Peter Norton has just come home from his boring vacation in Italy.


Liverpool 13:30


Peter jumped into his armchair," At last home" he said, while he

turned on the TV. It was a Italian lottery program:

--- Welcome to the Corleone's Lottery Of The Year.

--- It's today we will seek a winner . And maybe you are the lucky

--- winner.

--- Since nobody has won the JACKPOT for the last 17 years,

--- it has reached the unbelievable sum of Lire.

--- Let's begin......

Suddenly while Peter is listening to the program, he remembers that he bought a Corleone's L.O.T.Y lottery ticket, when he was in


He searches his pockets, and finds a piece of paper were it says :

Corleone's Lottery Of The Year

12 , 14 , 77 , 99 , 34 , 19

Peter turns the volume up , because now the winner is to be found.

---- The first number is 12 , The second... is 14 , The third.. is

---- 77.

---- The fourth... is 99 , The fifth... is 34 The sixth...61

---- Our computer tells us that the name of the winner is

---- U.N.Luke Unlucky and he lives in Chicago on the 13 th. St.

"WHAT!!! , I LOST ON THE LAST NUMBER??!! , I CAN'T BELIEVE IT",Peter screams and throws his remote control out of the window.

Suddenly the TV interrupts him:

--- We are SO sorry , but we have done a tremendous mistake. The

--- last

--- number is NOT 61, It 19. We read the number upside down.

--- Sorry, U.N.Luke Unlucky if we disappointed you.

--- Try to change name, maybe it will help ?

--- Our computer says that the new winner is

--- PETER NORTON England Liverpool 8.

--- You are the lucky winner, all you have to do is to travel

--- to Sicily IN 24 HOURS.

--- Yet anybody hasn't declared the price. Wonder Why ?

--- The address is on the backside of your ticket.

--- If you are not here in exactly 24 hours the money will be

--- given to the RED CROSS!.


"Yes,Yes,Yes, I am Lire richer" , Peter runs towards the door, and out on the pavement.

There he sees a note. Peter picks it up and reads: First Warning do not continue.

"Wonder what it means, probably some kids joking"

All he could see were some men standing on the other side of the road with machine-guns pointed at Peter. "Hey what are you d .... ", that's all Peter was able to say before two..three hundred bullets had made a strainer of his mansion.

"What have they done with my 1.000.000 $ mansion. Now I really have to go to Sicily and get those money"


23 Hours left.

Even if some of the bullets hit Peter's car, it was still rolling, and now he is heading towards the airport.

He sees that the car is almost empty for fuel, so he decides to stop at the nearest gas station.

"What will it be ?",asks the owner.

Peter rolls down his window and says: Fill it with 98 Octane, while I wait inside your shop.


"Wow, I didn't know that the latest edition of 'Stocks and Cash' has been released, I'll just have to by that issue."

Suddenly the owner is running towards him. "GET DOWN", he screams.

Just then he hears a gigantic explosion coming from HIS CAR!!


"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY CAR ??!!",Peter yells.

"It wasn't my fault. It was two guys driving alongside your car, and they threw a bomb through the window."

"But how should I get to the airport without any car ?"

"You can borrow my moped ?", says the owner

"O.K. It is better than nothing"

With 32 MPH it took a loooong time to get to the airport.

But after a lot of engine trouble and even more start attempts Peter reached his destination, the airport.

"May I buy a ticket for Sicily",Peter asks the clerk.

"Yes, we have some seats left on the plane leaving for Sicily tomorrow at 13:00"

"That's MUCH to late I need a plane NOW!"

She tells him that she may book him on a plane leaving for Reggia, (city in the south west of Italy) and that he there can take a ferry to Sicily.

Peter couldn't see any other solution, but he still had to wait 5 hours at the airport.


At last Peter is on the airplane, heading for Reggia.

"What would you like ?", asked the airhostess

"Nothing", cause Peter was not hungry or thirsty. But the airhostess insisted.

After a long discussion Peter gave up and bought a cup of 'Maf.Italian tea'.

"Rather funny tazte", he thinkz zz

It tastez zz like zz slzeeepin zzzz zz.



Italy Reggia 12:30

Time left 1 hour.

"Where am I", was the first and only thing Peter thought of when he woke up. The answer was 'Reggia' airport Italy.

He feels a bit dizzy, and tries to stand up.

"That's the worst tea I have ever tasted, I'll NEVER buy any Maf.Tea"

The clock is now 12:45, and Peter has 45 minutes left.

He runs towards the harbour, which is about 300 meters from the airport.

This time he is real lucky, just when he enters the ferry it leaves for Sicily.

But the time is working against him.

When arriving Sicily, Peter looks at his wrist-watch. 13:45.

15 minutes delayed !!

He now realizes that everything is lost.

His house. His car. His Lire.

--- Sigh,Sigh,Sigh,Sigh,Sigh,Sigh.

Peter walks back in the direction of the ferry.

"What time is the E.T.D (estimated time of departure) of the ferry ?",Peter asks an old man sitting in the harbour.


"But, , but the clock is 13:49. Does that mean I'll have to wait for nearly 23 hours ??",Peter asks.

The old man stands up, and begins to laugh."Ha,ha,ha you are an Englishman. Am I right ?.

Peter was more confused than ever."What do you mean with Englishman ?".

"Time-zones, Haven't you heard about time-zones ?".

Peter feels like a complete idiot. "Of course..I'll have to turn my watch back one hour". At the same time he realizes that he still has time to collect the price.

He reads the backside of the ticket: Corleone's L.O.T.Y

Harbour street 24


The building is about a kilometre away, so Peter has to run the whole way. And this time he is lucky. Just opening the door of Corleone's L.O.T.Y he hears: And it doesn't seam like anybody will declare the price this year either. So the money will be ...

"Stop, I am Peter Norton and I am here to declare the price", Peter screams.

"WHAT HOW THE ... ,, HOW DID YOU GET HERE", Corleone yells, and looks down to his two men. (''Deja vu ?'')

"How did I get here??.. I used a car, a moped, a plane, and a ferry.. Why do you ask ??"

"May I ask you a question ?", Corleone asks

"Of course"

"What will you do with the money ?"

Peter thinks for a while, and then says : A new house, a new car, and a watch with worldtime.