A few simple questions

Am I happy with my current income ?

  • Have I given any thought to owning my own business ?
  • Could I use extra income to secure my retirement ?
  • Am I sick and tired of being sick and tired ?
  • Do I know anyone else who feels the same way ?
  • Can I find 10-12 hours a week to build toward financial independence ?

Am I happy with my current schedule?

  • Would I enjoy more free time to do the things I like to do ?
  • Would I like to spend more time with loved ones ?
  • Does travel appeal to me ?

Do I shop ?

  • From the internet ?
  • Local stores and malls ?
  • Am I a comparison shopper who enjoys getting the “Best” deal ?
  • Would I be thrilled at getting paid to shop…top quality products for doing my everyday shopping ?
  • Would I enjoy earning extra money for doing what I already do every day ?

Do I know anyone who would enjoy these same benefits ?

If I see a good movie or experience a great restaurant…

Do I share the information with others ?

Am I a “Team Player” ?

  • Do I enjoy helping others ?
  • Am I coachable ?

If I could own my own business…investing little to no upfront money…work it part-time…without negatively affecting what I already do…work with positive, professional and caring individuals…whose job it is to teach, train and help me succeed…and in 2-3 years phase out my JOB in favor of my successful new career…

Would I want more information ? …Would I start today ?

If any of the above interests you…or someone you know would be interested in this material…you might want to further investigate…or pass this information on to a friend.

The following pages will give you a snapshot of a business model that is unique in the industry of direct sales…there is only ONE Unfranchise…do yourself a favor…Investigate !

Information is given gladly…No pressure…No obligation…No FOOLIN’

Call for an overview today

Michele and Tony Molinaro 727-943-8470

The Definition of Insanity…

Doing the same things over and over again…

And expecting different results !

Features and Benefits of the System
Most home-based businesses today are extremely difficult for busy people to realistically implement and become truly successful at. We've all experienced to one degree or another....the HYPE of unrealistic MLM plans that promise the moon and simply don't deliver. If you've bought the dream… but awakened to the nightmare of "one of those things," the following list of features and benefits will be an eye-opener...and introduce you to a truly realistic opportunity.
First, how we differ from other companies as far as Products & Services are concerned…
Secondly, how our commission structure is vastly different from ANY OTHER business…anywhere in the world! There is only ONE Unfranchise !

~ Who We Are ~

We are a Product Brokerage Company... NOT a manufacturer. As such, we represent thousands of unique, state-of-art, cutting edge Market Driven products... each already within a Billion $$ Industry….and are able to easily move with the marketplace. Pick one…or all, the choice is yours.

Anti-Aging / Tele-Communications / Sports & Fitness
Auto Care / Customized Cosmetics / Health & Nutrition
Home & Garden / MA Newsstand / Personal Care
Pet Care / Skin Care / Web Design & Hosting
Water Filtration / Printing Services / Weight Management
nutraMetrix Science/Physician based nutriceuticals for use in Medical practices…AMA accredited courses for Health Professionals & Staff.

Wholesale, retail, gift giving, or just because you need it yourself. Choose to open your marketing business from 15 different product categories and over 2500 products/services… which we have the exclusive marketing (not found in stores) rights to.

Excellent Product Lines: We are Multi-faceted, Multi-dimensional ...State-of-the-art, cutting edge products and product lines are being added all the time. You never have to worry about having to market old, tired, and worn out lines of merchandise. And you can earn commissions on everything you purchase or sell on the Internet through the over 3000 stores affiliated with the company.

We are an Internet Marketing Company…and have partnered with over 3000 major retailers…stores that we all shop from every day. How would you like to shop for things you need and use every day and earn commission on all of it.
Buy at wholesale, place the order within your organization and benefit your team with the volume. With the "Endless Shopping Experience" all volume created will accrue toward commissions for you and your organization. Anything and everything you need or want can be purchased from yourself! Example: Why go to Walmart when you can go to walmart.com and earn commissions…

We offer in Mass Customization…Offer Products, which are truly unique...and competitively priced against comparable market-driven products. We are the only Company that offers CUSTOMIZED Cosmetics, Nutrition, Websites, with more on the way!
● Customized Nutrition…using DNA Gene SNP …only “talked about” by other companies.
● Cosmetics
● Website Solutions

Science-Based Health Professionals Line…nutraMetrix® Advanced Nutriceuticals: nutraMetrix® Educational Institute, an entity of nutraMetrix® Advanced Nutriceuticals, objective is to train our Nutriceutical consultants and to educate a diverse group of health professionals on the role of nutrition and nutritional interventions. CEU/CME-accredited courses are available for health professionals, office staff and our Nutriceutical consultants.

How we differ from “typical” home-based businesses.
The following is a synopsis of the many differences between what we are… how we are compensated …and what the typical home-based business (99.9% of them MLM) try to convince you is easy to do ! If you’ve ever experienced the hype of MLM and the never-ending nightmare of recruiting, competition, high retail requirements, front-end loading, break-aways, reverse incentives, and very little chance for success…you’ll understand the differences noted below.

If you happen to be a business owner…and understand the cost, difficulties, headaches, and time involved in building a business…you’ll probably find these benefits very appealing…when this business is built it is residual ! (Volume refers to a point system given for the purchase of products and services).
100%Volume Search to Infinity: There are NO levels here! How would you like to get paid for 100% of the volume placed beyond the 7th level? You’re even paid on volume from above!
Volume Accrual UNTIL you get paid: Group volume accumulates for an entire year...Would it make a difference in your commissions if there were NO end of month? "Slow starters especially like this"! And you accrue volume from above and below… right from the start!
Commissions Paid Weekly: NOT monthly, and you keep the ENTIRE check. Your smallest check would be $300.00…created by ALL people in your group…giving you true leverage to infinity.
24/7 Reporting System: No guesswork...Know where your volume is coming from, and be able to help your organization grow...help them and you make more money. Our System gives you all the facts and figures to help you get to the money!
No Breakaways: The people in your organization NEVER break-away...and you CONTINUE to earn full commissions on all those in your organization as they are growing their respective businesses.
Re-Entry: How would you like to see yourself in your own organization? How would your people feel if they knew they were going to be paid on YOUR efforts…YOUR volume?
Multiple payouts on the same volume: How would you like to get paid multiple times on the same volume to infinity? Compounding effect !
Assignment of Volume within your Organization: You can help your people receive commissions and bonuses by placing volume within their business...without negatively affecting your own business.
Activate with only 2: Only 2 key people required to activate your business and begin to get to the commissions!
Many different businesses in one: Pick the one you like…but have the ability to offer a “Customizable” Business Opportunity to colleagues and friends. We all have different ideas of what we’d like to specialize in. You’re not “stuck” with limited products or services. And we don’t manufacture anything…we simply “broker”…so we have the ability to move with the marketplace.
Account for only 2: 2 Retail sales every 90 days...$200.00 in retailing/90 days…Something every average person can do. Choose from over 2500 products, find ONE that you like, and talk about it !
By recommending things to others…much like recommending a good movie….we make money!
Internet and E-commerce Marketing: Want a web presence to market your e-commerce business on line? DONE… Just plug it in....and the products can be shipped directly from the company, retailer or manufacturer to your customer. You earn commissions on everything that is purchased from your site…to infinity…no matter WHO buys it !
Test Marketing: We have no need to enroll people to see if they are capable of growing a business. No one wants your money... Until you are convinced that you can be successful, you can test-market the business with the help of your sponsor (you must be recommended by a current Independent Distributor) prior to spending any money & committing yourself to it.
Phenomenal Support System: On-going Training seminars...NOT hype sessions! Interactive tapes and videos, Educational materials, state-of-the-art product presentations, and Teamwork to help each new business owner get started on the road to success. If you're coachable and willing to plug into the training schedule in your area your success ratio goes way up. We follow an 18-year old proven business system…much like a franchise.
Will it to your family: Pass your residual income on to your family and let them watch it grow...even after you're gone.
Minimum requirements (see below) must be done to continue to be paid commissions. Build a SIX-Figure Income and pass it to your children!
Income continues to grow: When you become ill or simple need an extended vacation.
Residual Income: For the rest of your life...for helping other people become a success. Discover the talents of others, grow your business, and enrich your life by helping others....
High Retention Rate: People stay with the business because they are paid not only on their efforts, but also on the efforts of others. By helping others we help ourselves...what a concept!
Structured On-going training and support: Nationwide training...8,000 trainings per quarter. We have the largest training organization in the world.
No front-end loading: Initial product order minimal.
No warehousing of products: Have them drop-shipped if you choose.
Product Brokerage: No manufacturing costs means lower prices and truly unique products through 100 top manufacturers nationwide... the end consumer gets a better product for less, and...we’re able to seamlessly move with the marketplace....marketing anything the customer wants or needs!

15 Million Dollar website presence: Allows you to purchase/market anything (from over 2500 Market America branded products AND 35 Million products/services from our affiliate partners) 24/7, and make commissions on ALL of it…to infinity !
Partnered with Microsoft FAST…the fastest growing company in the WORLD! Is currently working on building the most innovative searchable shoppers database of over 35 Million products/services… single shopping cart convenience and security…exclusively for Market America.
Move Over Amazon.com !
If any of the features listed above interest you....or someone you know might be interested in this material...you’ll want to pass it on, and get more in-depth information yourself.
If you're skeptical and decide that what you've read in this list might be "one of those things" ....
and you take no action to find out for sure ? I have a question for you......
"What if 1/2 of what is written here is true?" Maybe you should get more information ?
Minimum Requirements:
We each partner with, and help 2 people… who like us, want to build a successful Unfranchise Business.
We each BUY a little... 50 ~ 150 in volume per month (transfer some of the dollars you already spend elsewhere… and buy from yourself) based on YOUR success rate, not on what the COMPANY dictates.
SELL a little... $200.00 per quarter in total sales, a minimum of 2 receipts.
Report your $200.00 in retail sales per quarter... 5 minute task done online...once every 3 months.
Plug into the UFMS & Voice Mail System (Business Management System) at $30.00/month.
Renew Your Subscription annually... $99.95 keeps you online with your WEB Portal, Quarterly Training CD’s, Monthly Powerline Magazine, Digital Marketing Materials, and Annual Renewal obligation.

Michele and Tony Molinaro

Internet Marketing Consultants

“Helping shoppers Save Money while Earning Money online”


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