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1.1.Introduction to the Department

The Department of Engineering at the University of Liverpool is well recognised nationally and internationally. Its research and teaching have received high ratings in recent assessments and many of its staff enjoy international recognition for pre-eminence in their fields. You are a member of this prestigious community.

Student Support Office: Room 214, Harrison-HughesBuilding, University of Liverpool,

Brownlow Hill, LIVERPOOL L69 3GH. Tel: 0151 794 4857; fax: 0151 794 4901

Faculty and Departmental web sites:

Faculty of Engineering:

Faculty of Engineering Timetables:

Department of Civil Engineering:

Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics:

Department of Engineering:

1.2.Departmental Mission Statement

The Department of Engineering’s Mission Statement that follows is fully consistent with that of the University:

To be recognised:

  • as one of the UK’s top centres of excellence for quality degree programmes in engineering, both undergraduate and postgraduate;
  • for the consistently high standard of its research output in the field of engineering.

In order to achieve these goals the Department will:

  • devise carefully prepared degree programmes and provide the necessary facilities to encourage undergraduate and postgraduate students to develop a thorough understanding of scientific principles as they apply to the analysis and solution of engineering problems;
  • provide intellectually challenging experimental, project and design work which illustrate these principles and their application and relevance to modern technology, production and manufacturing processes;
  • emphasise the need for engineers to use ingenuity and initiative either as individuals or members of a group or interdisciplinary team and to communicate technical information effectively to their peers and superiors, both orally and in writing;
  • provide a stimulating environment, together with the necessary technical support, computing facilities and administrative backup, to ensure that research students and research assistants are motivated to produce good quality output within the timescale constraints that are imposed;
  • provide the necessary support and encouragement for members of staff to obtain external research funding, to publish the results of their work, to attend and participate in conference and related activities and to interact effectively with colleagues in industry and commerce.

1.3.Postgraduate Taught Programmes in the Department (see section 8 for Programme Structures)

Master’s programme (MRes and MSc(Eng)): “a vocational or non-vocational programme involving both a substantial piece of independent work and a range of assessed modules whose combined challenge reflects the level of further intellectual development appropriate to the equivalent of one year’s advanced study beyond Honours degree level and is an appropriate foundation for research degree registration.”

“Candidates who attend for a minimum of 12 months of full-time study, or for an equivalent period of part-time study, and who achieve a minimum of 180 credit points, will be eligible for the award of an MRes or MSc(Eng) degree.” Note that the taught section may include modules totalling up to 45 credits at level 3 or below (ie, undergraduate levels).

Postgraduate Diploma: “a vocational or non-vocational programme taught and assessed in part at Master’s level but not involving a substantial piece of independent work.”

“Candidates who attend for a minimum of 30 weeks of full-time study, or for an equivalent period of part-time study, and who achieve a minimum of 120 credit points, will be eligible for the award of a Postgraduate Diploma.” Note that the taught section may include modules totalling up to 60 credits at level 3 or below (ie, undergraduate levels).

Postgraduate Certificate: “a vocational or non-vocational programme taught and assessed in part at Master’s level but not involving a substantial piece of independent work and covering a narrower range of material.”

“Candidates who attend for a minimum of 15 weeks of full-time study, or for an equivalent period of part-time study, and who achieve a minimum of 60 credit points, will be eligible for the award of a Postgraduate Certificate.” Note that the taught section may include modules totalling up to 30 credits at level 3 or below (ie, undergraduate levels).

Departmental programmes:

MSc(Eng) Advanced Engineering MaterialsProgramme Director: Prof RC Pond

MSc(Eng) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and TechnologyProgramme Director: Prof K K B Hon

MSc(Eng) Engineering Applications of LasersProgramme Director: Prof K G Watkins

MSc(Eng) Mechanical Systems Engineering Programme Director: Dr J Blachut

MSc(Eng) Product Design and ManagementProgramme Director: Prof K K B Hon

1.4.Faculty and Departmental Officers and Staff

Faculty Officers

Dean Professor I Owen, BSc, PhD (Wales), CEng, FIMechE, MInstE (also Chairman, Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee, Admissions Sub-Committee and Research Committee)

Sub-Dean Mr P Clarkson

AdministrativeAssistant Mr SM Smitton, BA (Open)

Academic Sub-Dean and Senior Tutor Mr CS Wells

, MA (Cambridge), CEng, MIMechE

For Chairmen of Faculty Committees, see Faculty web site.

, BEng, MSc (Dalian), DPhil (Oxford), MIMMM

Departmental Officers and Staff

Head of Department:Prof. GD Padfield

Director of Postgraduate Studies:Prof R C Pond

Senior Tutor:Dr. TJ Bullough

Examinations Officer:Dr. H Ouyang

International Students’ Tutor:Dr. H Ouyang

Special Educational Needs Officer:Dr RJ Poole

Academic Staff In The Department

A = AshtonBuildingF = Foresight CentreGH = GeorgeHoltBuilding

W = WalkerBuildingHH = Harrison-HughesBuildingT = MechanicalEngineeringBuilding

Name / Building and Room Number / Email / Telephone Extension
Prof. D.J. Bacon / A2.03A / / 44662
Dr T.J. Blachut / T.204 / / 44817
Dr. T.J. Bullough / GH.G05 / / 45399
Prof. W.J. Cantwell / W.225 / / 45370
Prof. P.R. Chalker / GH.G07 / / 44313
Dr. G. Dearden / T.404 / / 44584
Prof. M.P. Escudier / T.M71 / / 44804
Dr. P. Fox / A.2.02 / / 45371
Prof. P.J. Goodhew / A.2.03C / / 44665
Prof. K.K.B. Hon / A.303A / / 44680
Dr. M.W. Johnson / T.M84 / / 44818
Prof. N. Jones / T.607 / / 44858
Dr. R.A.W. Mines / T.208 / / 44819
Prof. G. Moore / A.3012 / / 44791
Prof. J.E. Mottershead / T.308 / / 44827
Dr. D. Nicolaou / T.M82 / / 44811
Dr. H. Ouyang / T.202 / / 44815
Prof. I. Owen / T.305 / / 44821
Prof. G.D. Padfield / T.601 / / 44800
Dr. D.B. Parkinson / T.602 / / 44855
Prof. R.C. Pond / A.2.19 / / 44660
Dr R.J. Poole / T.M73 / / 44806
Mr. A.D. Rhoades / F.C118 / / 44814
Dr. G.K. Schleyer / T.357 / / 44825
Dr. A.T. Shenton / T.354 / / 44828
Dr. C.J. Sutcliffe / A.103 / / 44316
Prof. G.J. Tatlock / GH.204 / / 45367
Dr. D.J. Walker / T.303 / / 44808
Prof. K.G. Watkins / T.403 / / 44820
Mr. C.S. Wells / W.113A / / 44683
Dr. Y.Y. Zhao / A.210 / / 44697

Student Support Administrative Staff in the Department

Name / Building and Room Number / email / Telephone Extension
Mr R Seamans
(Lab Manager: Mechanical) / T.M85 / / 44813
Mr D Whitehurst
(Lab Manager: Materials) / G.13A / / 45374
Ms. Louisa Parry
(Departmental Administrative Officer) / HH.210 / / 44700
Mrs. Jennie Kay
(Clerical Officer) / HH.214 / / 44857
Miss Julie Boileau (Clerical Assistant) / HH.214 / / 44902

For contact details for Laboratory Demonstrators and Technicians, contact the appropriate Laboratory Manager.

Full staff lists (including research staff) can be found on the departmental web site.

1.5.Guest lectures and seminars

Details of the following will be publicised on the notice boards in the department:

  • The departmental research seminar programme (organiser: Dr DJ Walker) which takes place on Wednesday afternoons at 2pm in room Harrison 222. Seminars are presented by visiting speakers and by members of staff of the department. The seminars are mainly intended for staff and research students but all members of the department, including undergraduates, are welcome to attend.
  • Programmes of lectures and other activities organised by the local branches of the engineering institutions (see section 4.6), some of which take place in the University. Interested non-members, including students, are normally welcome to attend.