vision is to be an outstanding school in all that we do. We will inspire and nurture a love of learning through a challenging and creative curriculum. Every individual will be recognised for their achievement and feel safe, secure and valued within our school family”