SEPTEMBER 21, 2008


Board Members:

Keith McBeath

Lisa Mast

Paula Poirier

Amy Cook

Dave Shields

Lee Shields

Chad Creager

Michelle Creager

Rob Harmeyer

Tonya Harmeyer

Brian Mast

Jim Roemer

Regular Members:

Ed Reust

Steve Jones

Bobby Comer

Ray Young

Meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.

Names of People running for the Board:

  • Keith McBeath
  • Amy Cook
  • Lisa Mast
  • Brian Mast
  • Jim Roemer
  • Chad Creager
  • Michelle Creager
  • Paula Poirier
  • Rob Harmeyer
  • Tonya Harmeyer
  • Ed Reust
  • Steve Jones
  • Bobby Comer
  • Ray Young
  • All names were unanimously accepted

Board Positions:

  • President – Keith McBeath

Keith won by a majority vote

  • Vice President – Ed Reust, Bobby Comer and Ray Young

Ed won by a majority vote

  • Player Agent – Rob Harmeyer and Bobby Comer

Rob won by a 9-5 vote

  • Treasurer – Lisa Mast

Lisa won by a majority vote

  • Secretary – Amy Cook

Amy won by a majority vote

  • Safety Director – Michelle Creager and Ray Young

Michelle won by a 9-5 vote

  • Concession Stand – Paula Poirier

Paula won by a majority vote

  • Information Officer – Tonya Harmeyer and Brian Mast

Tonya won by a 9-5 vote

  • Sponsor/Pennants/Picture Coordinator – Brian Mast

Brian won by a majority vote

  • Umpire Coordinator – Ray Young

Ray won by a majority vote

  • Equipment Manager – Brian Mast and Bobby Comer

First vote was a tie second vote Bobby won by a 7-6 vote 1 abstaining vote

  • VP Major – Chad Creager

Chad won by a majority vote

  • VP Prep/T-ball – Jim Roemer and Ray Young

Jim won by a 8-6 vote

  • VP Minor – Steve Jones, Jim Roemer and Chad Creager

Steve had 6 votes, Jim had 4 votes and Chad had 4 votes

There was discussion that in order to help the Volunteer Coordinator each Board Member would work as a Concession Stand Director which is like a Park Director. 11 Yes, 2 No and 1 Abstain

September 14thMinutes:

  • Paula motioned to accept, Michelle second, unanimously accepted

Board Meetings:

  • It was unanimously accepted to keep the Board meetings to the second Sunday of each month.
  • It was unanimously accepted that the Board meetings will be held at the Hodell Acres starting at 6:30.
  • It was unanimously accepted that we would be governed by the Operating Manual first, Constitution second, By-laws third and the Green Book fourth.
  • There will be a By-law Committee. Ed Reust will head this committee, Ray Young, Steve Jones, Bobby Comer, Chad Creager, Paula Poirier, Rob Harmeyer and Amy Cook will be on the committee. All-star language needs to looked into especially concerning the tryouts.
  • Paula will look into a contract with either Pepsi or Coke.
  • Clean up dates – October 11 and November 8
  • Need to work on a wish list for the diamonds for next season.
  • Keith put an ad in the Peddlers Post, Deals & Wheels for the mower. The asking price is $6800. We can trade in the mower and get the same mower but if we can sell it on our own, then we can make some money
  • A clay mound was put in the JR/SR diamond. The cost was $800.
  • October 12 is the next Board meeting

Meeting adjourned at 6:30