
Commission Chairman Kent R. Peatross, Commissioner Kirk J. Wood, Commissioner Ronald Winterton, Deputy County Attorney Jonathan Stearmer, Chief Deputy Clerk JoAnn Evans, Deputy Clerk Auditor Leann Stewart, Civil Science Office Manager Don Scott, and Commission Assistant BobbiJo Bailey taking minutes of the meeting.

Opening Comments

Chairman Peatross gave the prayer. There were no other comments.

Pledge of Allegiance

Any wishing to participate.

Tax Adjustments – Assessor

The commission reviewed the attached tax adjustments presented by Clerk Auditor Stewart. Commissioner Wood motioned to approve the tax adjustments as presented. Commissioner Winterton seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Tax Adjustments – Auditor

The commission reviewed the attached tax adjustments presented by Clerk Auditor Stewart. Commissioner Winterton motioned to approve the tax adjustments as presented. Commissioner Wood seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Payment Vouchers

The commission reviewed vouchers #110054 through #110104 dated May 18, 2009 in the amount of one hundred ten thousand two hundred two dollars and seventy seven cents ($110,202.77). Commissioner Wood motioned to approve the vouchers as presented by Auditor Freston. Commissioner Winterton seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Bids On Removing And Installing New Sidewalks And Curbs At The Duchesne County Roosevelt Extension Building

Building & Grounds Supervisor Shane Jenkins joined the meeting at 1:15 P.M…

Chairman Peatross stated that we opened these bids earlier in the Commission Work Meeting. Supervisor Jenkins stated that he looked over these two (2) bids and that his recommendation is for Double C Trucking and Excavation who is the lowest bidder in the amount of thirty three thousand four hundred eighty two dollars and fifty two cents ($33,482.52) which is eleven thousand dollars ($11,000.00) cheaper than the other bidder. Commissioner Winterton motioned to approve the bid awarded to Double C Trucking and Excavation. Commissioner Wood seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Transferring Funds From The Dr. Larsen Memorial Fund To Uintah Basin Healthcare Foundation

Chairman Peatross stated that we discussed this earlier and opted to explore the direction of getting approval from the family of rerouting the money through them and on to the county so there is no action necessary at this point. Attorney Stearmer stated that he will get in contact with family members. Commissioner Wood motioned to postpone this until we get a report back from Attorney Stearmer. Commissioner Winterton seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Changes For Pariette Road, Bluebell Connector Road, And Contract Payment For Horrocks Engineers

Horrocks Engineers Rod Harrison joined the meeting at 1:17 P.M…

Mr. Harrison stated that most of these are improvements to the design, some of it was overlooked some of it just wasn’t picked up as the plans were developed but as we got out there on the ground we saw a need to make these changes on the original plans for the amount of eleven thousand nine hundred fifty six dollars ($11,956.00). Commissioner Wood motioned to approve the changes for Pariette Road as presented. Commissioner Winterton seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Chairman Peatross stated that there is also a payment request for the change order on the Bluebell Connector Road in the amount of one hundred ninety seven thousand nine hundred seventy three dollars and forty cents ($197,973.40). Mr. Harrison stated that a payment should not be cut until we are billed for it, this will just authorize to go ahead and do it. Commissioner Winterton motioned to approve the change order for the Bluebell Connector Road for asphalt changes. Commissioner Wood seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Chairman Peatross stated that there is also a partial payment request from Horrocks Engineers on the Pariette Road in the amount of two hundred thousand nine hundred sixty three dollars and seventy one cents ($200,963.71). Commissioner Wood motioned to approve the partial payment request. Commissioner Winterton seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Bids For Duchesne County Office Air Conditioning And Building Management And Controls Remodel

Supervisor Jenkins stated that he and Ray Moore with Spectrum Engineers have reviewed bids from Professional Heating and Air Conditioning, Conrad Miller, and Carrier. If we do with Honeywell Controls we will get a twenty five thousand dollars deduction from Professional Heating and Air Conditioning; it would be his recommendation along with Mr. Moore’s to use this company. Commissioner Winterton motioned to award the bid to Professional Heating and Air Conditioning in the amount of three hundred forty eighty thousand six hundred eighty three dollars ($348,683.00). Commissioner Wood seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of The Minutes For Regular Commission Meeting Held May 11, 2009

Commissioner Wood motioned to approve the minutes with the correction necessary. Commissioner Winterton seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.

Consideration Of Minutes For Special Commission Meeting Held May 13, 2009

Commissioner Wood motioned to approve the minutes with the correction necessary. Commissioner Winterton seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.


Chairman Peatross adjourned the meeting at 1:34 P.M.

Read and approved this 1st day of June 2009.

Kent R. Peatross / Diane Freston
Commission Chairman / Clerk/Auditor

Minutes of meeting taken by BobbiJo Bailey______

Minutes of Regular Commission Meeting Held on May 18, 2009 - 2 -