Semester 1 Final Review
v  American History Connecting with the Past: Ch.2-18 pp.34-512

v  Journal Notes

Study Guides Ch. 2-18

Online Review Material

Lecture Outlines

Colonial Beginnings 1607-1640

Mayflower Compact

Colonial Settlement 1607-1680

Colonial Chart

American Puritanism


Slavery in the American Colonies

18th Century American Colonies

The Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards

Prologue to Revolution 1754-1775

The American Revolution

Radicalism of the Revolution

Articles of Confederation

Constitutional Development

Constitutional Convention 1787

The Federalist Era 1790s

Jeffersonian Era 1800-1816

Legacy of the Marshall Court

Marshall notes

War of 1812

Sectionalism & National Growth

Jacksonian Era 1824-1844

Jackson notes

Peculiar Institution of Slavery

Notes on Slavery

William Lloyd Garrison

Expansionism 1800-1848

Mexican American War Chart

1850s: Decade of Controversy

Civil War 1861-1865

Reconstruction: 1865-1877

Railroads 1840-1890

American Industrialism 1865-1900

Immigration 1880-1910

The Rise of the American City

Historical Vocabulary

Colonial Era 1607-1763


Massachusetts Bay Colony

Joint-stock company

Martin Luther

John Calvin


Indentured Servant

Puritan Migration


William Penn

John Winthrop


Mayflower Compact

Roger Williams

Anne Hutchinson

William Berkeley

Nathaniel Bacon

Lord Baltimore

Edmund Andros

Pequot War

Stono Rebellion

Middle Passage

Salutary Neglect

Bacon's Rebellion

Leisler's Rebellion

Navigation Acts

Virginia House of Burgesses

Dominion of New England

Anglican Church

Great Awakening

George Whitefield

Jonathan Edwards

James I

Glorious Revolution

Restoration Colonies

James Oglethorpe

Metacom (King Phillip)

Salem witchcraft trials

Sir Robert Walpole

French & Indian War

Pontiac’s Rebellion

Revolutionary Era 1763-1787

Proclamation of 1763

Stamp Act

Stamp Act Congress

Gaspee Affair

Townshend Duties

non-importation movement

Sons of Liberty

Boston Massacre




Committees of Correspondence

James Otis

George Grenville

Boston Tea Party

Quebec Act

Coercive Act

1st Continental Congress

Samuel Adams

Currency Act 1764

Sugar Act

Quartering Act

Vice-Admiralty Courts

Declaratory Act 1766

John Dickinson

Patrick Henry

Tea Act

Peter Zenger

Writs of Assistance

2nd Continental Congress

John Adams

George Washington

Common Sense

Thomas Paine

Richard Henry Lee

Declaration of Independence




Lord North

Robert Morris

General Howe

Benjamin West

Thomas Jefferson

Franco-American Alliance 1778


Lord Cornwallis

Benedict Arnold

George III

Treaty of Paris 1783

Committee of Public Safety

Federalist Era 1787-1800

Constitutional Convention

3/5's Compromise

Great Compromise

Federalist Papers

Bill of Rights

Separation of Powers

Checks and Balances



Alien & Sedition Acts

Kentucky /Virginia resolutions

XYZ Affair

Washington's Farewell Address

French Alliance

John Adams

Alexander Hamilton

Jay Treaty

Citizen Genet

Hamilton reports

Whiskey Rebellion


Treaty of Fort Stanwick

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Treaty of Greenville

Noah Webster

Nationalism - Jeffersonian Era 1800-1828

War of 1812

Jeffersonian Democrats

Continental System


Barbary Pirates

Embargo 1807

Election of 1800

Western Confederacy


James Madison

War Hawks

Treaty of Ghent 1815

Hartford Convention

J C Calhoun

Aaron Burr

Burr conspiracy

Louisiana Purchase

Lewis & Clark

Zebulon Pike

Webster-Ashburton Treaty 1842

Rush-Bagot Treaty 1817

Adams-Onis 1818

Chesapeake & Leopard

Missouri Compromise

Eli Whitney

John Marshal

Midnight Judges

Marbury v. Madison

Ogden v. Gibbons

Dartmouth v. Woodward

McCullochv. Maryland

Cohens v. Va.

Fletcher v. Peck

Palmer v. Mulligan

eminent domain

Corporate Charters

Tripolian Wars

Monroe Doctrine

Samuel Slater

Moody / Lowell

Boston Manufacturing Company

Henry Clay

American System

National Road

Washington Irving

Currier & Ives

J Q Adams

Panic of 1819

Andrew Jackson

Tariff of Abominations 1828

"corrupt bargain"

Battle of Horseshoe Bend

Battle of New Orleans

Era of Good Feelings

Gabriel Prosser

Denmark Vessy

Jacksonian Era 1828-1844

Trail of Tears

Force Bill

Bank War

Pet banks

South Carolina Exposition and Protest

Nullification Crisis

Nicholas Biddle

Indian Removal Act

Kitchen cabinet

Spoils System / Rotation of Office

Era of the Common Man

National Conventions

Two party system

Martin Van Buren

Independent Treasury Act



Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

Webster-Haynes debate

Specie Circular

Panic of 1837

Lone Star Republic

Annexation of Texas

Battle of San Jacinto

Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana

Sam Houston

William Henry Harrison

John Tyler

Preemption Acts

Alexis de Tocqueville

Democracy in America

Antebellum 1830-1850

Sectionalism (North / West / South)

William Lloyd Garrison

The Liberator

Fredrick Douglas

Dorthea Dix

Grimke sisters

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Margaret Fuller

Susan B. Anthony

Second Great Awakening

Charles Finney

"Necessary Evil-Positive Good"

George Fitzhough

American Colonization Society

Liberty Party

Workingman's Party

Seneca Falls Convention

Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

Henry David Thoreau

Ralph Waldo Emerson

slave codes

Nat Turner

Herman Melville

Brooks Farm

Joseph Smith

Oneida Community


Free-soil Party

Gag Rule

Manifest Destiny 1840-1850s

John O'Sullivan

James K Polk

Mexican-American War

Zachary Taylor

John Fremont

Stephan Kearny

Commander Oliver Perry


Oregon Territory

New Mexico

"54' 40 or Fight"

John Slidell

"Conscious Whigs"

Manifest Destiny


Brigham Young

Oregon Trail


American Fur Company

Cit Carson

Winfield Scott

Battle of Buena Vista

Battle of Mexico City

Bear Flag Republic

Treaty of Guadelupe-Hildalgo

Spot Resolutions

Oregon Treaty 1846

Lansford Hastings

Emigrants Guide to California and Oregon

Richard Henry Dana

Two Years Before the Mast

Wilmot Proviso

Popular Sovereignty

Lewis Cass

Decade of Controversy 1850s

Compromise of 1850

Fugitive Slave Law

Calhoun Doctrine

Know Nothing Party

Republican Party

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Ostend Manifesto

Gadsden Purchase

Young America movement

Slave Power Conspiracy

Abraham Lincoln

Stephan Douglas

Millard Fillmore

Franklin Pierce

James Buchanan

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Freeport Doctrine

"Bleeding Kansas"

Lecompton Constitution

Dred Scott decision

Justice Roger B. Taney

Election of 1860

John Brown

Harpers Ferry

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Personal Liberty Laws

Civil War 1860-1865

Abraham Lincoln

Crittenden Compromise

Ft. Sumter

Winfield Scott

George McClellan

George Meade

Robert E. Lee

Stonewall Jackson

P.T. Beauregard

Jefferson Davis

Ulysses S. Grant

Homestead Act

Clara Barton

Emancipation Proclamation

Border States

Habeas Corpus

William T. Sherman

Battle of Antietam

Battle of Gettysburg

Appomattox Courthouse

Battle of Vicksburg

Trent Affair


"King Cotton"

13th Amendment

New York City draft riots


Sanitary Commission

Reconstruction 1865-1877


15th Amendment

Civil Rights Act 1866

Freedman’s Bureau


Black Codes

Radical Republicans

"Waving the Bloody Shirt"

Thaddeus Stevens

Wade-Davis Bill

Andrew Johnson

Purchase of Alaska

10% Plan

Congressional reconstruction



Military Reconstruction Act

Ku Klux Klan

Tenure of Office Act

Edward M. Stanton

Compromise of 1877

Hayes-Tilden election

Grant’s administration

Whiskey Ring scandal

Credit Moblier

Depression of 1873

The Rise of Big Business 1870-1900

Granger Laws

Morrill Act

Homestead Act

San Francisco anti-Chinese riots

Munn v. Illinois

Central Pacific

Chinese Exclusion Act

Wabash v. Illinois

Panic of 1893

Robber Baron

Thomas Edison

Cornelius Vanderbuilt

Interstate Commerce Act

Sherman Anti-trust Act

Alexander Graham Bell

Looking Backward (1888)

1890 Census

Big Four

Vertically Integrated

Andrew Carnegie

Slaughterhouse Cases

New Immigrants

Jay Gould

Fredrick Taylor

John D. Rockefeller

Horizontally Integrated

Panic of 1873

“bonanza farms”

New South

Standard Oil

J.P. Morgan

Cyrus McCormick

Bessemer process

Ellis Island

Horatio Alger

Henry Frick

Social Darwinism

Gustavus Swift

George Westinghouse

The Age of the City


Immigrant ghettoes



Immigration Restriction League

Urban parks

City Beautiful Movement



Jacob Riis

Mass transit


Public Health Service

Urban machines


Mass merchandising

Chain stores

Coney Island

Mail order catalogs

Department stores


Spectator sports

Charles Darwin

Major league baseball

Land Grant universities

Gospel of Wealth