1.1These bylaws may be cited as the Bylaws of The Saskatchewan Association of Combined Laboratory & X-Ray Technicians Inc.

1.2The “Board of Directors” means the Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Association of Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technicians Inc.

1.3The Board of Directors shall be made up of the Officers of the Association and one or more Directors without office to a maximum of ten (10).

1.4The Officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Registrar.

1.5“Certified Active Member” means a person meeting the qualifications of a Certified Member and who is engaged in the practice of medical laboratory and/or radiation technology.

1.6“Certified Non Active Member” means a person who meets the qualifications of a Certified Member but is not activelyengaged in the practice of medical laboratory and /or radiation technology.

1.7“Association” means The Saskatchewan Association of Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technicians Inc.


2.1The fiscal year of the Association shall end on the last day of August of each year.


3.1The Membership of the Association consists of those persons who are certified Active Members, Certified Non Active Members, Associate Members, Life Members, Temporary Members, or Student Members in good standing. Membership shall be granted to CLXT’s that meet the SACLXT Guidelines for Membership.

3.1.1Membership year will be defined as of April 1st, to March 31st of each year.


3.2.1 A person who has graduated from the appropriate institution of Technology and has provided documentation of successful completion of all required examinations that meet the approval of the Board of Directors.

3.2.2Who has paid the annual dues of the Association.

3.2.3Who has been admitted to the Association as a Certified Member by the Board of Directors or its Delegate.

3.2.4Is entitled to vote or hold office.

3.2.5A Certified Active Member is classified as: full time, part-time, casual.

3.2.6A person that is a member of the SACLXT will automatically be a member of the National association with a part of the SACLXT membership fee being paid to the National body.


3.3.1A person having general interests in the Association and its members.

3.3.2Who has paid the annual dues to the Association.

3.3.3Who has been admitted to the Association as an Associate Member by the Board of Directors or its Delegates.

3.3.4Who is entitled to the privileges of the Association but is not entitled to vote or hold office.

3.3.5Associate Members include such persons as commercial or manufacturer representatives Registered Technologists, Medical Physicians or other persons having general interest in the Association.


3.4.1Any person declared as such by a resolution of the Board of Directors and confirmed at an Annual General Meeting.

3.4.2A Life Member shall enjoy all the privileges of the Association and be entitled to vote or hold office.

3.4.3A Life Member shall not be required to pay annual dues.


3.5.1A person who is enrolled in the Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technicians program at Sask Polytech or at any other school or college approved by the Association.

3.5.2 Students do not pay membership fee to the SACLXT

3.5.3Who has been admitted to the Association as a Student Member by the Board of Directors or its Delegate.

3.5.4Is not entitled to vote or hold office except in the position of Student Representative.

3.5.5A Student Membership is valid for the time they are a student without need for renewal.

3.5.6Membership in the Association is not transferable to any position.


3.6.1A person who is issued a temporary practicing membership for a period of up to six (6) months.

a) A person who has written, or is eligible to write the required examination(s), but has not received the results of the examination(s) or

b)A person whose eligibility to practice is being assessed, provided that the person completes a process approved by the Association and pays the prescribed registration.

3.6.2The Association does not provide liability insurance while a person is practicing under a temporary membership.


3.7.1 A person who has successfully completed a recognized CLXT diploma program, but is awaiting a copy of their diploma.

3.7.2 Who has paid the dues of the Association.

3.7.3 Is eligible for membership with insurance for a period of 6 months.

3.7.4 When the Registrar receives a copy of the diploma, the member shall be rolled into Active Membership.


4.1Any member in good standing, not in arrears for fees or otherwise, may resign from membership by submitting a letter of resignation to the Board of Directors and the membership shall terminate on the day set out in the letter of resignation, not to be earlier than ten (10) days after posting of the same, if the letter of resignation is sent by registered mail, or five (5) days after delivery, if personally served.

4.2Any Member whose fees are not paid within one (1) calendar month after the date when such fees have become due and payable, without prior consent from the Board of Directors, shall be suspended from membership provided that payment of such fees prior to termination, pursuant to Section 4.3 shall reinstate a suspended Member.

4.3Any Member whose fees are not paid within fifteen (15) days after the date of such Members suspension, as provided in Section 4.2 shall be deemed to have thereby terminated his or her resignation as a Member and the Registrar shall remove such persons name from the Association Registrar.

4.4At the discretion of the Board of Directors anyone found guilty of professional misconduct may be removed from the Registrar.

4.5Membership terminates upon death of the Member.

4.6Membership terminates when the Association is dissolved.


5.1Any Member suspended for non-payment of fees may within two (2) years be reinstated by paying the current registration fee and annual dues.

5.2Any person suspended for any cause may be reinstated at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.


6.1All registration fees and annual membership fees are to be forwarded to the Registrar or such other place as the Board of Directors may approve.

6.2 &6.3Annual dues shall be determined and set by the Executive Board of the Association and approved by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting.

6.4All membership fees shall be due and payable on the last day of February each year, after which a late fee will apply. (Late fee is $25.00)

6.5In December of each year the Registrar shall cause a written or electronic notice of the annual membership fee payable for the next ensuing membership year to be sent to every member.

6.6As soon as reasonably possible after April 15 of each year, the Registrar shall send to all members in good standing in the preceding year but who have failed to pay the annual membership fee then due and payable, a Notice of Consequences as provided in Section 4.2 and 4.3 of these Bylaws.


7.1Any matter, conduct or thing, whether disgraceful or dishonorable, that is inimical to the best interest of the public of the Members of the Association or tends to harm the standing of the profession or practice of the Combined Laboratory and X-ray Technicians is professional misconduct.

7.2The Board of Directors may appoint a Preliminary Inquiry Committee, which may investigate the subject of any complaint against a Member which is before the Board of Directors.

7.2.1The Preliminary Inquiry Committee shall consist of three (3) Members of the Association appointed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall appoint the chairman of the Committee.

7.2.2The Preliminary Inquiry Committee may take such steps as it deems proper and may request before it any person who is under investigation.

7.2.3The Preliminary Inquiry Committee shall present a report of its findings to the Board of Directors. Following receipt of such a report, the Board of Directors shall determine the necessary for a hearing by the Discipline Committee into the complaint.

7.3The Board of Directors may direct the Discipline Committee to hear a charge against a Member of the Association without an investigation by the Preliminary Inquiry Committee.

7.4The Discipline Committee is established consisting of at least five (5) Members of the Association to be appointed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall appoint the chairman of the Committee.

7.4.1No member of the Board of Directors and no Member of the Preliminary Inquiry Committee is eligible to be appointed as a Member of the Discipline Committee.

7.5Where the Board of Directors directs the Discipline Committee to hear and determine a complaint, the chairman of the Discipline shall, at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the Discipline Committee is to sit:

7.5.1Cause a copy of the complaint to be sent to the Member whose conduct is the subject matter of the hearing; and

7.5.2Cause the Member whose conduct is the subject matter of the hearing, to be notified of the date, time, and place of the hearing.

7.5.3The Discipline Committee shall hear the complaint and shall determine whether the Member is guilty of professional misconduct or professional incompetence or has violated one of the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws.

7.5.4The Discipline Committee may employ, at the expense of the Association, any legal or other assistance that it considers necessary, and the Member whose conduct is the subject of the hearing may, at the Member’s own expense, be represented by Counsel.

7.5.5At a hearing of the Discipline Committee, there is to be full right to examine, cross-examine all witnesses and full right to produce evidence in defense and reply.

7.5.6Where the Member whose conduct is subject to the inquiry fails to attend the hearing, the Discipline Committee may on proof of the notice mentioned in 7.5.2 proceed with the Inquiry in the absence of the Member.

7.6The Discipline Committee shall render its subject to the Board of Directors within seven (7) days of the completion of the hearing.

7.6.1Within twenty-one (21) days of the receipt of a report from the Discipline Committee, the Board of Directors shall render a decision on the action, which will be taken.

7.6.2Within seven (7) days after the Board of Directors has rendered its decision, a written copy of the decision shall be served on the Member whose conduct was the subject of the hearing.


8.1There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Association each fiscal year.

8.2There may be Special General Meetings of the Association.

8.3There shall be at least one (1) meeting per year of the Board of Directors.

8.4At all general or special meetings of the Association, the current edition of “Roberts Rules of Order” shall be the standard for parliamentary procedures. A parliamentarian may be retained to oversee the proceedings of all general and special meetings.


9.1The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held each year in Saskatchewan at a time, place and date determined by the Board of Directors. Notice shall be given by an Officer of the Association to all members in good standing at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

9.2The absence of notice received, where it can be shown a reasonable attempt was made to give such notice of any Member, shall not invalidate any proceedings of business other than removal of membership of said Member.

9.3Special General Meetings of the Association may be called by the Board of Directors or upon written request of any ten (10) or more members of the Association. Notice of such meetings shall be in keeping with Article 9.1 and 9.2 except the number of days’ notice shall be at least fourteen (14) days.


10.1All Certified Members shall have the right to vote on any question at any General Meetings or Special General Meeting of the Association.

10.2Only Directors of the Association may vote at meetings of the Board of Directors.

10.3Any Member so entitled to vote may appoint any other Member to vote as his or her proxy.


11.1The number of voting members present, or represented by proxy, shall constitute a quorum at any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

11.2The Chairperson at the Board of Directors meeting shall have the authority to call a quorum of the Board of Directors.


12.1The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors referred to as the “Board of Directors.”

12.2There shall be at least five (5) Members on the Board of Directors

12.3All Directors shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting on an at-large basis.

12.3.1The Members first elected to the Board of Directors by the Association.

a)The President, Vice-President, and Registrar hold office for a term of three (3) years.

b) The Secretary, Treasurer and one Director hold office for a term of two (2) years.

c) The remaining Directors hold office for a term of one (1) year.

And thereafter each member of the Board of Directors is to be elected for a term of three (3) years.

12.3.2No member may serve on the Board of Directors for more than two (2) consecutive terms.

12.5The President of the Association shall be the chairman of the Board of Directors.

12.6Article 8 shall apply to notice of meetings for the Board of Directors.


13.1There shall be at least five (5) Officers of the Association; President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Registrar.

13.2Only the position of Treasurer and Registrar can be combined.

13.3Officers shall be elected by the Members of the Board of Directors annually.

13.4In addition to the Officers, there shall be at least one director without office.



14.1.1Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association

14.1.2Shall Chair all General. Special and Board of Directors Meetings of the Association and shall ensure that all business is conducted in accordance with these Bylaws.

14.1.3Shall be an exofficio voting member on all the Association committees and shall continuously promote the aims and objectives of the Association.

14.1.4Shall represent the interests and concerns of the Members.

14.1.5Shall provide a written annual report to the Board of Directors and the Members of the Association at the Annual General Meeting.

14.1.6Shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors.


14.2.1May perform all the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to act.

14.2.2In the event that the office of the President becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall assume that office and a new Vice-President shall be elected by the Board of Directors.

14.2.3Shall be the chairperson of the Convention Committee.

14.2.4Shall be assistant to the President of the the Association

14.2.5Shall represent the interests and concerns of the Members.

14.2.6Shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors.


14.3.1Shall keep or cause to be kept records and books of the Association which shall at least include: A legal copy of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association, approved by the Board of Directors and the Members of the Association. The names, addresses and callings of all persons who are or have been Directors, Officers or Committee Chairpersons of the Association with the several dates at which the person became or ceased to become a Director, Officer to Chairperson of a Committee. Any such other documents, including all Minutes of meetings, as may be required by the Board of Directors or otherwise required by law.

14.3.2Shall be the chairperson of the Nomination Committee.

14.3.3Shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors or the President.

14.3.4Shall file to the Director, Corporations Branch, a “Notice of Change of Directors” after they have been duly elected.


14.4.1Shall have in his or her custody and care all the funds and securities of the Association.

14.4.2Shall deposit or cause to be deposited all funds or securities of the Association in such a bank or other depository as authorized and in such a manner of form determined by the Board of Directors of the Association.

14.4.3Shall have in his or her custody and care all books, accounts and financial records of all Associations, such as books, accounts or financial records are to be exhibited by him or her to any Directors of the Association at all reasonable times.

14.4.4Shall issue all cheques for disbursements accompanied by a second signing officer(s), Secretary or President.

14.4.5Shall file an annual financial statement to the Director, Corporations Branch, twenty-one (21) days after the Annual General Meeting.

14.4.6Shall keep a file of all reports.

14.4.7Shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors.


14.5.1Shall distribute and keep a record of Members receiving Association Membership Certificates.

14.5.2Shall have possession of the official Association seal.

14.5.3Shall act as chairperson of the Continuing Education Committee.

14.5.4The names, addresses, and callings of all persons who are or have been Members of the Association and the date upon which each become or ceased to be a Member.

14.5.5Shall issue such receipts or current membership cards in conjunction with the registrar and approved by the Board of Directors.


14.6.1The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Registrar shall provide a written annual report to the Board of Directors and the Members of the Association at the Annual General Meeting.


15.A Director or Officer of the Association shall be considered to have automatically vacated office if:

15.1.1He or she reigns from the Directorship, Office or the Association;

15.1.2He or she has not paid his or her annual dues and is not considered a Member in good standing.

15.1.3His or her term of office had expired.

15.1.4He or she has taken up permanent residence outside the Province of Saskatchewan.

15.1.5He or she has been duly removed from the membership list, or as an Officer, or as a Director by the Board of Directors at a Board of Directors meeting duly constituted.

15.1.6He or she fails to attend two (2) consecutive Board of Directors meetings without just cause.

15.2Any qualified Member may be appointed to fill the position of Director of Officer, up to the normal conclusion of the term of office vacated, by the Board of Directors.


16.1Shall represent the current class, bringing any concerns of the students to the President.

16.2Shall act in an advisory capacity to the Convention Committee, concerning graduation activities.

16.3Shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors.


17.1The Association shall have such standing committees as determined by the Board of Directors from time to time.