‘Working with women who have experienced female circumcision, genital cutting or FGM.’

Thursday 9 July, 2015 at BPS Offices, Tabernacle St, London.

This conference is for clinicians and professionals working across a range of service provision including voluntary sector, primary care, gynaecology, midwifery, mental and physical health and GUM and HIV services. It will include a detailed review of FGM/C practices and how clinicians can engage with best work with clients who have undergone FGM/C as well as with clients from high prevalence countries.

Topics and workshops will include starting conversations & asking patients about FGM/C, understanding safeguarding and mandatory reporting, FGM/C as child abuse and human rights based approaches and psychological sequelae of FGM/C and associated trauma.

This conference also marks the launch of an NHS Choices video for health professionals commissioned by the Department of Health to increase understanding of the psychological aspects of working with women who have experienced female circumcision, genital cutting or FGM/C. This follows from the very helpful and well-received NHS Choices video by Dr Sarah Creighton on understanding the medical needs of FGM.

For information and booking: www.kc-jones.co.uk/dcphiv2015

Main Audience: psychologists, clinicians, nurses, midwives, counsellors, health advisors, gynaecologists, psychiatrists, mental health nurses.


Dr Lih-Mei Liao, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, UCLH, FGM National Clinical Group.

Fatuma Farah, psychotherapist, survivor and FGM activist.

Dr Haseena Lockhat, Consultant Clinical Psychologist/Researcher into clinician’s experience of working with FGM/C, author of Treating the Tears.

Yvette Robbin-Coker, FORWARD FGM charity and advocacy. www.forwarduk.org.uk

Dr Janet Barter, Consultant Gynaecologist, FGM Specialist Service, Barts Health NHS Trust.

Delegate Fees:

Assistants/Trainees/Charities £20

Faculty HIV & Sexual Health members* £30

Standard BPS rate £50

Non BPS members £60

*Faculty membership is open to all clinicians interested in HIV/Sexual Health and costs only£10 for students/trainees; £15 for other membership.

Join the Faculty HIV Sexual Health before you book at http://www.bps.org.uk/dcp-sexhealth

Venue: Thursday 9th July 2015 (9.30 – 4.30)

British Psychological Society London Office

30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2 4UE (insert link)

For information and booking: www.kc-jones.co.uk/dcphiv2015