St Mary’s RC Primary School Year 3 2016-17 Long Term Plan



(Following Come and See RE Scheme) /
  • Homes
  • Promises
  • Visitors
  • Journeys
  • Listening and Sharing.
  • Giving All.
  • Giving All.
  • Energy.
  • Choices.
  • Multi faith week.
  • Choices.
  • Special places.


/ SPAG skills covered daily


  • Adventure stories about the Stone Age (based on books – ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura and ‘UG’ by Raymond Briggs).
  • Recounts – a typical day in the Stone Age.
  • Setting descriptions, using adjectives and adverbs, comparing a Stone Age setting with a modern city.
  • Character descriptions.
  • Chronological reports – Iron Age Invasion/Battle.
  • Recounts (1st person narratives) – Discovery of new metal.
  • Instructions – How to create an iron sword.
  • Write a set of instructions for a healthy snack.
  • Write a menu for a healthy day’s food.
  • Non-Chronological Reports about the Harry Potter Studio Tour.
  • Character profiles on favourite characters in Harry Potter.
  • School Report for a Hogwarts student.
  • Letters from Hogwarts students.
  • Information texts about plants and what they need to grow.
  • Instructions – how to plant a seed?
  • Chronological reports relating to scientific experiments.
  • Recounts (1St Person Narratives) of key Anglo-Saxon events.
  • Setting description of Ancient Egypt – Why might this be a good place to start a settlement?
  • Debate whether to close/keep open Tutankhamun’s tomb.
  • Write a letter to the Egyptian Tourism Federation.
  • Write a newspaper article about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.
  • Write a set of instructions for how to mummify a pharaoh.
  • Write a postcard from Ancient Egypt.
  • Write a fact file about Cario.


  • Place value
  • Addition (using the partitioning method and column method)
  • Subtraction (using the counting on method).
  • Fractions.
  • Recap and review of ‘Number’ – addition, subtraction and place value.
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Shape and Space
  • Multiplication and Division.
  • Fractions.
  • Recap Place Value, Addition and Subtraction.
  • Shape and space.
  • Statistics and data handling.
  • Problem solving involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Revision of calculations.
  • Problem solving.
  • Measurement and Geometry.
  • Multiplication and division.
  • Problem solving.
  • Shape and space.
  • Revision of calculation.


/ Rocks
  • Fossils and how they are formed
  • Rock formation (3 different types of rock – sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous).
  • Volcanoes and ‘The Ring of Fire’, including a volcano experiment.
  • Soil investigation – what is soil made of?
/ Animals, including humans (nutrition)
  • Food groups and their benefits to our body.
  • Balanced diet and how to stay healthy.
  • Digestion.
  • Animal diets.
  • Compare our diets to Stone Age/Bronze Age/Iron Age.
/ Animals, including humans (skeleton and muscles)
  • Human skeletons.
  • Endoskeletons, exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons.
  • Muscles and how they help us move.
  • Different forms of movement.
  • The effect of exercise on our body.
/ Plants
  • How do plants grow? What do they need to help them grow into mature plants?
  • Plant lifecycle.
  • Experiment – what do plants need to survive?
  • Plant parts.
/ Forces
  • Push and pull forces.
  • Friction – experiment with moving objects.
  • Magnets – Why do they attract and repel?
/ Light
  • Light and darkness.
  • The sun and how it casts shadows.
  • Mirrors and reflection.
  • Transparency.


  • Basic computer skills.
  • Explore PurpleMash – create rock posters, pictures of a Stone Age setting and create an exploding volcano.
  • SMART when using the internet. Keeping your passwords secure.
  • Introduction to Computational Thinking.
  • Design a set of instructions for a healthy meal on PurpleMash.
  • Programming and algorithms – use of BeeBots.
  • Information Technology – how do computers and the internet work?
  • E-Safety: my online community.
  • Research of topical areas (Anglo-Saxons)
  • Interactive skeleton games. Create a skeleton on PurpleMash.
  • Digital literacy: Word processing – Write non-chronological reports and import pictures.
  • E-Safety: Cyberbullying and respect online.
  • Animation of the life-cycle of a seed.
  • Research topical areas – how to use a search engine.
  • Word processing.
  • E-Safety: Things for sale.
  • Data and analysis – creating graphs and tables, using spreadsheets.
  • Diagrams of forces.
  • Coding.
  • Programming.
  • E-Safety: Writing good emails.
  • Word processing/creating a PPT.
  • Research on topical areas.
  • Word processing.
  • Design a tomb for a Pharaoh on PurpleMash.
  • E-Safety: Recap and review/ Being SMART online.




/ Stone Age – Iron Age
  • What life was like 25,000 years ago in the Stone Age.
  • Cave paintings and where they are in the world (Geography).
  • Where people lived in the world, how they hunted and their settlements (Geography).
  • Stone Age food, weapons and tools, housing and clothing.
  • Animals from this period.
/ Stone Age – Iron Age
  • Weapons and tools – development and sophistication.
  • Stonehenge – Why was it built? What do historians believe it was used for?
  • Iron Age hill forts.
  • Iron Age culture and art.
/ Anglo-Saxons and Scots
  • Who were the Anglo-Saxons and why did they want to come to Britain?
  • Settlements, kingdoms and place names.
  • Using maps, grid reference and symbols.
  • Anglo-Saxon art, culture and religion.
/ Anglo-Saxons and Scots
  • Anglo-Saxon invasions and settlements.
  • Settlements, kingdoms and place names.
  • Everyday life as an Anglo-Saxon.
  • Anglo-Saxon art, culture and religion.
/ Ancient Egypt
  • What is an Ancient Civilisation?
  • Who were the Ancient Egyptians? What was it like in Ancient Egypt?
  • Hieroglyphics and communication in Ancient Egypt.
  • Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.
  • Understand who ruled Ancient Egypt.
  • Geographical research about the location and climate of Egypt – using maps and atlases.
/ Ancient Egypt
  • Pharaohs and tombs – why did they have these special burial places?
  • Mummification.
  • Mythology and the afterlife.
  • Daily life in Ancient Egypt.
  • The Nile – Why did people worship the Nile and treat it like a living thing?



  • Rubbings of fossils and create a fossil out of papier-mâché.
  • Create some Stone Age tools.
  • Recreate an Iron Age hill fort.
  • Cook an Iron Age meal.
  • Create a model of Stonehenge.
  • Cookery: Prepare a healthy meal.
  • Create a class skeleton.
  • Recreate some Anglo-Saxon art using different methods.
  • Observational drawing of a particular body part/Diagram of how it moves.
  • Investigate a range of healthy products. Why are they good for us?
  • Design a greenhouse to help plants grow.
  • Observational drawing of a plant.
  • Create a mechanical system that uses a push or pull force.
  • Create Egyptian crowns.
  • Multi-faith week: Art relating to this faith.
  • Create a sarcophagus for a Pharaoh.
  • Create a set of canopic jars out of clay.


  • Dance and Team Games
  • Ball sports (Football/Hockey)
  • Gymnastics
  • Athletics – running, jumping and forms of movement.
  • Ball games.
  • Team Games.
  • Dance.
  • Cricket and Football.
  • Rounders and athletics.


/ Singing. / .Rhythm and beat. Simple composition. / Anglo-Saxon music. / Collaboration. Create a piece of music in a group. / Ancient Egyptian music. / Ancient Egyptian music.

Educational visits

/ - / Cresswell Crags? / - / - / MOSI. / Manchester Museum.