Policy and Procedure Booklet

Admission Policy

All records of children and staff are treated as private and confidential. The information will be held under lock and key, and supplied to staff on a need to know basis only. In accordance with the Data Protection act, all information on computer files will be secured by password.

  • Parents will have access only to information relating to their own child
  • Admission / Registration forms will be completed and signed by the parent or carer on admission to the club, and records updated every 6 months.
  • Authorisation forms will be completed and signed by the parent or carer before trips and outings
  • Medication forms will be completed by the parent or carer as required, and must be checked, witnessed and signed by a second member of staff during administration of medical care.
  • All forms will be updated annually, and all parents or carers will receive an Information pack on registration containing all MASK policies and procedures via email
  • The Manager will deal with all administration procedures and in her absence the Deputy Manager will assume responsibility for this role

Complaints Policy

Families of Markinch after School Kids Club should be able to complain effectively and without fear of victimisation.

To achieve thisclub will:

  • Promote an environment of mutual respect, trust and open communication
  • Treat everyone equally and fairly
  • Provide opportunities for everyone to be consulted and to value the opinions expressed
  • Record complaints of a formal nature whether it was received verbally or written
  • Provide a private area for clients to discuss matters with staff
  • Provide the Care Inspectorate with information on the club’s response to complaints as and when we need to do so

Complaints Procedure

The procedure for dealing with complaints at Markinch after School Kids Club is as follows:

  • Any complaint will initially be brought to the Manager, who will investigate and take appropriate action. Please be aware that parents/carers can contact the Care Inspectorate at any time. Their contact details are below.
  • Feedback will be given to the complainant within 48hours of club opening hours
  • All complaints will be logged, with outcomes recorded and presented to the Board of Directors at the next meeting
  • If the complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved at this stage, then the complaint must be submitted in writing to the Chairperson via the Manager.
  • The Chairperson and Board will response to the complaint within 28 days.
  • If the complainant is still not happy, they will be asked to attend a meeting with three Board members where hopefully a resolve to the complaint is made. The parent /carer can bring a partner along to this meeting.
  • If all else fails we will ask the Care Inspectorate to act as arbiter. They can also be contacted directly by a parent/carer.

Care Inspectorate Address:

Care Inspectorate

South Suite

Ground Floor

Large House

Carnegie Campus


KY11 8PE

Tel: 01383 841100

Fax: 01383 841129

Behaviour Management Policy

MASK recognises the importance of positive and effective behaviour management strategies in promoting children’s welfare and enjoyment.

The aim of this policy is to help children to:

  • Develop a sense of caring and respect for one another
  • Build caring and cooperative relationships with other children and adults
  • Develop a range of social skills and help them learn what constitutes acceptable behaviour
  • Develop confidence, self discipline and self esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement

Whilst at MASK we expect children to:

  • Use socially acceptable behaviour
  • Comply with the club rules, which are compiled by the children attending the club
  • Respect other children and the staff team, accepting difference race, gender, ability, age and religion
  • Develop their independence by maintaining self discipline
  • Choose and participate in a variety of activities
  • Ask for help if needed
  • Enjoy their time at the club

At MASK positive behaviour is encouraged by:

  • Staff acting as positive role models
  • Praising appropriate behaviour
  • Offering a variety of play opportunities to meet the needs of the children attending the club

It is inevitable that as children develop and learn, there are times when they need support and guidance to understand that their behaviour is not acceptable. Staff at the club will try to determine the cause or trigger of the inappropriate behaviour to prevent the situation from recurring.

Strategies for dealing with inappropriate behaviour

  • Staff and children will work together to establish a clear set of ‘ground rules’ governing all behaviour in the club. These will be periodically reviewed so that new children have a say in how the rules of the club operate.
  • The ‘ground rules’ will apply to both staff and children
  • Staff will make every effort to set a positive example to children by behaving in a friendly and tolerant manner themselves, promoting an atmosphere where children and adults respect and value each other.
  • Challenging behaviour will be addressed in a calm, firm and positive manner
  • Staff will avoid shouting at work
  • Staff will try to discuss concerns with parents/carers at the earliest possible opportunities in an attempt to help identify the cause of negative behaviour and share strategies for dealing with it.
  • Children will be consulted on activities so they will be varied, so that children are not easily bored or distracted

Procedure for dealing with inappropriate behaviour

  • Challenging behaviour will be addressed in a calm and firm manner
  • When identifying inappropriate behaviour, staff will initially give a warning; this will allow the child time to recognise what they are doing and make a choice to change this behaviour.
  • Next the child will be removed from the activity to engage in a discussion with the staff member, giving the child an opportunity to explain their behaviour
  • Thirdly a ‘timeout*’ will be auctioned with the child sitting away from the other children and activities for a period of 10 minutes reflection. This is intended to send a clear signal that their behaviour is unacceptable. A staff member will then engage in a discussion with the child.
  • Children who continually display unacceptable behaviour may have an activity withdrawn from them to choose.
  • Short term exclusions from MASK may be used for persistent, unacceptable behaviour.
  • To help staff monitor inappropriate behaviour, all time outs will be recorded daily on individual child sheets, if a child a proportionally high level of time outs in a month; we will invite parents in to discuss strategies for improving negative behaviour.

* Timeout – is for consistently breaching club rules, aggressive behaviour, verbal or physical behaviour, plus any form of bullying.

We would like parents to help us by:

  • Informing MASK immediately if you feel your child may be being bullied by contacting the Manager or Deputy Manager. Your complaint will be taken seriously and appropriate action taken.
  • Don’t encourage your child to hit back, it often makes matters worse.
  • Informing MASK if your child is involved in behaviour management support at school, as a consistent approach is beneficial to the child.

MASK Whistle-Blowing Policy

MASK will not accept or condone any behaviour by staff, volunteers or other adults associated with the club that is contrary to the club’s Aims and Objectives, Policies and Procedures. We will actively encourage and support the reporting of such behaviour. We will do this by:

Promoting an environment of mutual respect, trust and open communication.

Promoting an environment that is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination.

Treating everyone fairly and equally, with dignity and respect, and by valuing individual differences.

Ensuring that the quality of work of each staff member or volunteer is effectively monitored as well as the work of the club as a whole.

Ensuring that procedures are in place for reporting unacceptable behaviour/practices.

Actively supporting staff or volunteers who “blow the whistle” both during the investigation and after, and in line with current legislation.

Contact person: Yvonne Ramsay – Manager – 07817030334

Staff Recruitment and Vetting Policy

Users of MASK can be confident that the club recruits staff and volunteers through a process that takes account of equal opportunities and safe recruitment practices. These will include:

All applicants for staff and volunteer positions will be treated equally and fairly, and valued for their ethnic background, language, culture, sexuality, gender and faith.

Ethnic monitoring of applications.

All staff and volunteers will be subject to a Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) check from Disclosure Scotland, checks with previous employers, the taking up of references and cross-referencing with the register of the Scottish Social Services Council or other professional organisations.

Staff and volunteers will be selected with a range of qualifications, skills and experience relevant to the club’s Aims and Objectives.

All posts are subject to a three month probationary period

Fire Policy

  • Staff are trained to follow set procedures in the event of a fire, as detailed in the Fire Action Plan
  • Regular fire drills are to be undertaken at all the hall used by the club, these will be logged
  • Records of regular checks of the fire extinguishers recorded by the committee of all the hall utilised by the club will be viewed by staff
  • Staff will ensure the appropriate person is notified if the extinguishers are used in any of the halls whilst used by MASK.

Participation Policy

M.A.S.K. supports the view that the children should be treated with dignity and respect at all times and that they should be enabled to realise their potential.

We will achieve this by:

  • Providing opportunities for children and young people to express their views, exercise choice and, where possible, influence the activities of the club.
  • Actively consulting children and valuing their choices
  • Enabling children to make informed choices
  • Providing opportunities for children to learn about healthy lifestyles and relationships, hygiene, diet and personal safety
  • Treating everyone fairly and equally.
  • Providing opportunities to be involved in the evaluation of the club’s activities
  • Providing opportunities to be involved in purchasing of new equipment and resources

Procedure for staff on the Administration of Medication

  • A temporary medication form MUST be filled in and signed by parent/carer. Please note the initial dose of any medication must be given by the parents/carers prior to MASK staff administering the medicine.
  • If the medication needs to be stored on the premises then staff MUST place it in a box in the filing cabinet (office). Unless the medication needs to be stored in the fridge. Staff MUST complete storage of medication form.
  • All medication that is administered MUST be done by a staff member who is a first aider or trained in the procedure (epi pen). Another staff member MUST also witness it. At the end of the day the parent/ carer MUST also sign the form.
  • Any medication must be returned to the parent/carer at the end of the day unless the parent wishes the medication to stay I.e. asthmatic, epileptic. A disposal of medication form must be completed and signed by 2 staff member and the parent.
  • If a child leaves the club without their medication being returned. A staff member MUST take the medication to the chemist to be disposed of and ask the chemist staff to sign the form.

Control of Infection and Management of Clinical Waste

Markinch After School Kids club aims to control infection and manage clinical waste by:

  • All staff with the responsibility of handling food will hold an Elementary Food Hygiene certificate.
  • Encouraging children to wash hands after using the toilet and before eating or handling food, using running water and liquid soap then drying with a paper towel or using the hand drier.
  • Staffs ensuring that paper handkerchiefs are readily available for client use.
  • Staff use colour coded chopping boards and tongs whilst preparing foods
  • Staff always follow the Department of Health’s `Guidelines on infection control in schools and nurseries` whilst dealing with illness
  • Staff will ensure that body fluids i.e. blood, faeces will be cleaned up immediately
  • Staff will always wear disposable gloves whilst dealing with body fluids
  • Any surfaces that body fluids are spilt on will be cleaned with a disinfectant solution
  • Gloves and materials used in cleaning up the spillage will be discarded in a plastic bag which will be sealed and disposed of in the clinical waste bin located in the disabled toilet.
  • Mops used to clean up body fluids will be cleaned in a disinfected solution and dried.
  • Soiled clothing will be placed in a bag and sealed then passed on to the parent/ guardian

Health and Safety Policy

Markinch After School Kids Club views the health and safety of its clients as of paramount importance.

To this we will strive to ensure that:

  • The club provides a safe environment, suitable for the club’s purpose, in line will all relevant legislation
  • The premises are hygienic, in a good state of decoration and repair and are smoke free
  • The staff: child ratios and the space standards in the National Care Standards are met and have been taken account of
  • Furniture, equipment and toys are clean and well maintained
  • Staff take measures to control the spread of infection
  • Regular risk assessments of the club’s premises, equipment and activities are carried out
  • The club’s management are aware of their responsibilities under relevant Health and Safety legislation
  • All required reporting procedures are in place
  • The club has a Child Protection Policy and an Accidents and incidents policy
  • The club has clear guidelines on the use, storage and administration of medication
  • All food is properly prepared and provides a well- balanced and healthy diet
  • Children and young people will learn about healthy lifestyles and relationships, hygiene, diet and personal safety
  • Children will enjoy safety but will not be over- protected
  • Children will have regular access to fresh aid and energetic physical play
  • Staff are trained in emergency procedures

Accident and Incident Policy

Markinch After School Kids Club is committed to ensuring that children and young people attending the club do so in a safe environment that is in line with all relevant legislation.

To this the club’s management will ensure that:

  • The club has a Health and Safety policy that involves the use of regular risk assessment and regular maintenance of premises and equipment
  • The club’s management and appropriate staff are knowledgeable about all relevant health and safety legislation and their responsibilities in law
  • There will be at least one staff member on duty at all times who holds a recognised, current first aid certificate
  • An accident book and incident log is available each time the club is open – located in the playroom setting
  • The first aid box contents will be regularly checked and replaced by a trained first aider
  • All accidents and incidents involving children/staff/anyone within the club’s premises are recorded
  • All accidents involving children are reported to parents both verbally and in written form
  • All accidents to staff and others that require to be reported to another authority are duly reported
  • All accidents/ incidents involving the club’s premises, materials or equipment are report to Board of Directors
  • All equipment designed to either prevent an accident/incident or designed to tackle an accident will be regularly maintained
  • The club is a no smoking premises

Accident and Incident Procedure

  • All accidents and incidents of a health and safety nature that occur within the club’s premises will be record as soon as possible after the event by the staff member who witnessed it or by the senior staff member on duty
  • The recording will be made in the accident book. This is located on the shelves in the office cupboard.
  • Parents/ carers will be informed of all accidents and incidents. Parents/carers will be given a copy of the report which they will be asked to countersign
  • Accidents/ incidents that lead to hospitalisation, loss of consciousness or have fatal consequences or have been caused by the premises and /or equipment of the club must be reported to the Chairperson immediately. At a later date the Care Inspectorate must be informed too.
  • The Manager on behalf of the Board of Directors will be responsible for reporting accidents/incidents to other authorities
  • Staff must log the accident/incident using the appropriate Performa template located in the folder.

Emergency Closure and Evacuation Procedure

In the event of an emergency closure due to fire or flood for example, MASK will evacuate to 252 Memorial Hall, where staff will contact all parents to collect their children.

If the club is unable to operate due to adverse weather conditions, parents should be aware that notification arrangements already in place for the schools also apply to MASK.

i.e. if the school is closed, the club will be too.

School closures are found on

Parents can also sign up for text alerts on the above website

MASK staff undertakes to keep parents informed at all times of any changes to the normal procedure.

Disclosure Policy

General Principles

1.Markinch After School Kids Club (MASK) complies fully with the Code of Practice, issued by Scottish Ministers, regarding the correct handling, holding and destroying of Disclosure information provided by Disclosure Scotland under Part V of the Police Act 1997 (“the 1997 Act”), for the purposes of assessing applicants' suitability for positions of trust. It also complies fully with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other relevant legislation pertaining to the safe handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of Disclosure information and has a written policy on these matters. This policy is available to anyone who wishes to see it on request.