Pastoral Center Leadership TeamMeeting Summary
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Attendees:Doug Adel, Msgr. John Armistead, Bishop Stephen Blaire, Sr. Terry Davis,
Sr. Gloria DeJesús, Marian Graham, Dyan Hollenhorst, Virginia Meagher,
Digna Ramirez-Lopez, Msgr. Richard Ryan, Fr. Brandon Ware

Discussion Summary
New As One Parishes
  • Deanery meetings are taking place to determine which parishes are interested in joining the “As One” project.
  • Several parishes have expressed interest in participating.

Parish Pastoral Plans
  • Fr. Mark Pranaitis said, the “As One” process works best with parishes that have pastoral plans.
  • We have many resources at our disposal to assist parishes in developing or updating their pastoral plans, including the Academy of Church Leadership, the Leadership Roundtable, the Church Leadership Institute, and the parishes that have a plan and can help one another.
  • We have multiple individuals, ordained and lay, who have parish and business experience and can help other parishes with this need.
  • A basic model starts with the Diocesan Mission and Vision statements and the goals of the Synod, and expresses them in a way that makes sense for the individual parish, drawing from the needs assessment of the parish.
  • Names of individuals and parishes that can assist others in this process were raised.

Transgender Issues
  • Dioceses across the state are refraining from creating a policy at this time.
  • The statement from the Diocese of San Diego is a good model for those looking for wording around the issue.
  • Education and a better understanding of what transgender, gender neutral, and other such issues mean is essential to allow us to be pastoral rather than reactive.

July Convocation
  • Multiple grants from outside the Diocesehave been contacted to ensure that our participation will be robust and will not cost the Diocese any money.
  • Those who are confirmed for the delegation include Bishop Blaire, Msgr. Ryan, Digna Ramirez-Lopez and Kim Fuentes. Additional participants will be invited representing the priests, young adult leaders, additional ethnic groups, and the Diocesan Pastoral Council.
  • The main goal in surfacing names is to suggestleaders with broad impact and the ability to work as part of the team upon return to the Diocese, to help reach as many people as possible with the tools and opportunities for greater evangelization.

“As One” Parish Updates:
  • Parishes have asked for a variety of support including:
  • Support in working through issues while the pastor is away
  • Understanding better who should participate in the upcoming Building Intercultural Ministries training
  • Identifying a speaker for an upcoming Theology of Ministry Conference
  • Direction on continued hosting of Boy Scouts in parish facilities as they change their position to welcome transgender individuals
  • The Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers training which five of our “As One” parishes requested is scheduled. Invitations must go out soon to ensure full participation. Diocesan Resource Reps have spoken with their parishes regarding their delegations.

Action Items / By Whom / By When
Contact will be made with the individuals we would like to serve as point persons for parish pastoral plans to see if they are willing to serve in this capacity.
/ Blaire / 3/8/2017
Individuals identified for the Convocation will be contacted immediately to ensure they are available and get the paperwork in to ensure the grants.
/ Blaire
/ 2/17/2017
There will be follow-up with the pastor who raised the question about the Boy Scouts and transgender scouts.
/ Ryan / 3/8/2017
There will be follow-up with the pastor looking for assistance on a Theology of Ministry Conference.
/ DeJesús / 3/8/2017
We will contact the California Catholic Conference and UOP to solicit the names of potential speakers to educate Diocesan leaders on transgender issues.
/ Graham
Hollenhorst / 3/8/2017
The invitation letter for the Building Intercultural Ministries training will be out by the end of the month.
/ Meagher / 2/28/2017
Decisions / Responsible / By When
Summary of the12/16/2016 meeting was accepted with no edits.
/ All / 2/15/2017 /
Hedy Olaso will contact the Deans prior to our March 8 meeting to gather from them the names of parishes interested in being a part of the As One project / Olaso / 3/7/2017
We will have a point person who can assist parishes with developing and updating pastoral plans.
/ Blaire / 3/8/2017
All transgender issues will be handled on a case-by-case basis pastorally and with great sensitivity.
/ All / 2/15/2017
The PCLT will vet possible presenters for various leaders in the Diocese regarding transgender issues. Such presentations will take part at times apart from regularly scheduled PCLT meetings.
/ All / 2/15/2017
The Boy Scouts are welcome to continue using parish space with no change to current practice.
/ All / 2/15/2017
Our full delegation to the July Convocation for Church Leaders will be ten individuals.
/ All / 2/15/2017
If the 70 spots for the Building Intercultural Ministries training are not filled by As One parishes, identified deacons, and identified diocesan leaders, we will solicit other parishes to see if they are interested in participating.
/ All / 3/8/2017