City Council Agenda

June 18, 2008

9:30 a.m.

Council Chamber

Orders of the Day:
9:30 a.m. / Call to Order
9:30 a.m., First Item / E.1. / City-Wide Wireless Internet and Wi-Fi Service – Pilot Project Internal Evaluation
11:30 a.m. / P.1. / Facility Update – Private
12 noon to 1:30 p.m. / Lunch
1:30 p.m. / G.1. / Non-Statutory Public Hearing – Bylaw 14922, The Ed Tel Endowment Fund Bylaw Amendment No. 3
3:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. / Recess
5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. / Dinner
9:30 p.m. / Adjournment


A.1.Call to Order

Deputy Mayor:Councillor T. Caterina

Acting Mayor:Councillor B. Henderson

Opening Prayer

Reverend Brian Kiely, Minister of the Unitarian Church of Edmonton; President, International Council of Unitarians and Universalists

A.2.Adoption of Agenda


That the June 18, 2008, City Council meeting agenda be adopted.

Addenda require a Special Resolution.

Deletions require a unanimous vote.

A.3.Adoption of Minutes


That thefollowingCity Council meeting minutes be adopted:

  • May 28, 2008, City Council
  • May 26, 2008, City Council Public Hearing

A.4.Protocol Items


B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items

B.2.Time Specifics and Decision to Hear

Refer to Summary of Agenda Changes for any requests made.

B.3.Vote on Bylaws not Selected for Debate



Item / ReportTitle / Department / Revised Due Date
D.1. / 2008 Report on EPCOR Performance-Based Rate Plans / Finance & Treasury / July 9/08
D.2. / Bylaw 14019 – Proposed Naming Committee Bylaw and City Policy for Naming Development Areas, Parks, Municipal Facilities, Roads and Honourary Roads – Two-Year Evaluation / Planning & Development / July 9/08
D.3. / Funding Sources: Whitemud Drive/Quesnell Bridge/Terwillegar Drive – Stage 1 – Potential Funding Sources / Finance &Treasury / July 23/08
D.4. / Proposed Rezoning Within Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) / Planning & Development / Sep. 29/08


E.1.City-Wide Wireless Internet and Wi-Fi Service - Pilot Project Internal Evaluation

Time Specific: First item at 9:30 a.m.

Administration Recommendation

  1. That the City continue to provide and promote publicly accessible Wi-Fi (Wireless Edmonton) service at Main Floor City Hall, Sir Winston Churchill Square, Kinsmen Sports Centre and Commonwealth Sports and Fitness Centre.
  2. That the City continue to explore opportunities to expand the Wireless Edmonton service where existing City network infrastructure is available and where there is a public interest, as outlined in the May 15, 2008, Corporate Services Department report 2008COT002.


This report provides the results of the City’s Wi-Fi pilot project (Wireless Edmonton eZones) and provides recommendations for the service’s possible future expansion.

Delegation:H. Crone/S. Gordon /K. Barnhart

E.2.Respectful Workplace – City Council

Recommendation of Executive Committee

That Council Services Committee prepare a report providing recommendations for a Code of Conduct for Members of Council.


This report outlines options for Council’s consideration regarding instituting a respectful workplace policy.


  • At the May 28, 2008, City Council meeting, Executive Committee report CR-11a and the April 8, 2008, Office of the City Manager report 2008CMC023 were postponed to the June 18, 2008, City Council meeting.
  • At the May 21, 2008, Executive Committee meeting, the April 8, 2008, Office of the City Manager report 2008CMC023 was considered.

Delegation:D. H. Edey/M. Kroening

E.3.ResponsibleHospitality Edmonton (RHE) Alternative Source of Income

Administration Recommendation

That the April 30, 2008, Deputy City Manager’s Office report be received for information.


This information report details an alternative source of revenue being explored with the hospitality industry to support the Responsible Hospitality Edmonton initiative.

Delegation:J. Tustian/J. Bradford Green/M. Garrett

E.4.Mobile Equipment Services – Council Budget Process December 2007

Administration Recommendation

That the June 18, 2008, Corporate Services Department report 2008COM019 be received for information.


This report confirms the reduction of the overall tax levy by $2,000,000 and outlines the actions by Mobile Equipment Services to achieve improvements in efficiency andeffectiveness and implement the recommendations of the 2007 audit.

Delegation:H. Crone/S. Rapanos

E.5.Cancellation of June 25, 2008, Special City Council Meeting

Administration Recommendation

That the June 25, 2008, Special City Council meeting be cancelled.


It is necessary to reschedule the June 25, 2008, meeting to allow Mayor S. Mandel to attend a Special Capital Region Board meeting.

Delegation:D. H. Edey

E.6.Trends in Capital Expenditures 2003 - 2007

Administration Recommendation

That the June 9, 2008, Finance and Treasury Department report 2008COF062 be received for information.


Thisreport provides an overview on general financing of capital expenditures. It also outlines the capital expenditures funded by all financing sources for each of the past five years by department by quarter.

Delegation:C. Warnock/R. Rosychuk/C. Engelking

E.7.Transit Vehicle (Trolley) Technology Review

Referred to City Council Without a Committee Recommendation

Administration Recommendation

1.That the trolley system be phased out in 2009 and 2010.
2.That the purchase of 47 new hybrid buses, to be received in 2010, be approved with funding identified in the 2009–2011 capital budget process.
3.That the decommissioning of the remaining trolley infrastructure in 2010 be approved.


At the June 10, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting:

  • The May 7, 2008, Transportation Department report 2008TD1482 was considered and referred to City Council without a Committee recommendation.
  • The Committee heard from the following delegations: C. Gray, Edmonton Transit System Advisory Board; F. Weichman; A. Glass; R. Gilbert; P. Maass, Vossloh Kiepe Corporation; M. Marriott;
    D. Flood; B. Biglow, Edmonton Trolley Coalition; Z. Jiang;
    T. Penton; J. Guthrie; R. Clark; J. Kernahan; M. Roemmich;
    R. Tucker; E. Baumgartner, Sierra Club; D. Cowan; B. Nicholls;
    M. Parsons; J. Bowman; B. Tucker, Edmonton Trolley Coalition;
    A. Wong, Citizens for Better Transit; K. Brown, Citizens for Better Transit; D. Long; W. Rogers; A. Grenier; and B. Paschen.


In 2004 City Council directed that Edmonton Transit continue to operate its fleet of trolley buses. Council also authorized Administration to test new hybrid bus and trolley bus technology and to report back in 2008. This report summarizes the results of these tests and includes recommendations dealing with the existing trolley bus fleet.

Delegation:R. Boutilier

E.8.Parking Meter Rate Increase

Recommendation of Transportation and Public Works Committee

That the on-street parking meter rates, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the May 16, 2008, Transportation Department report 2008TD1278, be approved and that the new rates take effect July 2, 2008.


At the June 10, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the May 16, 2008, Transportation Department report 2008TD1278 was considered.


This report recommends that the on-street parking meter rates be increased to meet the 2008 Council approved parking meter budget revenue projections. This recommendation is the result of a three-year action plan initiated in 2004

Delegation:R. Boutilier/D. MacDonald

E.9.Budget Adjustment and Agreement Approval: Downtown Winter Lighting Program

Recommendation of Transportation and Public Works Committee

  1. That Capital Project 0866-1261, Downtown Winter Lighting Program for $400,000 financed by self liquidating debentures, as outlined in Attachment 2 of the May 15, 2008, Transportation Department report 2008TD6840, be approved.
4.That Downtown Business Association enter into a capital property construction and maintenance agreement with the City of Edmonton, as outlined in Attachment 2 of the May 15, 2008, Transportation Department report 2008TD6840, to incur the Association’s indebtedness to the City beyond the current fiscal year.
5.That a capital property construction and maintenance agreement between the City and the Downtown Business Association, as outlined in Attachment 2 of the May 15, 2008, Transportation Department report 2008TD6840 be approved, and that the agreement be in a form acceptable to the City Manager.


At the June 10, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the May 15, 2008, Transportation Department report 2008TD6840 was considered.


This report requests that the Downtown Winter Lighting Program be added to the lists of projects under Transportation Department capital budget, and that necessary approvals be given in order that the Downtown Winter Lighting Program may proceed.


E.10.Regional Wastewater Exchange Agreement

Recommendation of Transportation and Public Works Committee

That the City enter into a 20-year Regional Wastewater Exchange Agreement with the Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission.


At the June 10, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, the May 20, 2008, Asset Management and Public Works Committee report 2008PW5942 was considered.


The City of Edmonton and Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission have completed discussions on the Regional Wastewater Exchange Agreement. The duration of the Regional Wastewater Exchange Agreement is 20 years.

Delegation:W. D. Burn/J. Hodgson

E.11.2009 Council and Committee Schedule

Administration Recommendation

  1. That Section 8(2)b. of the Procedures and Committees Bylaw be suspended.
  2. That the 2009 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the June 11, 2008, report 2008CMC036, be approved.
This recommendation requires a majority to pass; however, all Members of Council must be present at the meeting when this item is discussed.
s. 193(1), Municipal Government Act


This report establishes meeting dates for City Council and its Standing Committees from January 1, 2009, to December 31, 2009.

Delegation:D. H. Edey


F.1.Bylaw 14932 – A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct, and finance Parks Project, Leger Site: Roadway, Servicing and Development


Toauthorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct, and finance Parks Project, Leger Site: Roadway, Servicing and Development in the amount of $6,200,000.


Bylaw 14932 will be resubmitted for second and third readings after the advertising and expiration of the associated petition period.

Advertising and Signing

This Bylaw will be advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Saturday, June 21, 2008, and Saturday, June 28, 2008. This Bylaw cannot be signed and thereby passed prior to July 14, 2008.


Bylaw 14932 is ready for first reading only.

F.2.Bylaw 14942 – A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to acquire, and finance Waste Management Project, Kennedale Expansion – Land


Toauthorize the City of Edmonton to acquire, and finance Waste Management Project, Kennedale Expansion – Land in the amount of $3,400,000.


Bylaw 14942 will be resubmitted for second and third readings after the advertising and expiration of the associated petition period.

Advertising and Signing

This Bylaw will be advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Saturday, June 21, 2008, and Saturday, June 28, 2008. This Bylaw cannot be signed and thereby passed prior to July 14, 2008.


Bylaw 14942 is ready for first reading only.

F.3.Bylaw 14933 – A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to acquire and finance the Downtown Winter Lights


Toacquire and finance the Downtown Winter Lights in the amount of $400,000.


Bylaw 14933 will be resubmitted for second and third readings after the advertising and expiration of the associated petition period.

Advertising and Signing

This Bylaw will be advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Saturday, June 21, 2008, and Saturday, June 28, 2008. This Bylaw cannot be signed and thereby passed prior to July 14, 2008.


Bylaw 14933 is ready for first reading only, ifCouncil approves funding from the Downtown Business Revitalization Zone taxable businesses.


F.4.Bylaw 14952 – Vehicle for Hire Bylaw Amendment No. 3

Recommendation of Community Services Committee

That Bylaw 14952 be given the appropriate readings.


  • At the June 9, 2008, Community Services Committee meeting:
  • The May 20, 2008, Vehicle for Hire Commission/Planning and Development Department report 2008PDD033 was considered.
  • A non-statutory public hearing was held and the Committee heard from the following delegations: V. Colley, Safety Shields Ltd; R. Richard, Associated Cab Ltd; P. Strong, Yellow Cab;
    A. Chebli, Checker Cabs; G. Peychoff; G. Beatty, Co-op Taxi; M. Neate, Co-op Taxi; M. Chebli, Capital Taxi; S. Alvanos, Capital Taxi; G. Waraich, Yellow Cab; Abuzaar, Checker Cabs; B. Manhas, United Cabbies Association; M. Maan, A1 Taxi;
    M. Punia, Yellow Cab; K. Alkhateb, Capital Taxi; A. Frost, Co-op Taxi; and B. Mitcharenko, Co-op Taxi.
  • The Committee passed the following motions:

Developments Since the May 20, 2008, Vehicle for Hire Commission Report

That the Vehicle for Hire Commission provide a report to the
June 18, 2008, City Council meeting outlining what discussions and developments have occurred since the preparation of the May 20, 2008, Vehicle for Hire Commission/Planning and Development Department report 2008PDD033.

Safety Shields in Taxis

That the Vehicle for Hire Commission report to the September 8, 2008, Community Services Committee on the status of the proposed regulatory changes mandating safety shields and the progress of installing safety shields in taxis.

Accessible Taxi Licence Update

That the Vehicle for Hire Commission provide an update to the
September 8, 2008, Community Services Committee on the accessible taxi licence plate distribution and an overview of vehicle ownership.

Taxi Service – Hybrid Vehicle Performance

That the Vehicle for Hire Commission provide a report to the September 8, 2008, Community Services Committee on hybrid vehicle performance in taxi services, as well as information about requirements and incentives around hyrbrids in other jurisdictions.


This report provides information on a late evening taxi surcharge incentive, safety shields, time specific meter rates, additional accessible taxi vehicle licences and provides a Bylaw to effect these matters by amending the current Vehicle For Hire Bylaw.

Delegation:H. Naboulsi


G.1.Non-Statutory Public Hearing on Bylaw 14922 – The Ed Tel Endowment Fund Bylaw Amendment No. 3

Time Specific: 1:30 p.m.



Toamend Bylaw 11713, The Ed Tel Endowment Fund Bylaw.


At the May 28, 2008 City Council meeting, Bylaw 14922 received first reading.


This report recommends changes to be made to the Ed Tel Endowment Fund Bylaw to avoid any misinterpretation or ambiguity with wording in the bylaw that was amended last year.

Advertising and Signing

This Bylaw was advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Saturday,
May 31, 2008, and Saturday, June 7, 2008. The Bylaw cannot be signed and thereby passed prior to June 18, 2008.


Bylaw 14922 is ready for second and third readings, after the public hearing has been held.

G.2.Bylaw 14900 – A Bylaw to amend Bylaw 14293, Sanitary Drainage Projects – 10 Years, Part 1


Toamend Bylaw 14293, Sanitary Drainage Projects – 10 Years,
Part 1. This amendment will increase the debenture borrowing from $34,493,000 to $46,753,000, an increase of $12,260,000.


At the May 14, 2008, City Council meeting, Bylaw 14900 received first reading.


The petition period expires on June 8, 2008. At the date of writing this report, no petition has been received and it is anticipated that none will be received by June 8, 2008. If, in fact, any are received, this will be reported at the June 18, 2008, City Council meeting. If none are received, this Bylaw may proceed.

Advertising and Signing

This Bylaw was advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Saturday,
May 17, 2008, and Saturday, May 24, 2008. The Bylaw cannot be signed and thereby passed prior to June 9, 2008.


Bylaw 14900 is ready for second and third readings.

G.3.Bylaw 14883 - A Bylaw to authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct, and finance Land Enterprise Project, Belvedere Community Revitalization Levy Area


Toauthorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct, and finance Land Enterprise Project, Belvedere Community Revitalization Levy Area in the amount of $34,250,000.


At the April 30, 2008, City Council meeting, Bylaw 14883 received first reading.


The petition period expired on May 25, 2008. No petitionswere received. As a result, the Bylaw may proceed.

Advertising and Signing

This Bylaw was advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Saturday,
May 3, 2008, and Saturday, May 10, 2008. This Bylaw cannot be signed and thereby passed prior to May 26, 2008.


Bylaw 14883 is ready for second and third readings.



P.1.Facility Update

Time Specific: 11:30 a.m.

To be discussed in private pursuant to sections 16, 21 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

P.2.TEC Edmonton Reappointments

To be discussed in private pursuant to sections 17, 23 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

P.3.Edmonton City Centre Airport

To be discussed in private pursuant to 16, 21, 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

P.4.Civic Agency Recruitment – Edmonton Historical Board
Recommendation from Community Services Committee

To be discussed in private pursuant to sections 17, 23 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

P.5.Regional Relations

To be discussed in private pursuant to sections 21 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

P.6.Purchase of Property

To be discussed in private pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

P.7.SAP Enterprise Licence Agreement Funding

To be discussed in private pursuant to sections 16, 23 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

P.8.Civic Agency Recruitment – Assessment Review Board Recommendations from Executive Committee

Report to be Distributed When Available

To be discussed in private pursuant to sections 17, 23 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

P.9.Update on Alberta Health and Wellness – Ground Ambulance

Report to be Distributed When Available

To be discussed in private pursuant to sections 21 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


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