Newkirk Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Newkirk Board of Education Room
NewkirkHigh School
Corner of 9th and Main - Newkirk, Oklahoma74647
Monday, August 5, 2013
1.Call to Order – Roll Call to Establish a Quorum
2.Discussion and Board action on the minutes from the previous meeting held on
July 18, 2013.
3.Discussion and Board action that the notice and agenda of the August 5, 2013meeting was properly posted as prescribed by the 1977 Open Meeting Law of the Oklahoma State Statute.
4.Discussion and Board action on the August 5, 2013 purchase orders and warrants.
5.Discussion and Board action on the July 31, 2013treasurer’s report.
6.Discussion and Board action on the Newkirk Activity Fund financial report for the month of July.
7.Discussion and Board action on any transfers within accounts of the NewkirkPublic School activity fund.
8.Review of the Newkirk Public Schools Credit Card invoices from the previous month.
9. Superintendent’s Report
10.Discussion and Board action concerning Alternative Education for the 2013-2014 school year.
11.Discussion and Board action on school lunchroom milk bids for the 2013-2014 school year.
12. Discussion and Board action on school breakfast/lunch prices.
13.Discussion and Board action to approve the 2013-2014 Oklahoma, State and National School Lunch Program agreement. This allows Newkirk to receive reimbursement for free and reduced lunches.
14. Board to take action on the employment of Stephen L. Smith, Corporation, as Financial Consultants to the School District for the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
15 Board to consider and take possible action, in the absence of the President and/or
Clerk, to appoint an acting President and/or acting Clerk for the School District to
execute any and all documents pertaining to the calling of a special election to
authorize general obligation bonds.
16. Board to consider and take action on a resolution authorizing the calling and
holding of a special election to be held in this School District to authorize the
issuance of general obligation bonds.
17. The Board of Education to consider adoption of a resolution approving and
affirming a Lease/Purchase Agreement and authorizing the execution of same;
Acknowledging assignment of Lessor’s interest in Lease/Purchase Agreement;
Designating lease transaction as a qualified tax-exempt obligation; and
authorizing School District officials to execute any and all necessary documents
in connection with the aforementioned transactions.
18. Board discussion and possible action on the employment of Tom Cameron and Associates for the fiscal year 2013-2014.
19. Discussion and possible board action on the purchase of lawnmower.
20. Discussion and possible action on supplemental appropriations for 2013 General
21.New Business: Any item that could not have been foreseen or known about at
the time the agenda was distributed. If such an item is a topic
for executive session it is permitted.
(A.G. Opinion No. 82-114)
22.Motion to Adjourn
Next Meeting: September9, 2013
Date Posted: Friday,August 2, 2010
Time Posted: 9:00 a.m.
Place Posted: Front Door of High School
Posted By: Michelle Vap
Signature: ______