Chairs’ and Directors’ Assembly Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2014
In attendance:
1 CDA Minutes, 9.19.14
Abaidoo, Samuel
Alexander, Michael
Bradbury, J.C.
Casey, Rebecca
Cheramie, Robin
Clune, Richard
Cope, Jim
Davis, Corrie
DeMaio, Joe
DiPietro, Michele
Goldfine, Ruth
Gregory, Diane
Hardigree, Christian
Hoganson, Ken
Hoyt, Kristen
Johnston, Linda
Katzman, Brett
Love, Keisha
Matson, Ron
McGarey, Don
Mitchell, Mark
Nelms, Tommie
Pate, Alice
Porter, Kandice
Pulinkala, Ivan
Redish, Traci
Rice, Bill
Robinson, Karen
Rice, Bill
Sipp, Geo
Smith, Susan
Stallings, Lynn
Swint, Kerwin
Tudor, Keith
Whittlesey, Val
Smith, Brad (Director, HR)
Trammell, Veronica (UITS)
Paraska, Susan (Institutional Effectiveness)
Phillips, Amy (HR)
1 CDA Minutes, 9.19.14
Review and approval of minutes Lynn Stallings, Chair
Minutes were approved.
Substantive Change Policy Susan Paraska, Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Susan Paraska discussed that SACS requires KSU to have a policy on how we handle substantive change and how we report that change to other entities. If departments have questions about policy issues, they should call Susan for clarification if the changes they are considering would be covered. Lynn Stallings commented that she appreciated how you could track the comments and revisions to the policy as it moved through the approval process. This is the first reading of the Substantive Change Policy. It will come back on Sept 24th for a second reading.
Complaints Resolution Policy Susan Paraska, Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Susan Paraska indicated that SACS also requires KSU to have a policy on how we handle complaints. Previously, we have focused primarily on the handling of student complaints. Now we have a university-wide policy on appeals/complaints/grievances by faculty, personnel, and students to ensure a high-quality educational environment. This is the first reading of Complaints Resolution Policy. We moved (Diana Gregory), seconded (Ruth Goldfine) and approved for a first reading. It will come back on Sept 24th for a second reading.
Tobacco& Smoke Free Policy Maria Britt, Associate Vice President for Operations
Amy Phillips (Human Resources) and Veronica Trammell (Outreach and Learning Technologies) gave a presentation on the new KSU Smoke/Tobacco Free University policy that goes into effect on Wednesday October 1st. They discussed its sponsors and committee members. Ultimately, however, this is a BOR requirement. This will impact all of campus including residence halls and athletic facilities. Campus signage will be replaced soon.
There will be tobacco cessation programs made available for faculty, staff and students. Enforcement will be phased in and implemented using the SMILE approach. Starting in 2015, there will be fines for violators of the policy. The tobacco monthly assessment will increase during open enrollment from $50 to $75 per month.
This is the first reading of the proposed Smoke/Tobacco Free University Policy. It will come back on Sept 24th for a second reading.
ACA Tables and Part-time Faculty Brad Smith, Director, HR Employee Data Services
Brad Smith discussed the impact of ACA on part time faculty. If part time faculty are working 20-29 hours per week, then they are partially benefits eligible. This means they get retirement benefits. Chairs should have submitted paperwork requesting faculty be made partially benefits eligible.
As long as part time faculty are not teaching more than two 3-credit hour courses or following the chart Ron Matson created, they do not have to enter time into ADP. Chairs will approve part time faculty time in ADP.
For part time non-instructional assignments, chairs must provide an estimate of average hours worked per week and provide beginning and end dates.
In the part time faculty workbooks sent by Brad there will be an algorithm for calculating standard work week hours. This should be done automatically. In the workbooks, Chairs can now change enrollment data.
Discussion occurred regarding part time faculty and the need to make them aware of the benefits available to them. Bill Rice requested handout from either BOR or KSU on benefit packages.
Workshop Pay, ACA, Etc Ron Matson, Associate Vice President for Faculty
Ron Matson discussed that workshop hours count toward ACA limits. Chairs will need to average these hours over the course of the semester. Also, we must factor in additional work and deliverables developed outside the workshop into hours worked. Part time faculty council and most training sessions/meetings are built into the standard work hour calculations. Currently, the BOR says the adjusted tables Ron has created are in violation of BOR policy.
Ron mentioned the importance of teaching the courses in compliance with what is in the catalog (e.g., 3-0-3) for ACA purposes. This designation is what Academic Affairs uses to create workload expectations. If these no longer work, departments should make course changes through UPCC/GPCC.
Lynn Lamanac mentioned that part time faculty will now receive a contract each semester that spells out their workload expectations. If this changes, they will receive a revised contract.
Ron Matson reviewed that faculty can receive awards from foundation funding. However, they cannot receive additional state funding as awards. Professional development is considered part of normal job expectations so faculty cannot receive additional funding. They can get additional travel funds, equipment, etc. QM incentives are still approved.
Part-time and limited-term faculty can be paid, but this must be counted in their workload. In the summer, 9-month faculty can be paid for professional development. It will count as part of their 33.3% they can earn in the summer semester.
ACA applies to part-time faculty, student assistants and graduate assistants.
Promotion and Tenure 2014 workshop information has been posted on the Academic Affairs website. There is a FAQ page. There is also a page outlining the levels of review page which includes the process for each level of administrators. The last item is the T&P decision letter routing information.
Curriuculum Valerie Whittlesey, Associate Vice President for Curriculum
Valerie Whittlesey discussed the implementation of Curriculog. Training is available for Chairs and Curriculum Committees. The module most import for Chairs is module on review and approving proposals. It is important that Curriculum committee chairs attend this training as soon as possible. Custom routing is another useful module for when Chairs have more comfort with the system. Chairs can pull reports that might be helpful later on. Once someone does the training, e-mail to get your log in information.
On August 25th (3:30 – 5:00 pm, KSU Center, Room 400), there will be a meeting of KSU and SPSU Deans, Chairs and Faculty to discuss the process for Consolidation Curriculum Changes.
Consolidation Changes: Update on Shared Governance Lynn Stallings
Lynn Stallings shared that Alice Tate had drafted a statement after the May meeting and it was sent to Randy Stewart. Currently, there are three OWG charged with examining shared governance. These three OWG are not working together. They have been instructed to come to consensus on their recommendations. No reportable action has taken place at this point.
CDA Representatives to KSU Committees Lynn Stallings
Consolidation Implementation Committee Mark Mitchell
Distance Learning Executive Committee Barbara Gainey
Faculty Senate Alice Pate
Policy Process Council Lynn Stallings
President’s Budget Planning & Advisory Council Lynn Stallings
University Council Keisha Love
Other Business
Brett said he had read the Faculty Senate’s minutes and noted an item that seemed to indicate a reduced emphasis on teaching evaluations for future annual reviews. He asked that it become an agenda item at a future meeting. Michele diPietro (CETL) agreed to address this question at the next CDA meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Kandice Porter.
1 CDA Minutes, 9.19.14