Title: Please check Word-styles {Els-Title}
Author A1, Author B2 {Els-Author}
1Organization name A, name {Els-Affliation}
2Organization name B, name {Els-Affliation}
Abstract {Els-Abstract-head}
Abstract text goes here…{Els-Abstract-text}
Keywords: word1, word2, word3. {Els-keywords}
HEADING LEVEL 1 {ElS-1storder-head}
Heading Level 2 {ElS-2ndorder-head}
Heading Level 3 (Note the Indent, Bold and Period). {ElS-3rdorder-head}Your first paragraph goes here.
Heading Level 4.{ElS-4thorder-head}Your first paragraph goes here.
Heading Level 5.{ElS-5thorder-head} (Let’s Hope You Never Have to Get to Level 5 or even Level 4).Your first paragraph goes here.
Introduction {ElS-1storder-head}
Your text goes here…….{Els-body-text}. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was ……
Figure/ picture/image example:
Figure 1.Title. {Caption}. [Include all figures in their own section, following references (and footnotes and tables, if applicable). Include a numbered caption for each figure. Use the Table/Figure style for easy spacing between figure and caption. All figures must be located inside the margin.]
Example for Table:
Table1.Title. {Caption}.
Attributes for Serious Games / Values for Learning and EducationIncremental learning / Learning material is delivered incrementally. Additional new knowledge is delivered and not done all at once. It will have a proper start and end section. Learner feels and learns in a natural way and less complex.
Linearity / Learning will be in sequence. This will suit the sequential learner. However, due to the games flexibility, active learner can skip chapters.
Attention span / This concerns with the cognitive processing and short-term memory loads placed upon the learner by the game. These loads need to be carefully calibrated to the target learner Not to be overwhelmed and too long in the learning process.
Scaffolding / Support and help during learning within the games.
Intermittent feedback / Learner to reflect on what has been achieved so far and motivated for higher score (higher learning). Also using just in time feedback for learning.
Reward / Encourage learner and keep motivated. Negative reward as punishment within the game may also contribute to learning.
Situated and authentic learning / Learning where the learner can relate what is being learnt within the game to the outside world.
Accommodating the learner’s styles / To suit and to reach out to different learner styles.
Note. N’s range from 107 to 109 due to occasional missing data. For sex, 0 = male, 1 = female. Educ. = education. Dist. Intol. = distress intolerance. Relig. = religiosity.
Acknowledgements {ElS-1storder-head}
Author would like to thank Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris for funding him with a one year research grant. {Els-body-text}
References {ElS-1storder-head}
Please use {Els-reference} for list of references
Clark, D. R. (1999). Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains. Retrieved from
Conati, C., & Manske, M. (2009). Evaluating adaptive feedback in an educational computer game. In Intelligent Virtual Agents (Vol. 5773, pp. 146–158). Springer.
Connolly, C. A., Johnson, J., & Lexa, C. (1998). AVATAR: An intelligent air traffic control simulator and trainer. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (LNCS), 1452/1998, 496–506. Retrieved from